It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

What is our President hiding?

What are you hiding?

I don't think you paid your taxes.

I think you need to post your returns here so we can all see for ourselves.

Come on, what are you hiding?

I am sure Rightwinger would be transparent if he ran and became president to the people who hope to trust in him..
Anyone who has something financial to hide would hold something back on showing their taxes .

Then shitflinger shouldn't have any problem showing us his tax returns. He doesn't even have political consequence to worry about. So what's the problem? And where is your tax returns? Let's see what you're hiding?

Your argument is weak, let it go because you are embarrassing yourself..

.Trump has the most important job in our country, the less he wants to be transparent , the less I will trust him..

tell us again how a poor mixed race kid from Hawaii paid the very high tuition at Harvard and Columbia.
He preferred jam.
It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

he's a pos, that's why.
Most people here demanding that Trump must reveal his taxes.

Would be squealing like a stuck pig and be screaming, "it's unConstitutional", if they were forced to publicly reveal their personal tax returns for any reason. ..... :cool:

And you see how many of them are actually willing to post their returns. They don't even have the "political consequences" to worry about. I just can't figure out what they're trying to hide... seems like they'd be willing to set the example here.
What is our President hiding?

What are you hiding?

I don't think you paid your taxes.

I think you need to post your returns here so we can all see for ourselves.

Come on, what are you hiding?

I am sure Rightwinger would be transparent if he ran and became president to the people who hope to trust in him..
Anyone who has something financial to hide would hold something back on showing their taxes .

Then shitflinger shouldn't have any problem showing us his tax returns. He doesn't even have political consequence to worry about. So what's the problem? And where is your tax returns? Let's see what you're hiding?
I promise to release my taxes as soon as I am elected President
/---- Now imagine this scenario. Trump releases his returns while still being audited. The IRS questions a line entry. This is revealed. The Leftards jump on this screaming "TRUMP TRIES TO CHEAT ON HIS TAXES AND GOT CAUGHT" even though the question was just asking for a clarification or more backup. The Leftards would bang that drum right through the 2020 mid terms. TRUMP TAX CHEAT. And you Libtards know I'm right.
What is our President hiding?

What are you hiding?

I don't think you paid your taxes.

I think you need to post your returns here so we can all see for ourselves.

Come on, what are you hiding?

I am sure Rightwinger would be transparent if he ran and became president to the people who hope to trust in him..
Anyone who has something financial to hide would hold something back on showing their taxes .

Then shitflinger shouldn't have any problem showing us his tax returns. He doesn't even have political consequence to worry about. So what's the problem? And where is your tax returns? Let's see what you're hiding?
I promise to release my taxes as soon as I am elected President
/---- Now imagine this scenario. Trump releases his returns while still being audited. The IRS questions a line entry. This is revealed. The Leftards jump on this screaming "TRUMP TRIES TO CHEAT ON HIS TAXES AND GOT CAUGHT" even though the question was just asking for a clarification or more backup. The Leftards would bang that drum right through the 2020 mid terms. TRUMP TAX CHEAT. And you Libtards know I'm right.

100% correct, that's exactly what this is all about.
You notice that the idiot OP didn't say "why won't Trump release his tax returns?", he said "why won't Trump pay his taxes?". The OP seems to think he's Harry Reid or something.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes

It's none of your business or for that matter no one else's business but the presidents. You need to get over it you sound like a whiny little bitch.
Of course it is my business

As a citizen, I need to know what my presidents motivations and entanglements are when he makes a decision

Will Trump be making a fortune because of legislation he proposes?

America needs to know

Absolutely he will. That's why he's CLOSED the visitor's log to the White House. He's blatant in his goals and his stupid sheep are fucking blind to them.
nobodys asking Trump to do anything specaial .. just do what presidents do, and get some respect from somebody other than your derelict drones.
nobodys asking Trump to do anything specaial .. just do what presidents do, and get some respect from somebody other than your derilect drones.
It's president Trump's choice whether to reveal his personal taxes or not.

Personally, I hope he never reveals to them during his entire 8 years of presidency. .... :cool:
You do understand that paying current taxes and revealing older returns are two different things right?
What is our President hiding?
Set an example for him and post your return here.

He's not the POTUS.
Amazing that the same douchebags who found fault with every move Obama made is willing to give this goon a free pass.
You dumbasses here are in a distinct minority:
Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns | TheHill
Jan 16, 2017 - Seventy-four percent say Trump should release his tax returns, which the president-elect refused to do during his campaign. At his first ...
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
The big number: 80% of Americans want President Trump to release his tax returns, including 64% of Republicans, according to a poll conducted ...

You want someone to be making economic and financial decisions for this county with NO accountability. Now that's dumb.
How do you know he hasnt paid his taxes? quit whining cup cake.
Are you going to post your returns for everyone to see?

Let the President prove me wrong

Do you really think the President is stupid enough to show his taxes to you stupid liberals, y'all will not give him a fair shake, you will blow everything up like you always do, it's none of our business what his taxes say, just like it's none of my business what your taxes are, so cheer up buttercup those taxes ain't going to happen.

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