It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Of course you don't care about Dt's taxes. You're scared shitless of what would be in there and what Americans have the right to know.
Nah you have me pegged for someone else. And Americans don't have the right to know. Maybe you can argue they should have the right, but they clearly dont.
Don't mind Unreasonable - she has a long and ugly history of just making shit up. She'll tell you all kinds of stuff that isn't true.
Trump will not reveal either

Why are taxes more relevant than Obama's grades?

How a 21 year old did in class is not relevant thirty years later

What we can learn from Trumps taxes
His potential conflicts in interest, foreign entanglements, tax deductions, charitable giving, sources of income

Obama published ten years of taxes, what is Trump hiding

Obama never made any money, Trump is an international, billionare mogul.
Yes Trump is an international billionaire mogul

That is why we need to know what his intanglements are and how his decisions as President are impacting his investments

That is why we have asked Presidents to reveal their finances. Trump said he would and is now refusing
Trump lied.....what is he hiding?

I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response
Obama never made any money, Trump is an international, billionare mogul.
Yes Trump is an international billionaire mogul

That is why we need to know what his intanglements are and how his decisions as President are impacting his investments

That is why we have asked Presidents to reveal their finances. Trump said he would and is now refusing
Trump lied.....what is he hiding?

I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response

Why are you looking to hold him to a special standard because he wealthy? That doesn't seem fair. Obama didn't have to release his birth certificate. Frankly I didn't care that he did.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


What? Now this is suspicious. How old are you again RW? Why would you pick April 15 this year to start this thread?

If you are old enough did you pay your taxes?
Is RW a woman and her husband pays the taxes?

Why would you pick again April 15th this year to start this thread?
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong
The President is not a USMB member.

You made an unsupported assertion. Specifically, you implied that Trump didn't pay his taxes, therefore the onus is on you to support your assertion, jackass.
No it isn't
Women's health services are funded as is birth control services. If you think Planned Parenthood is funneling that money to abortions, I have hundreds of Republican lawmakers who would like to know...they will prosecute in a minute

It's okay, we've got a better idea... defund them entirely.
What are you hiding?

I don't think you paid your taxes.

I think you need to post your returns here so we can all see for ourselves.

Come on, what are you hiding?

I am sure Rightwinger would be transparent if he ran and became president to the people who hope to trust in him..
Anyone who has something financial to hide would hold something back on showing their taxes .

Then shitflinger shouldn't have any problem showing us his tax returns. He doesn't even have political consequence to worry about. So what's the problem? And where is your tax returns? Let's see what you're hiding?

Your argument is weak, let it go because you are embarrassing yourself..

.Trump has the most important job in our country, the less he wants to be transparent , the less I will trust him..

Yeah. That's why so many people got fedd
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

It's none of your business or for that matter no one else's business but the presidents. You need to get over it you sound like a whiny little bitch.
Of course it is my business

As a citizen, I need to know what my presidents motivations and entanglements are when he makes a decision

Will Trump be making a fortune because of legislation he proposes?

America needs to know

According to the law, America dos not need to know.

Every attorney worth his salt would tell his client NOT to release information under audit. Frankly, the way the media is so suddenly interested in "investigative journalism" after the past 9 years is insulting. I know the fringe left and propaganda arm of the DNC is whining, but actual people in day to day life? No one cares. It is a non-issue.
Trump has ten years of returns under audit?

I say bullshit

It doesn't matter. It is a non issue. He is following advice of council, which is smart and what anyone should do. Only an idiot would give any information to a media actively trying to sabotage him. Trump is a blowhard egotistical prick, but he's not an idiot.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes.
So your thread title is "why won't Trump pay his taxes" but your thread post is "why won't Trump show us his taxes". Pay and show are two vastly different things. And you wonder why nobody has a shred of respect for you on this board.
Let him do both
He has paid them. I think he should show them, but the law doesn't require it. You can continue to cry about it for another year (like you have this past year) or you can accept that you have the best president of the 21st Century in office.
Lack of achievements, lowest poll numbers in history, 0-3 in his signature issues proves he's just the opposite of the best president of the 21th century.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it
LOL! To run for President of the United States you must be a natural-born citizen. So in fact he does have a legal responsibility to prove his place of birth.

And like Trump with his taxes - Obama never did produce a birth certificate.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it
LOL! To run for President of the United States you must be a natural-born citizen. So in fact he does have a legal responsibility to prove his place of birth.

And like Trump with his taxes - Obama never did produce a birth certificate.

Only RW would post that, it's in the constitution
Yes Trump is an international billionaire mogul

That is why we need to know what his intanglements are and how his decisions as President are impacting his investments

That is why we have asked Presidents to reveal their finances. Trump said he would and is now refusing
Trump lied.....what is he hiding?

I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it

That is exactly what Trump is saying....Go fuck yourself

More than any President in history, Trump has more potential for conflicts in interest with his extensive business holdings. None of your fucking business is not an appropriate response

Why are you looking to hold him to a special standard because he wealthy? That doesn't seem fair. Obama didn't have to release his birth certificate. Frankly I didn't care that he did.
Trump is holding himself to a special standard

Every president before him released their taxes
Obama had no legal obligation to release his birth certificate, yet, Trump demanded it
LOL! To run for President of the United States you must be a natural-born citizen. So in fact he does have a legal responsibility to prove his place of birth.

And like Trump with his taxes - Obama never did produce a birth certificate.
Obama produced a birth certificate and ten years of taxes

Trump cannot say the same

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