It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

If he were to publish his returns, what do you expect to find? What revelations do you expect?

that the tax code treats the very rich favorably?
that his tax lawyers filed a fully legal return?
that he paid X% of his income to the feds?

No, that's not why you want them. You want them so some media puke can pull out one page, create lies about what it says and then dominate the news cycles for several weeks with bullshit about it. That's what this is all about, and you fricken well know it.

You would think that after this blew up so badly in Rachel Madcow's face, they'd just drop it and move on.... but Democrats use the jackass symbol for a reason, I guess. :dunno:

You're absolutely right... they want the tax returns so they can parse them out and make mountains out of mole hills. You'll remember, Hillary ran around for months claiming he hadn't paid ANY taxes. These people are just dishonest, lying, manipulative pieces of shit. They will exploit anything they can for political advantage. People who support this bunch of creeps need to wake the fuck up!
Trump admitted he hasn't paid taxes in years

The fact that he did twelve years ago is not relevant

Even if that is true. So what? Unless he violated the tax code, this is a non issue. He didn't write the tax code. Your democrat assholes in congress did. They created the loopholes for their rich cronies so that they would continue to funnel money to their campaigns.

Someone who gets audited every year cannot violate the tax code. If he did, some IRS whistle blower would have leaked long before now.

Just when you think someone can't get stupider. Guess what Jared's daddy went to fucking jail for? Three guesses.

Kushner’s Felon Father Back at Helm of New York Empire With Two Fellow Inmates
“It can’t hurt to be doing business with Jared Kushner’s family. It’s a road to the administration.”
Jared Kushner’s Felon Father Back At Helm Of Empire With Two Fellow Inmates

Would you have been as upset with Hillarys inlaws, had she won?

Ed Mezvinsky — Father of the Groom

Yes, I would have. Why do you assholes presume that just because someone finds Trump to be even more vile and contemptuous than we could ever imagine means we voted for Hillary? Just answer the question.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


Do you have any evidence that Trump hasn't paid his taxes?

Of course not. What a moron.

We are going on the facts as they come to the surface. So far, it looks like he doesn't pay any.
If this isn't true, then Trump would have sued the NYT.
Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years
OCT. 10, 2016
You would think that after this blew up so badly in Rachel Madcow's face, they'd just drop it and move on.... but Democrats use the jackass symbol for a reason, I guess. :dunno:

You're absolutely right... they want the tax returns so they can parse them out and make mountains out of mole hills. You'll remember, Hillary ran around for months claiming he hadn't paid ANY taxes. These people are just dishonest, lying, manipulative pieces of shit. They will exploit anything they can for political advantage. People who support this bunch of creeps need to wake the fuck up!
Trump admitted he hasn't paid taxes in years

The fact that he did twelve years ago is not relevant

Even if that is true. So what? Unless he violated the tax code, this is a non issue. He didn't write the tax code. Your democrat assholes in congress did. They created the loopholes for their rich cronies so that they would continue to funnel money to their campaigns.

Someone who gets audited every year cannot violate the tax code. If he did, some IRS whistle blower would have leaked long before now.

Just when you think someone can't get stupider. Guess what Jared's daddy went to fucking jail for? Three guesses.

Kushner’s Felon Father Back at Helm of New York Empire With Two Fellow Inmates
“It can’t hurt to be doing business with Jared Kushner’s family. It’s a road to the administration.”
Jared Kushner’s Felon Father Back At Helm Of Empire With Two Fellow Inmates

Would you have been as upset with Hillarys inlaws, had she won?

Ed Mezvinsky — Father of the Groom

Yes, I would have. Why do you assholes presume that just because someone finds Trump to be even more vile and contemptuous than we could ever imagine means we voted for Hillary? Just answer the question.
said for months I couldn't vote for either Hillary or Trump.

I've seen nothing to change my mind on either.

I like that Trump bombed the airstrip, and dropped the MOAB,

I don't like his family WORKING in the White House.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

It's none of your business or for that matter no one else's business but the presidents. You need to get over it you sound like a whiny little bitch.
Of course it is my business

As a citizen, I need to know what my presidents motivations and entanglements are when he makes a decision

Will Trump be making a fortune because of legislation he proposes?

America needs to know

Absolutely he will. That's why he's CLOSED the visitor's log to the White House. He's blatant in his goals and his stupid sheep are fucking blind to them.
The Trump administration is the most clandestine in history

Block access to the press, hide visitor logs, hide the presidents taxes, refuse to show Trumps existing business interests
I promise to release my taxes as soon as I am elected President

Well I can't trust that promise, you won't show your tax returns... what are you hiding?

Again.....once I am representing the people I will gladly show my taxes

Why won't our President?

A friend of mine who used to be an attorney for the IRS said the returns will show his foreign investments and tax credits, just like Romney's returns did. I don't know if anybody else went to Romney's returns when they were published online, but I did and the majority of the filings were his offshore investments where he keeps his money. That's why Trump doesn't want his returns released.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

It's none of your business or for that matter no one else's business but the presidents. You need to get over it you sound like a whiny little bitch.
Of course it is my business

As a citizen, I need to know what my presidents motivations and entanglements are when he makes a decision

Will Trump be making a fortune because of legislation he proposes?

America needs to know

Absolutely he will. That's why he's CLOSED the visitor's log to the White House. He's blatant in his goals and his stupid sheep are fucking blind to them.
The Trump administration is the most clandestine in history

Block access to the press, hide visitor logs, hide the presidents taxes, refuse to show Trumps existing business interests

And here these whiny little bitches called Obama a dictator. It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
If Trump has managed to use legal rules (which both Republicans and Democrats have kept on the books) to reduce his tax burden to zero or close to it, then good for him. He's advocating lowering everybody's taxes
The lesser of two evils won the White House…

The ballot box is not an anger management tool. You fucking idiots are going to make us all pay. At least we have the satisfaction of knowing that Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about you, either.
I promise to release my taxes as soon as I am elected President

Well I can't trust that promise, you won't show your tax returns... what are you hiding?

Again.....once I am representing the people I will gladly show my taxes

Why won't our President?

A friend of mine who used to be an attorney for the IRS said the returns will show his foreign investments and tax credits, just like Romney's returns did. I don't know if anybody else went to Romney's returns when they were published online, but I did and the majority of the filings were his offshore investments where he keeps his money. That's why Trump doesn't want his returns released.
Who cares about Soulless Romney, just like spineless McCain. They never have any real success in real life, just sucking the blood out of the American people...
There is absolutely No law requiring our beloved Pres. Trump to make his tax records public. That is his private business between him and the IRS.

I hope he never reveals them. Just to keep the loony libs in a perpetual state of frenzy over the issue. .... :thup: .. :cool:
The poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain; be Patriotic.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


Do you have any evidence that Trump hasn't paid his taxes?

Of course not. What a moron.

We are going on the facts as they come to the surface. So far, it looks like he doesn't pay any.
If this isn't true, then Trump would have sued the NYT.
Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years
OCT. 10, 2016

And this is why no one trusts the NYT or liberal mainstream media in general. They flat out LIE about things like this. Much like yourself.

What he said in the debates was taken completely out of context. He suffered a huge financial loss which enabled him to write off the loss over the next several years on his returns. He did not say he paid NO taxes! The write-off causes an offset in his overall tax liability.

Rachel Madcow PROVED he pays taxes, she showed you his return! Remember? For that particular year, he paid $36 million in taxes. Correct me if I'm wrong but $36 million is more than NONE, right? Of course, he claimed a $95 million write-off from the previously mentioned financial loss.. which is what he mentioned in the debate.

But none of this matters to an idiot moron liberal. Even with Rachel Madcow waving his tax returns around and showing you that he paid SOME taxes... you STILL insist on lying about that.... you just can't help yourselves.

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