It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Trump is holding himself to a special standard. Every president before him released their taxes
You mean like FDR did? Every president before him stepped down voluntarily after two terms to ensure there would never be another king/dictator. But not the left-wing messiah. Nope. He ran for office 4 times and you praise the shit out of that power-hungry dirt-bag.

So you are holding President Trump to a "special standard". It's ok for you if a Dumbocrat breaks with "precedence" but not a Republican. Partisan hack.
FDR died 70 years ago

Trump is our President .....what is he hiding?
Yeah...FDR died 70 years ago and 70 years later you still praise him for doing exactly what you're accusing President Trump of doing - "holding himself to a special standard". Only FDR's offense is a gabillion times more horrible than Trump's. Partisan hack.

FDR is dead

We can compare Trump once he has met the same standard
FDR was a dictator… The country is worse off because of it. Jack weed
On this tax day, all Americans can sit back and appreciate that our wealthiest President does not pay taxes and calls those who do...stupid
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


The 38 million dollars he already paid in taxes from the rachel maddow release should be enough for the rest of his life...since he paid more than obama and bernie sanders......

Did you pay a total of 38 million dollars in taxes? Ever?
Pittance to a billionaire

Unlike, Trump...I actually pay federal taxes and do not have a team of lawyers and accountants hiding my income
Everyone I know, including myself, takes advantage of all the legal deductions they can to avoid paying taxes.

Pres. Trump is no different in that respect from the average taxpaying citizen. .... :cool:
Good for you and good for Trump

So let's see what Trump is claiming as a deduction

Again....did you pay 38 million dollars in taxes? Ever? If not, he has done more to help this country than you have.....with the jobs he has created and just the one year in taxes, he has done more than most people to pay for the needs of this country.

You are a slacker compared to him.....that is why you are jealous...
Why nothing but pander and repeal, instead of the Art of the Deal?
On this tax day, all Americans can sit back and appreciate that our wealthiest President does not pay taxes and calls those who do...stupid

So Rachel Madcow's document was a fake? The one that showed he paid over $38 million in taxes. Okay... so either Rachel is a fraud and liar or YOU are. One or the other.
On this tax day, all Americans can sit back and appreciate that our wealthiest President does not pay taxes and calls those who do...stupid

So Rachel Madcow's document was a fake? The one that showed he paid over $38 million in taxes. Okay... so either Rachel is a fraud and liar or YOU are. One or the other.
12 years ago and where is the full return?

If Trump wants to brag about his tax burden, why doesn't he show us?
12 years ago and where is the full return?

If Trump wants to brag about his tax burden, why doesn't he show us?

You claimed he said he hasn't paid taxes in years. You don't need the full return. What Madcow showed was that he DID pay taxes... LOTS of taxes. He also had LOTS of write-offs, which is precisely what he said in the debates.

Why don't you show us YOUR taxes? What are YOU hiding? I don't believe you paid any taxes. I think you're a tax cheat. I think you're lying to people about having paid your taxes... prove me wrong, big boy! Come on... put up or shut up! What are you afraid of?
I am not the one claiming I need lower taxes while rich.

Question for you...
If your tax bill was reduced by say $3,000 what exactly would you do with the $3,000?
Now say you are one of those EVIL disgusting wealthy people that due to Trump's ONLY thinking of them their taxes are reduced by $10 million.
What happens to that $10 million? It sounds like you would blow that $3,000 and you think the wealthy evil person would blow the $10 million.
How do you blow $3,000?
That evil wealthy person could:
A) hide it in a mattress right?
B) bury in the back yard.
C) Buy another couple of cars... but wait if the evil wealthy person buys a couple of cars... where does that money for the cars go?
D) Or maybe the wealthy evil person buys US treasuries . Or buys stocks. Or something other then burying in the back yard or hiding under the mattress.
See I and those of us that don't hate wealthy people UNDERSTAND wealthy people aren't like dummies like you!
They most likely will spend that $10 million on cars (increase the country's GDP!!!) or buy stocks... or just maybe invest in a start up company that just might
be looking for some person that doesn't hate the wealthy evil person and hey wants to become a wealthy evil person with the start up capital!

But all of this goes way way over people like you that ignorantly hate the golden goose that pays over half the total taxes in the USA!
Yeah, But Affordable Health Care folks like to put sticks in my spokes and NOT send me my 1095A, and those wonderful folks STILL haven't sent it to me. It's all my fault, somehow. Tax deadline is Tuesday, and these wonderful folks blame me for not noticing their mistake. Silly me. I deserve to be penalized for that.
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Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


Trump's 2004 tax return courtesy of your sick msm puppy Rachel Maddow???

Rachel Maddow reports she has Trump's tax returns and the White House responds with details
So what was Obama's tax returns???
Nothing but special pleading from the fantastical, right wing?

“Trump’s return shows that he’s pushing tax changes that benefit multimillionaire heirs like him, not the middle class,” said Lily Batchelder, a tax law professor at New York University and former majority chief tax counsel for the Senate Finance Committee. “His proposal to repeal the A.M.T. would have slashed his own tax burden by $31 million, and his income tax rate would be lower than the average rate paid by families earning $75,000 to $100,000.”

Edward Kleinbard, a professor of tax law at the University of Southern California, said, “It’s disturbing that he is pushing to eliminate the only tax that really bit him in that year.”--
I am not the one claiming I need lower taxes while rich.

Question for you...
If your tax bill was reduced by say $3,000 what exactly would you do with the $3,000?
Now say you are one of those EVIL disgusting wealthy people that due to Trump's ONLY thinking of them their taxes are reduced by $10 million.
What happens to that $10 million? It sounds like you would blow that $3,000 and you think the wealthy evil person would blow the $10 million.
How do you blow $3,000?
That evil wealthy person could:
A) hide it in a mattress right?
B) bury in the back yard.
C) Buy another couple of cars... but wait if the evil wealthy person buys a couple of cars... where does that money for the cars go?
D) Or maybe the wealthy evil person buys US treasuries . Or buys stocks. Or something other then burying in the back yard or hiding under the mattress.
See I and those of us that don't hate wealthy people UNDERSTAND wealthy people aren't like dummies like you!
They most likely will spend that $10 million on cars (increase the country's GDP!!!) or buy stocks... or just maybe invest in a start up company that just might
be looking for some person that doesn't hate the wealthy evil person and hey wants to become a wealthy evil person with the start up capital!

But all of this goes way way over people like you that ignorantly hate the golden goose that pays over half the total taxes in the USA!
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics; they still blame the poor for our ever increasing debt.
I am not the one claiming I need lower taxes while rich.

Question for you...
If your tax bill was reduced by say $3,000 what exactly would you do with the $3,000?
Now say you are one of those EVIL disgusting wealthy people that due to Trump's ONLY thinking of them their taxes are reduced by $10 million.
What happens to that $10 million? It sounds like you would blow that $3,000 and you think the wealthy evil person would blow the $10 million.
How do you blow $3,000?
That evil wealthy person could:
A) hide it in a mattress right?
B) bury in the back yard.
C) Buy another couple of cars... but wait if the evil wealthy person buys a couple of cars... where does that money for the cars go?
D) Or maybe the wealthy evil person buys US treasuries . Or buys stocks. Or something other then burying in the back yard or hiding under the mattress.
See I and those of us that don't hate wealthy people UNDERSTAND wealthy people aren't like dummies like you!
They most likely will spend that $10 million on cars (increase the country's GDP!!!) or buy stocks... or just maybe invest in a start up company that just might
be looking for some person that doesn't hate the wealthy evil person and hey wants to become a wealthy evil person with the start up capital!

But all of this goes way way over people like you that ignorantly hate the golden goose that pays over half the total taxes in the USA!
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics; they still blame the poor for our ever increasing debt.
No one should trust career politicians and their politically correct, they're the reason why this country is fucked over…
I am not the one claiming I need lower taxes while rich.

Question for you...
If your tax bill was reduced by say $3,000 what exactly would you do with the $3,000?
Now say you are one of those EVIL disgusting wealthy people that due to Trump's ONLY thinking of them their taxes are reduced by $10 million.
What happens to that $10 million? It sounds like you would blow that $3,000 and you think the wealthy evil person would blow the $10 million.
How do you blow $3,000?
That evil wealthy person could:
A) hide it in a mattress right?
B) bury in the back yard.
C) Buy another couple of cars... but wait if the evil wealthy person buys a couple of cars... where does that money for the cars go?
D) Or maybe the wealthy evil person buys US treasuries . Or buys stocks. Or something other then burying in the back yard or hiding under the mattress.
See I and those of us that don't hate wealthy people UNDERSTAND wealthy people aren't like dummies like you!
They most likely will spend that $10 million on cars (increase the country's GDP!!!) or buy stocks... or just maybe invest in a start up company that just might
be looking for some person that doesn't hate the wealthy evil person and hey wants to become a wealthy evil person with the start up capital!

But all of this goes way way over people like you that ignorantly hate the golden goose that pays over half the total taxes in the USA!
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics; they still blame the poor for our ever increasing debt.
No one should trust career politicians and their politically correct, they're the reason why this country is fucked over…
Did you miss the memo?

“Trump’s return shows that he’s pushing tax changes that benefit multimillionaire heirs like him, not the middle class,” said Lily Batchelder, a tax law professor at New York University and former majority chief tax counsel for the Senate Finance Committee. “His proposal to repeal the A.M.T. would have slashed his own tax burden by $31 million, and his income tax rate would be lower than the average rate paid by families earning $75,000 to $100,000.”

Edward Kleinbard, a professor of tax law at the University of Southern California, said, “It’s disturbing that he is pushing to eliminate the only tax that really bit him in that year.”--

These are the conflicts of interest our, "rich guy in office" has.
I am not the one claiming I need lower taxes while rich.

Question for you...
If your tax bill was reduced by say $3,000 what exactly would you do with the $3,000?
Now say you are one of those EVIL disgusting wealthy people that due to Trump's ONLY thinking of them their taxes are reduced by $10 million.
What happens to that $10 million? It sounds like you would blow that $3,000 and you think the wealthy evil person would blow the $10 million.
How do you blow $3,000?
That evil wealthy person could:
A) hide it in a mattress right?
B) bury in the back yard.
C) Buy another couple of cars... but wait if the evil wealthy person buys a couple of cars... where does that money for the cars go?
D) Or maybe the wealthy evil person buys US treasuries . Or buys stocks. Or something other then burying in the back yard or hiding under the mattress.
See I and those of us that don't hate wealthy people UNDERSTAND wealthy people aren't like dummies like you!
They most likely will spend that $10 million on cars (increase the country's GDP!!!) or buy stocks... or just maybe invest in a start up company that just might
be looking for some person that doesn't hate the wealthy evil person and hey wants to become a wealthy evil person with the start up capital!

But all of this goes way way over people like you that ignorantly hate the golden goose that pays over half the total taxes in the USA!
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics; they still blame the poor for our ever increasing debt.
No one should trust career politicians and their politically correct, they're the reason why this country is fucked over…
Did you miss the memo?

“Trump’s return shows that he’s pushing tax changes that benefit multimillionaire heirs like him, not the middle class,” said Lily Batchelder, a tax law professor at New York University and former majority chief tax counsel for the Senate Finance Committee. “His proposal to repeal the A.M.T. would have slashed his own tax burden by $31 million, and his income tax rate would be lower than the average rate paid by families earning $75,000 to $100,000.”

Edward Kleinbard, a professor of tax law at the University of Southern California, said, “It’s disturbing that he is pushing to eliminate the only tax that really bit him in that year.”--

These are the conflicts of interest our, "rich guy in office" has.
The federal government is the ultimate too big to fail, hypocrisy is the lifeblood of the socialist/progressive. Fact

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