It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Judging just from what liberals did with two pages of tax returns from 2005, Trump should never release those teturns.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


The 38 million dollars he already paid in taxes from the rachel maddow release should be enough for the rest of his life...since he paid more than obama and bernie sanders......

Did you pay a total of 38 million dollars in taxes? Ever?
Pittance to a billionaire

Unlike, Trump...I actually pay federal taxes and do not have a team of lawyers and accountants hiding my income
Everyone I know, including myself, takes advantage of all the legal deductions they can to avoid paying taxes.

Pres. Trump is no different in that respect from the average taxpaying citizen. .... :cool:
Good for you and good for Trump

So let's see what Trump is claiming as a deduction

Again....did you pay 38 million dollars in taxes? Ever? If not, he has done more to help this country than you have.....with the jobs he has created and just the one year in taxes, he has done more than most people to pay for the needs of this country.

You are a slacker compared to him.....that is why you are jealous...
Unlike Trump, I do not have an army of lawyers and accountants to hide my income. That is why I pay more in federal taxes than Trump. If Trump paid $38 million twelve years ago, you think that exempts him from taxes for life?
If Trump has managed to use legal rules (which both Republicans and Democrats have kept on the books) to reduce his tax burden to zero or close to it, then good for him. He's advocating lowering everybody's taxes

Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.....(snort) I'll give you one example of how you're going to pay more taxes now than ever: He just signed off on the state's rights to defund Planned Parenthood. So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. (See Freakonomics) That's just ONE example.

Let's now move on to the Wall. Remember, he first said Mexico will pay for it, now he says we will get reimbursed. $21B off the top.
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report

Don't hold your breath.

President Trump's disingenuous middle-class tax cut pitch

Wow... that's some more Logic Gymnastics there!

So..... We're not going to be funding abortions with our tax dollars anymore (never mind Democrats lying and claiming we haven't been)... and because all these babies will now be born to poor families instead of aborted, it will increase the burden to the taxpayers... therefore, we will pay MORE taxes! Brilliant!
We have not funded abortions in thirty years
Why do rightwing Urban Legends still claim we do?
Shit for brains, money is fungible… LOL
just the tax returns Donnieboi, it's not like anyone is trying to piss in your face ..

oh wait ...
If Trump has managed to use legal rules (which both Republicans and Democrats have kept on the books) to reduce his tax burden to zero or close to it, then good for him. He's advocating lowering everybody's taxes

Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.....(snort) I'll give you one example of how you're going to pay more taxes now than ever: He just signed off on the state's rights to defund Planned Parenthood. So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. (See Freakonomics) That's just ONE example.

Let's now move on to the Wall. Remember, he first said Mexico will pay for it, now he says we will get reimbursed. $21B off the top.
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report

Don't hold your breath.

President Trump's disingenuous middle-class tax cut pitch

Wow... that's some more Logic Gymnastics there!

So..... We're not going to be funding abortions with our tax dollars anymore (never mind Democrats lying and claiming we haven't been)... and because all these babies will now be born to poor families instead of aborted, it will increase the burden to the taxpayers... therefore, we will pay MORE taxes! Brilliant!
We have not funded abortions in thirty years
Why do rightwing Urban Legends still claim we do?

LOL... I love it when two libtards lies trip over each other!

Did you not read what the other goofball posted?

So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare.
If Trump has managed to use legal rules (which both Republicans and Democrats have kept on the books) to reduce his tax burden to zero or close to it, then good for him. He's advocating lowering everybody's taxes

Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.....(snort) I'll give you one example of how you're going to pay more taxes now than ever: He just signed off on the state's rights to defund Planned Parenthood. So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. (See Freakonomics) That's just ONE example.

Let's now move on to the Wall. Remember, he first said Mexico will pay for it, now he says we will get reimbursed. $21B off the top.
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report

Don't hold your breath.

President Trump's disingenuous middle-class tax cut pitch

Wow... that's some more Logic Gymnastics there!

So..... We're not going to be funding abortions with our tax dollars anymore (never mind Democrats lying and claiming we haven't been)... and because all these babies will now be born to poor families instead of aborted, it will increase the burden to the taxpayers... therefore, we will pay MORE taxes! Brilliant!
We have not funded abortions in thirty years
Why do rightwing Urban Legends still claim we do?
Shit for brains, money is fungible… LOL

So as long as you still have a dollar in your pocket it is fungible and you can spend that dollar to get an abortion

If money is fungible, why don't we just repeal the Hyde Amendment?
If Trump has managed to use legal rules (which both Republicans and Democrats have kept on the books) to reduce his tax burden to zero or close to it, then good for him. He's advocating lowering everybody's taxes

Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.....(snort) I'll give you one example of how you're going to pay more taxes now than ever: He just signed off on the state's rights to defund Planned Parenthood. So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. (See Freakonomics) That's just ONE example.

Let's now move on to the Wall. Remember, he first said Mexico will pay for it, now he says we will get reimbursed. $21B off the top.
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report

Don't hold your breath.

President Trump's disingenuous middle-class tax cut pitch

Wow... that's some more Logic Gymnastics there!

So..... We're not going to be funding abortions with our tax dollars anymore (never mind Democrats lying and claiming we haven't been)... and because all these babies will now be born to poor families instead of aborted, it will increase the burden to the taxpayers... therefore, we will pay MORE taxes! Brilliant!
We have not funded abortions in thirty years
Why do rightwing Urban Legends still claim we do?

LOL... I love it when two libtards lies trip over each other!

Did you not read what the other goofball posted?

So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. me where the federal government is funding abortion. I know of hundreds of Republican legislators who would like to know
I didn't care about obozo's grades and I don't care about Trump's taxes
Trump will not reveal either

Why are taxes more relevant than Obama's grades?

How a 21 year old did in class is not relevant thirty years later

What we can learn from Trumps taxes
His potential conflicts in interest, foreign entanglements, tax deductions, charitable giving, sources of income

Obama published ten years of taxes, what is Trump hiding

Obama never made any money, Trump is an international, billionare mogul.
Yes Trump is an international billionaire mogul

That is why we need to know what his intanglements are and how his decisions as President are impacting his investments

That is why we have asked Presidents to reveal their finances. Trump said he would and is now refusing
Trump lied.....what is he hiding?

I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision. me where the federal government is funding abortion. I know of hundreds of Republican legislators who would like to know

I didn't care about obozo's grades and I don't care about Trump's taxes
Trump will not reveal either

Why are taxes more relevant than Obama's grades?

How a 21 year old did in class is not relevant thirty years later

What we can learn from Trumps taxes
His potential conflicts in interest, foreign entanglements, tax deductions, charitable giving, sources of income

Obama published ten years of taxes, what is Trump hiding

Obama never made any money, Trump is an international, billionare mogul.
Yes Trump is an international billionaire mogul

That is why we need to know what his intanglements are and how his decisions as President are impacting his investments

That is why we have asked Presidents to reveal their finances. Trump said he would and is now refusing
Trump lied.....what is he hiding?

I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?
If Trump has managed to use legal rules (which both Republicans and Democrats have kept on the books) to reduce his tax burden to zero or close to it, then good for him. He's advocating lowering everybody's taxes

Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.....(snort) I'll give you one example of how you're going to pay more taxes now than ever: He just signed off on the state's rights to defund Planned Parenthood. So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. (See Freakonomics) That's just ONE example.

Let's now move on to the Wall. Remember, he first said Mexico will pay for it, now he says we will get reimbursed. $21B off the top.
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report

Don't hold your breath.

President Trump's disingenuous middle-class tax cut pitch

Wow... that's some more Logic Gymnastics there!

So..... We're not going to be funding abortions with our tax dollars anymore (never mind Democrats lying and claiming we haven't been)... and because all these babies will now be born to poor families instead of aborted, it will increase the burden to the taxpayers... therefore, we will pay MORE taxes! Brilliant!
We have not funded abortions in thirty years
Why do rightwing Urban Legends still claim we do?

LOL... I love it when two libtards lies trip over each other!

Did you not read what the other goofball posted?

So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. me where the federal government is funding abortion. I know of hundreds of Republican legislators who would like to know

Funding Planned Parenthood IS funding abortion, shit for brains!
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes.
So your thread title is "why won't Trump pay his taxes" but your thread post is "why won't Trump show us his taxes". Pay and show are two vastly different things. And you wonder why nobody has a shred of respect for you on this board.
Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.....(snort) I'll give you one example of how you're going to pay more taxes now than ever: He just signed off on the state's rights to defund Planned Parenthood. So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. (See Freakonomics) That's just ONE example.

Let's now move on to the Wall. Remember, he first said Mexico will pay for it, now he says we will get reimbursed. $21B off the top.
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report

Don't hold your breath.

President Trump's disingenuous middle-class tax cut pitch

Wow... that's some more Logic Gymnastics there!

So..... We're not going to be funding abortions with our tax dollars anymore (never mind Democrats lying and claiming we haven't been)... and because all these babies will now be born to poor families instead of aborted, it will increase the burden to the taxpayers... therefore, we will pay MORE taxes! Brilliant!
We have not funded abortions in thirty years
Why do rightwing Urban Legends still claim we do?

LOL... I love it when two libtards lies trip over each other!

Did you not read what the other goofball posted?

So no more birth control and abortions for families and women who can't afford or access them. Cuz' remember: we're a bunch of red states now. Baby boom will follow with a rise in unwanted children = more on welfare. me where the federal government is funding abortion. I know of hundreds of Republican legislators who would like to know

Funding Planned Parenthood IS funding abortion, shit for brains!

No it isn't

Women's health services are funded as is birth control services. If you think Planned Parenthood is funneling that money to abortions, I have hundreds of Republican lawmakers who would like to know...they will prosecute in a minute
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes.
So your thread title is "why won't Trump pay his taxes" but your thread post is "why won't Trump show us his taxes". Pay and show are two vastly different things. And you wonder why nobody has a shred of respect for you on this board.
Let him do both
Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
No. And you know why? Because the federal government has absolutely no constitutional authority over the environment - so you lefties deserve to get fucked over royally buy it since you fucked over the American people by creating it.
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
You mean like Barack Obama did with Solynrda and endless other "green energy" companies?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play? mean like how Obama lied about the fact that he was a muslim - and then attacked all of our allies in the Middle East that were under the control of secular governments to ensure muslim control in those nations? Funny - you didn't demand to know what Barack Obama's faith was. In fact, you denied it. Oops...
I didn't care about obozo's grades and I don't care about Trump's taxes
Trump will not reveal either

Why are taxes more relevant than Obama's grades?

How a 21 year old did in class is not relevant thirty years later

What we can learn from Trumps taxes
His potential conflicts in interest, foreign entanglements, tax deductions, charitable giving, sources of income

Obama published ten years of taxes, what is Trump hiding

Obama never made any money, Trump is an international, billionare mogul.
Yes Trump is an international billionaire mogul

That is why we need to know what his intanglements are and how his decisions as President are impacting his investments

That is why we have asked Presidents to reveal their finances. Trump said he would and is now refusing
Trump lied.....what is he hiding?

I know you would like to see Trump's tax returns so so you can make all types of inferences on why he's not qualified to be in the position he's in. There's only one problem - the law doesn't require that he show you jack shit. Now he should not have said he was going to release his taxes during the campaign if he had no intention of doing so. That I grant you. But other than that it's ultimately his decision to keep them private, and you have to respect that decision.

Be honest with me

As a citizen, if Trump is cutting back EPA regulations and increasing oil leases.......wouldn't you want to know how much he is invested in oil?
If he makes a deal with Saudi Arabia and his family is heavily invested in there....wouldn't you want to know?
If he were to take retaliation towards Scotland, wouldn't you want to know if his private issues with the Scottish government did not come in to play?

Do you prefer to remain ignorant just because you voted for the guy?

Again I get the fact that many people would like to know his tax returns. Yeah it would be something that I would be interested in looking at, but that doesn't matter. There's a lot things I would like to see that I won't get a chance to because it isn't my business. If the law doesn't require for him to reveal them, and he isn't willing to do so, then case closed.
I didn't care about obozo's grades and I don't care about Trump's taxes
Of course you don't care about Dt's taxes. You're scared shitless of what would be in there and what Americans have the right to know.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes.
So your thread title is "why won't Trump pay his taxes" but your thread post is "why won't Trump show us his taxes". Pay and show are two vastly different things. And you wonder why nobody has a shred of respect for you on this board.
Let him do both
He has paid them. I think he should show them, but the law doesn't require it. You can continue to cry about it for another year (like you have this past year) or you can accept that you have the best president of the 21st Century in office.
I didn't care about obozo's grades and I don't care about Trump's taxes
Of course you don't care about Dt's taxes. You're scared shitless of what would be in there and what Americans have the right to know.

Nah you have me pegged for someone else. And Americans don't have the right to know. Maybe you can argue they should have the right, but they clearly dont.

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