It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Our far left Progressive good friends are in meltdown mode. I'm old. So I've seen quite a few new administrations. Never have I seen the losing party exhibit such shameful, utter desperation than this shameful group who call themselves Democrats.

REAL DEMOCRATS, former President John F. Kennedy, former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill and scores of other HONORABLE DEMOCRATS are not only rolling in their graves but in agony over what their formerly great party had become. A sad group of violent, hate-filled losers. Disgusting!
If he were to publish his returns, what do you expect to find? What revelations do you expect?

that the tax code treats the very rich favorably?
that his tax lawyers filed a fully legal return?
that he paid X% of his income to the feds?

No, that's not why you want them. You want them so some media puke can pull out one page, create lies about what it says and then dominate the news cycles for several weeks with bullshit about it. That's what this is all about, and you fricken well know it.

You would think that after this blew up so badly in Rachel Madcow's face, they'd just drop it and move on.... but Democrats use the jackass symbol for a reason, I guess. :dunno:

You're absolutely right... they want the tax returns so they can parse them out and make mountains out of mole hills. You'll remember, Hillary ran around for months claiming he hadn't paid ANY taxes. These people are just dishonest, lying, manipulative pieces of shit. They will exploit anything they can for political advantage. People who support this bunch of creeps need to wake the fuck up!
Trump admitted he hasn't paid taxes in years

The fact that he did twelve years ago is not relevant

Even if that is true. So what? Unless he violated the tax code, this is a non issue. He didn't write the tax code. Your democrat assholes in congress did. They created the loopholes for their rich cronies so that they would continue to funnel money to their campaigns.

Someone who gets audited every year cannot violate the tax code. If he did, some IRS whistle blower would have leaked long before now.

Just when you think someone can't get stupider. Guess what Jared's daddy went to fucking jail for? Three guesses.

Kushner’s Felon Father Back at Helm of New York Empire With Two Fellow Inmates
“It can’t hurt to be doing business with Jared Kushner’s family. It’s a road to the administration.”
Jared Kushner’s Felon Father Back At Helm Of Empire With Two Fellow Inmates
Well, I'm sure that big march today will change his mind.
That's not the point. The point is to change American minds. 2018, get ready for a Republican bloodbath.
I'm more concerned with how well the country is doing. I'm more than happy for Trump to prove me wrong about him. You can worry about the partisan stuff..
If he hasn't proved you wrong yet, you're just another partisan hack.
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The dumbass thread of the day award goes to ---------------------rightwinger.

congratulations, dipshit. your stupidity never deserts you.

Please explain what is dumb

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.
15. Pretending that Trump is an honest man.

15 is really funny coming from a Hillary supporter.

Then I guess someone's stolen my log-on info here. I didn't vote for her.
But I bet you voted for the Big Orange Cheeto, right?
If he were to publish his returns, what do you expect to find? What revelations do you expect?

that the tax code treats the very rich favorably?
that his tax lawyers filed a fully legal return?
that he paid X% of his income to the feds?

No, that's not why you want them. You want them so some media puke can pull out one page, create lies about what it says and then dominate the news cycles for several weeks with bullshit about it. That's what this is all about, and you fricken well know it.

You would think that after this blew up so badly in Rachel Madcow's face, they'd just drop it and move on.... but Democrats use the jackass symbol for a reason, I guess. :dunno:

You're absolutely right... they want the tax returns so they can parse them out and make mountains out of mole hills. You'll remember, Hillary ran around for months claiming he hadn't paid ANY taxes. These people are just dishonest, lying, manipulative pieces of shit. They will exploit anything they can for political advantage. People who support this bunch of creeps need to wake the fuck up!
Trump admitted he hasn't paid taxes in years

The fact that he did twelve years ago is not relevant

Even if that is true. So what? Unless he violated the tax code, this is a non issue. He didn't write the tax code. Your democrat assholes in congress did. They created the loopholes for their rich cronies so that they would continue to funnel money to their campaigns.

Someone who gets audited every year cannot violate the tax code. If he did, some IRS whistle blower would have leaked long before now.

Just when you think someone can't get stupider. Guess what Jared's daddy went to fucking jail for? Three guesses.

Kushner’s Felon Father Back at Helm of New York Empire With Two Fellow Inmates
“It can’t hurt to be doing business with Jared Kushner’s family. It’s a road to the administration.”
Jared Kushner’s Felon Father Back At Helm Of Empire With Two Fellow Inmates

Would you have been as upset with Hillarys inlaws, had she won?

Ed Mezvinsky — Father of the Groom
Trump won without showing his taxes, live with it. The American public does not give a shit about the federal government that taxes without representation.
Trumps taxes or none of my business

If Obama had not released his, I'm sure you would have been screeching about it.

had clinton refused to release hers?

ooooooooooooooo brother, CROOKED BITCH SHOULD BE IN PRISON yada yada yada ..

Yup. Absolutely. But these Trumpers are so far up Trump's fat ass they will not TOUCH your post.

did Hillary and bubba comply with that tax code? If so, who cares? Did Trump comply with the tax code? Yes. Who wrote the tax code? any idea? Democrats in congress, that's who. Now, STFU until you have Obama's college records and can prove that he did not get scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.
You do understand that paying current taxes and revealing older returns are two different things right?
What is our President hiding?
Set an example for him and post your return here.

He's not the POTUS.
Amazing that the same douchebags who found fault with every move Obama made is willing to give this goon a free pass.
You dumbasses here are in a distinct minority:
Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns | TheHill
Jan 16, 2017 - Seventy-four percent say Trump should release his tax returns, which the president-elect refused to do during his campaign. At his first ...
64% of Republicans want to see Trump's tax returns - Axios
The big number: 80% of Americans want President Trump to release his tax returns, including 64% of Republicans, according to a poll conducted ...

You want someone to be making economic and financial decisions for this county with NO accountability. Now that's dumb.

You see.... This doesn't matter anymore because the election is over. During the campaign, it might have made a difference to voters and there was a good reason to keep insisting he release his returns. But now that he has won and the election is over, there isn't any purpose for him to release them. It turns out, it didn't make any difference with the voters, they elected him anyway.

Now, you can certainly keep on hollering for this.... won't do any good... it's about as useful as arguing how Hillary has a better economic plan. As someone who doesn't really give a flying fuck about the Democrat Party, I hope that you tards continue to waste time on nonsense like this. I would MUCH rather you all be posting relentlessly about Trump's tax returns than lobbying congressmen for some of your stupid policy ideas. So if this keeps you occupied... pardon the pun... then I am fine with that. Please, do carry on!
The dumbass thread of the day award goes to ---------------------rightwinger.

congratulations, dipshit. your stupidity never deserts you.

Please explain what is dumb

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days.
15. Pretending that Trump is an honest man.

15 is really funny coming from a Hillary supporter.

Then I guess someone's stolen my log-on info here. I didn't vote for her.
But I bet you voted for the Big Orange Cheeto, right?

so you wasted your vote on one of the 3rd party clowns or the socialist Bernie. Great, good for you.

Yes, I voted for Trump and am proud to say it. He has done more good for this country in 3 months than Obama and bush did in 16 years.

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