Its been 6 Years

Strawman argument. Next ===>

What it hasnt been 6 years? Or you didnt cry about Obama taking your guns?

Which part is a strawman there buddy? *This is where you change the subject now*

We still have our guns because his own party refused to take them....but he sure as hell tried.

There are no death panels yet, but all indications are that there will be a shortage of doctors and there is a presidential panel that will decide who gets surgery and who gets pain call it what you want.

Only a small...very small minority of whackos said there would be sharia law.

Birthers are no larger a group than truthers.

Obama was not pro gay marriage when he was elected so that was never a concern.

Try something else you fucking idiot.l

Ah death apply what private insurance already did, and apply it too government and it becomes death panels.

well since you cant prove numbers we really cant debate how small that group is.

Well thats not true

sure obama wasnt for it, but it didnt ruin your marriages
So you mean, he didnt...oh ok

So you mean, once again, it didnt happen. Ok, I'm doing good then

And that also didnt happen....Cool my OP is doing really REALLY good

And a teaspoon is smaller than a tablespoon *random*

You didnt refute not one point. The OP is 100%

Thanks Jar

You are a child.

Go for it.

How does it feel not being able to debate a child? LMAO!

That's the point, child. Your response was so childish, it did not warrant any more of a debate.
So Operation Chokepoint is just an figment of our imagination?

What you think Operation Choke Point is is a figment of your imagination, yes.

You mean that I am wrong that Obama and Holder are using Choke Point to put businesses that sell firearms and ammo out of business by telling banks not to do business with them?
EMILY MILLER: DOJ accused of targeting gun industry with 'Choke Point' program | Fox News

However, the documents released by Issa’s committee show the federal government lumped the firearms industry in with other "high-risk" businesses including those dealing with pornography, drug paraphernalia, escort services, racist materials, Ponzi schemes and online gambling.

The committee also reported that Attorney General Eric Holder was informed the program has been shutting down legal businesses.

“We have documented that they are going after gun and ammunitions manufacturers, gun sellers and non-deposit lenders. Their own memos show they are well beyond enforcing the law,” Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., said Friday.
Rich job creators are richer than ever, so why is unemployment still high?
This is nothing more than a fight over who is the bigger asshole, Obama or Teapers.

The race is neck and neck...but I think Teapers win by a hair, given the racist faction of their so-called movement and their threat to use women as a human shield in their fight against a black President.

Wait...I almost forgot about the Teaper destruction of the GOP...maybe they win by a little more than a hair!
Rich job creators are richer than ever, so why is unemployment still high?


think about it.

Take you statement/question...and you will see the answer in it.

But you need to get rid of the jealousy of their success.....and the answer is clear.

Here, let me help you....

Job creators are finding themselves more comfortable now than ever. So would it not be foolish to take risks and try to expand....especially with all of the new costs and regulations involved in doing so?

I you say....."they are richer than ever".....

By the way....most business owners are not "millions rich"......they are 100-300K rich.

Just saying.
this is the shallow, low information left wing voters in this country we are up against

not looking good for us and our country

Can we just admit it already?

Today the news reported that gun sales were down overall and they listed the main driver behind gun sales as being....drumroll.....FEAR of new legislation!!

I guess they arent going to have their 6th annual Obamas a-comin-fer-yer-guns Sale

we still have the 2nd b/c we fought for it, not b/c you didn't try and take it.

The economy sucks the dollar is worth far less

and the birther thing is only brought up by you, but I LOVE to mention it when you liars say he was as vetted as much as Palin and mccain

Can we just admit it already?

Today the news reported that gun sales were down overall and they listed the main driver behind gun sales as being....drumroll.....FEAR of new legislation!!

I guess they arent going to have their 6th annual Obamas a-comin-fer-yer-guns Sale

we still have the 2nd b/c we fought for it, not b/c you didn't try and take it.

The economy sucks the dollar is worth far less

and the birther thing is only brought up by you, but I LOVE to mention it when you liars say he was as vetted as much as Palin and mccain

Ok ya got me, I created the birther movement :rolleyes:

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