It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Lack of achievements, lowest poll numbers in history, 0-3 in his signature issues proves he's just the opposite of the best president of the 21th century.
President Trump's first 100 days have been among the most successful in recent history.
  • President Trump has secured the border
  • President Trump has cut $68 billion from the debt
  • President Trump has returned power to the states per the U.S. Constitution
  • President Trump renegotiated a new trade agreement with China that favors the U.S.
  • President Trump has revoked all of Barack Obama's unconstitutional actions
  • President Trump has created jobs
  • President Trump has over seen a booming stock market
  • President Trump has revoked illegal EPA regulations
I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response

Why are you looking to hold him to a special standard because he wealthy? That doesn't seem fair. Obama didn't have to release his birth certificate. Frankly I didn't care that he did.
Trump is holding himself to a special standard

Every president before him released their taxes

You want to ignore my posts... Thought so, taxes are due april 18th
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong
The President is not a USMB member.

You made an unsupported assertion. Specifically, you implied that Trump didn't pay his taxes, therefore the onus is on you to support your assertion, jackass.
Trump admitted he did not pay his taxes

Bragged that it makes him smart

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response

Why are you looking to hold him to a special standard because he wealthy? That doesn't seem fair. Obama didn't have to release his birth certificate. Frankly I didn't care that he did.
Trump is holding himself to a special standard

Every president before him released their taxes

You want to ignore my posts... Thought so, taxes are due april 18th
Will Trump release his taxes on the 18th
He has paid them. I think he should show them, but the law doesn't require it. You can continue to cry about it for another year (like you have this past year) or you can accept that you have the best president of the 21st Century in office.

You know, I used to think he should as well... but I've changed my mind on that. I actually think he should make a point to NOT show them now. Don't give these shitstains ANYTHING! Not another single thing!

I don't need to see his tax returns. I don't understand why anyone else needs to. This is nothing but grandstanding demagoguery for the sake of their pathetic low-information base.

I actually believe this does more to harm their political chances in the future than anything else. This is like their birther movement (even though they started that one too). The longer they stick with this deranged obsession, the more damage they do to themselves politically.

And again... every minute these fuckwits spend typing out their breathless outrage over Trump's tax returns is a minute they're not spending on REAL problems and ideas. That's a GOOD thing!
Trump is holding himself to a special standard. Every president before him released their taxes
You mean like FDR did? Every president before him stepped down voluntarily after two terms to ensure there would never be another king/dictator. But not the left-wing messiah. Nope. He ran for office 4 times and you praise the shit out of that power-hungry dirt-bag.

So you are holding President Trump to a "special standard". It's ok for you if a Dumbocrat breaks with "precedence" but not a Republican. Partisan hack.
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong
The President is not a USMB member.

You made an unsupported assertion. Specifically, you implied that Trump didn't pay his taxes, therefore the onus is on you to support your assertion, jackass.
Trump admitted he did not pay his taxes

Bragged that it makes him smart

Him and like 200 million other tax payers that are smart enough to find anything in the tax laws to benefit them.

Do you even really live in New Jersey?

All tax payers know what date they are due.. Most send them in at the last second
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong
The President is not a USMB member.

You made an unsupported assertion. Specifically, you implied that Trump didn't pay his taxes, therefore the onus is on you to support your assertion, jackass.
Trump admitted he did not pay his taxes

Bragged that it makes him smart
Why do you lie to yourself like that?
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Why do moronic fuck you......want whomever criticizes Trump's tax return LIES want for that person to post his or her tax returns?

MORON......who the fuck is president of thecountry and who is just a common poster on here????

Ask a grown up to help in your stupidity.
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong

No need, you've already proven yourself wrong by not providing evidence that you're right. I guess your next claim is that you cured cancer without any proof either.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it
LOL! To run for President of the United States you must be a natural-born citizen. So in fact he does have a legal responsibility to prove his place of birth.

And like Trump with his taxes - Obama never did produce a birth certificate.
Still lying about this I see. Lyin comes so natural to DT supporters.
White House releases Obama's birth certificate
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong

No need, you've already proven yourself wrong by not providing evidence that you're right. I guess your next claim is that you cured cancer without any proof either.
Here's one asshole that blatantly admits I DONT WANT TO KNOW IF MY PRESIDENT IS A CROOK.
I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response

Why are you looking to hold him to a special standard because he wealthy? That doesn't seem fair. Obama didn't have to release his birth certificate. Frankly I didn't care that he did.
Trump is holding himself to a special standard

Every president before him released their taxes
That's because no other president had loans and business ties to Russia before.
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong

No need, you've already proven yourself wrong by not providing evidence that you're right. I guess your next claim is that you cured cancer without any proof either.
Here's one asshole that blatantly admits I DONT WANT TO KNOW IF MY PRESIDENT IS A CROOK.

Nah, I just enjoy watching you freaks frothing at the mouth. LMAO

Still lying about this I see. Lyin comes so natural to DT supporters.
White House releases Obama's birth certificate
You poor little dimwit. This is the picture directly from your own link. Barack Obama never released a Birth Certificate. What he released was a "Certificate of Live Birth". Those are two drastically different documents. A "Certificate of Live Birth" is issued by the hospital at the time of birth. That document is then used to obtain a Birth Certificate (which is issued by the U.S. government).

It's crap like this why you are a joke on this board unreasonable.
I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response

Why are you looking to hold him to a special standard because he wealthy? That doesn't seem fair. Obama didn't have to release his birth certificate. Frankly I didn't care that he did.
Trump is holding himself to a special standard

Every president before him released their taxes

Bullshit. Eight out of 45 have released their returns. Gerald Ford kept his private. It is a recent practice and entirely voluntary.
A friend of mine who used to be an attorney for the IRS said the returns will show his foreign investments and tax credits, just like Romney's returns did. I don't know if anybody else went to Romney's returns when they were published online, but I did and the majority of the filings were his offshore investments where he keeps his money. That's why Trump doesn't want his returns released.

What did Mitt Romney do which is illegal?

Why give the desperate, panicked Progressives anything to gnaw on?

President Donald Trumps tax returns could be an example for billionaires everywhere on a perfect tax return and the Progressives would scream about something.

As the cliche goes, if President Donald Trump walked on water, Progssives would scream, "SEE! WE TOLD YOU HE WAS INEPT, TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!

I understand their desperation. President Trump is WINNING! Oh, that scares them to death!

Worse still, for the Progressives, President Trump scored ANOTHER HUGE VICTORY TODAY! Progressives, have you heard about the nuclear bomb test set off by Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un in celebration of their 105 anniversary?

Yeah, ME NEITHER! After all of Kim Jong-un saber rattling and their past history of setting off either a nuclear test or ICBM test on these anniversaries.

This year, NOTHING.

This comes after President Donald Trump meets face to face with President Xi Jinping of China, during which time President Trump launched the attack against Syria. This week, Rex Tillerson was scheduled with Russia but no meeting with President Putin was scheduled. Tillerson's meeting was not canceled, despite the screaming coming from the Kremlin. After the meeting with his counterpart, Tillerson then met with President Putin, not a handshake and done, but for TWO HOURS.

Following that, some of you may have noticed that we killed more than 90 ISIS fighters along with three massive tunnels with the MOAB.

Presto, a sedated Kim Jong-un.

Yeah, Progressive's panties are in knots!
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong

The trumpster is far too busy ruining your life to listen to you or waste time trying to prove anything to you. He merely told me to tell you to "go pound sand rightwinger.....let me ruin your life in silence! Bwahhahahaha!"

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