It's April 15.......I paid my taxes, why won't Trump pay his?

Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes.

So what?

I fully realize how much of a panic you are in seeing President Donald Trump keeping his promises and being celebrated by the Free World with STANDING OVATIONS for his decisive, measured responses to our enemies.

Why does that trouble you?
Simple. They are all shills who hate this country and the people in it.
If he were to publish his returns, what do you expect to find? What revelations do you expect?

that the tax code treats the very rich favorably?
that his tax lawyers filed a fully legal return?
that he paid X% of his income to the feds?

No, that's not why you want them. You want them so some media puke can pull out one page, create lies about what it says and then dominate the news cycles for several weeks with bullshit about it. That's what this is all about, and you fricken well know it.

You would think that after this blew up so badly in Rachel Madcow's face, they'd just drop it and move on.... but Democrats use the jackass symbol for a reason, I guess. :dunno:

You're absolutely right... they want the tax returns so they can parse them out and make mountains out of mole hills. You'll remember, Hillary ran around for months claiming he hadn't paid ANY taxes. These people are just dishonest, lying, manipulative pieces of shit. They will exploit anything they can for political advantage. People who support this bunch of creeps need to wake the fuck up!
Trump admitted he hasn't paid taxes in years

The fact that he did twelve years ago is not relevant
I don't think Trump really cares what you think or if you trust him.

Why should any of us care what you think or trust you... you've not shown your tax returns and until you do that, you're a hypocrite on this. Not a weak argument at all.

I am sure if it were Obama, you would be crying like a tiny baby..

The voters didn't give a shit if he released his taxes or not… Get over it
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


You need to learn the tax code and laws better. May need to consult with an attorney.

Here's some "tax code" for you, honey:
No, being audited does not prevent Donald Trump from releasing his tax returns
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Wonder what percentage are the same people?
I don't think Trump really cares what you think or if you trust him.

Why should any of us care what you think or trust you... you've not shown your tax returns and until you do that, you're a hypocrite on this. Not a weak argument at all.

I am sure if it were Obama, you would be crying like a tiny baby..


Well, Obama never released his college records or showed a valid birth certificate... I never cried over it.
If he were to publish his returns, what do you expect to find? What revelations do you expect?

that the tax code treats the very rich favorably?
that his tax lawyers filed a fully legal return?
that he paid X% of his income to the feds?

No, that's not why you want them. You want them so some media puke can pull out one page, create lies about what it says and then dominate the news cycles for several weeks with bullshit about it. That's what this is all about, and you fricken well know it.

You would think that after this blew up so badly in Rachel Madcow's face, they'd just drop it and move on.... but Democrats use the jackass symbol for a reason, I guess. :dunno:

You're absolutely right... they want the tax returns so they can parse them out and make mountains out of mole hills. You'll remember, Hillary ran around for months claiming he hadn't paid ANY taxes. These people are just dishonest, lying, manipulative pieces of shit. They will exploit anything they can for political advantage. People who support this bunch of creeps need to wake the fuck up!
Trump admitted he hasn't paid taxes in years

The fact that he did twelve years ago is not relevant

Even if that is true. So what? Unless he violated the tax code, this is a non issue. He didn't write the tax code. Your democrat assholes in congress did. They created the loopholes for their rich cronies so that they would continue to funnel money to their campaigns.

Someone who gets audited every year cannot violate the tax code. If he did, some IRS whistle blower would have leaked long before now.
Once again our President hides behind his "audit" claims and refuses to reveal his taxes


they haven't audited his 2016 taxes. he probably hasn't even filed yet.

the only year he released was the one year he actually paid something. but it isn't that he's not following the tax laws that the problem -- it's what he's indebted to russia for.

but the trump loons couldn't care less. the orange moron thinks only the press cares... but most people care... just not his loons... so he figures it's ok.

and apparently it was because the bernie idiots didn't go out and vote and allowed the orange sociopath to get into office with fewer votes than romney lost with.
it's what he's indebted to russia for.

Most people here demanding that Trump must reveal his taxes.

Would be squealing like a stuck pig and be screaming, "it's unConstitutional", if they were forced to publicly reveal their personal tax returns for any reason. ..... :cool:
What is our President hiding?

What are you hiding?

I don't think you paid your taxes.

I think you need to post your returns here so we can all see for ourselves.

Come on, what are you hiding?

I am sure Rightwinger would be transparent if he ran and became president to the people who hope to trust in him..
Anyone who has something financial to hide would hold something back on showing their taxes .

Then shitflinger shouldn't have any problem showing us his tax returns. He doesn't even have political consequence to worry about. So what's the problem? And where is your tax returns? Let's see what you're hiding?

Your argument is weak, let it go because you are embarrassing yourself..

.Trump has the most important job in our country, the less he wants to be transparent , the less I will trust him..

tell us again how a poor mixed race kid from Hawaii paid the very high tuition at Harvard and Columbia.

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