It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

The whole damn market is down and you morons blame it on some stupid ad 99% of the people did not even see.
Why is the whole damn market down, smart guy? People having less disposable income, maybe? Derp!

My uh..positions are up. :funnyface:

Except for a couple, 1 will go up at least 400%, and the other may go slap out. :dunno:
/----/ Get your Google fixed.

The website also stated that they had tracked down the source of the rumor and after checking the source's reputation and credentials, they determined the claim to be true. Additionally, the article stated that Bud Light sales fell by 80 percent.
You didn't read the entire article, or maybe you don't know the meaning of "satire". Either way, you are looking pretty stupid right now.
That would make sense given how controversial sissies in dresses are these days, especially when they get their hands on guns and kill children.

I would hope top CEOs have more brains than that, especially now that Dementia is threatening schools that don't allow these freaks to compete in female athletics.
My son recently moved back home. Hopefully, it is for a short stint, he has a new job, with a "Woke" company, and is making good money. The thing is, I often wake in the middle of the night, and I sleep in the nude. I like to get up and go into the kitchen and get me a little snack, and I like to do it naked. But now I can't, because my son is "woke", playing video games.
Somebody gonna get fired.
Not the marketing team, they have been doing a great job and they know their market. It sure ain't old geezers that don't buy their beer any damn way. And it amazes me at how this Trump Republican party has somehow demonized "woke". As if it is a bad thing that companies are starting to become socially cognizant.
Not the marketing team, they have been doing a great job and they know their market. It sure ain't old geezers that don't buy their beer any damn way. And it amazes me at how this Trump Republican party has somehow demonized "woke". As if it is a bad thing that companies are starting to become socially cognizant.

Must insert Trump... somehow...some way ugly infliction
Not the marketing team, they have been doing a great job and they know their market. It sure ain't old geezers that don't buy their beer any damn way. And it amazes me at how this Trump Republican party has somehow demonized "woke". As if it is a bad thing that companies are starting to become socially cognizant.
You didn't read the entire article, or maybe you don't know the meaning of "satire". Either way, you are looking pretty stupid right now.
The stupid shit is the dumbass woke bitch at A B that decided it would be cool to put a transsexual piece of shit on a can of beer in order to attract younger customers.

That bitch is dumber than a doorknob. A great example of what getting a degree from a school with bat shit crazy Libtard professors will get you.

If she had put Trump's picture on the can it probably would have increased sales 50%. But no, she had to put on a filthy ass transsexual, the same week a transsexual murdered children.
The stupid shit is the dumbass woke bitch at A B that decided it would be cool to put a transsexual piece of shit on a can of beer in order to attract younger customers.

That bitch is dumber than a doorknob. A great example of what getting a degree from a school with bat shit crazy Libtard professors will get you.

If she had put Trump's picture on the can it probably would have increased sales 50%. But no, she had to put on a filthy ass transsexual, the same week a transsexual murdered children.
That "bitch" is Alissa Heinerscheid, and her undergraduate degree is from Harvard, and her MBA is from Wharton School of Business, you know, the school Trump has a degree from. Somehow, I am thinking she is a hell of a lot smarter than the idiots posting in this thread.

And here is where you are wrong. She didn't put Mulvaney's picture on a can of beer to attract younger customers. You will never find that beer can on the store shelf. They created a few cans of beer with her picture on the can to present to her in honor of her first year of "womanhood". The effect was to immediately create a partnership between Bud Light and Mulvaney, the influencer. With millions of followers, and endorsement deals already exceeding seven figures, including Nike, she is a marketing force of great value. You dumbshits on the other hand, not so much.

And Trump on the can? His marketing value has declined drastically since he took office and continues to decline.

That "bitch" is Alissa Heinerscheid, and her undergraduate degree is from Harvard, and her MBA is from Wharton School of Business, you know, the school Trump has a degree from. Somehow, I am thinking she is a hell of a lot smarter than the idiots posting in this thread.

And here is where you are wrong. She didn't put Mulvaney's picture on a can of beer to attract younger customers. You will never find that beer can on the store shelf. They created a few cans of beer with her picture on the can to present to her in honor of her first year of "womanhood". The effect was to immediately create a partnership between Bud Light and Mulvaney, the influencer. With millions of followers, and endorsement deals already exceeding seven figures, including Nike, she is a marketing force of great value. You dumbshits on the other hand, not so much.

And Trump on the can? His marketing value has declined drastically since he took office and continues to decline.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Her undergraduate degree at Harvard was English. That means she didn't learn jackshit about anything useful. Taught by bat shit crazy Libtard professors that also don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

She may have graduated from a prestigious business college like Wharton but she didn't learn jackshit there either. She learned how to fuck up one of the best known brands in the US with stupid wokeness.

She is a great example of Moon Bat stupidity. We see it all the time.

Bud Light's marketing VP says she was inspired to update 'fratty,' 'out of touch' branding with inclusivity

Bud Light's vice president of marketing discussed in a recent interview how she was inspired to update the "fratty" and "out of touch" humor of the beer company with inclusivity.

Alissa Heinerscheid did an interview with the podcast "Make Yourself At Home" on March 30, where she discussed her work in transforming the Bud Light brand.

"I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,'" Heinerscheid said.

Heinerscheid's comments have gone viral days later, after Bud Light and its parent company Anheuser-Busch received backlash for partnering with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney. The beer maker ignited a firestorm earlier this month when it celebrated Mulvaney's "365 Days of Girlhood," by sending Mulvaney custom-made cans featuring the influencer's face. Mulvaney said the cans were her "most prized possession" on Instagram with a post featuring "#budlightpartner." A video then featured Mulvaney in a bathtub drinking a Bud Light beer as part of the campaign.
The freaky skank whose idea it was to use a trans man as spokesmodel for Bud beer has come out to defend herself, apparently her campaign hasn't gone over well. She says that she thought it a good idea and new look for Budweiser because she thought it would appeal to more people, both men and women and erase Bud's stale image.

Apparently she thinks women like guys dressed up acting like and thinking they are women too.
That "bitch" is Alissa Heinerscheid, and her undergraduate degree is from Harvard, and her MBA is from Wharton School of Business, you know, the school Trump has a degree from. Somehow, I am thinking she is a hell of a lot smarter than the idiots posting in this thread.

And here is where you are wrong. She didn't put Mulvaney's picture on a can of beer to attract younger customers. You will never find that beer can on the store shelf. They created a few cans of beer with her picture on the can to present to her in honor of her first year of "womanhood". The effect was to immediately create a partnership between Bud Light and Mulvaney, the influencer. With millions of followers, and endorsement deals already exceeding seven figures, including Nike, she is a marketing force of great value. You dumbshits on the other hand, not so much.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Her undergraduate degree at Harvard was English. That means she didn't learn jackshit about anything useful. Taught by bat shit crazy Libtard professors that also don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

She may have graduated from a prestigious business college like Wharton but she didn't learn jackshit there either. She learned how to fuck up one of the best known brands in the US with stupid wokeness.

She is a great example of Moon Bat stupidity. We see it all the time.

Bud Light's marketing VP says she was inspired to update 'fratty,' 'out of touch' branding with inclusivity

Bud Light's vice president of marketing discussed in a recent interview how she was inspired to update the "fratty" and "out of touch" humor of the beer company with inclusivity.

Alissa Heinerscheid did an interview with the podcast "Make Yourself At Home" on March 30, where she discussed her work in transforming the Bud Light brand.

"I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,'" Heinerscheid said.

Heinerscheid's comments have gone viral days later, after Bud Light and its parent company Anheuser-Busch received backlash for partnering with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney. The beer maker ignited a firestorm earlier this month when it celebrated Mulvaney's "365 Days of Girlhood," by sending Mulvaney custom-made cans featuring the influencer's face. Mulvaney said the cans were her "most prized possession" on Instagram with a post featuring "#budlightpartner." A video then featured Mulvaney in a bathtub drinking a Bud Light beer as part of the campaign.
English, from Harvard, pretty damn impressive. And English is a damn good undergraduate degree prior to an MBA. Funny, my brother has an MBA, his undergraduate degree was English. And funny thing, at Wharton a full 45% of accepted MBA students have degrees in Humanities or Social Sciences. Matter of fact, probably the worse undergraduate degree to get in an MBA program is business.

And here is what you don't get, that video of Mulvaney in a bathtub, that "campaign", that is Mulvaney's campaign, not Bud Lights. You ain't going to see that video during the NBA playoffs. That video is only going to be seen by Mulvaney's million plus subscribers, and perhaps some disgruntled dumbshits whom the video never targeted and never intended to see it. Because, quite honestly, IT IS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS.

I mean I get it. Trans people, gay people, they can all do what they want, I just don't want them dragging me in, rubbing my face in it. THAT AIN'T WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. Look, it is really bad to take a dog that has just shit in the floor, drag him over to the shit, and rub his nose in. It really is bad, and if you do it, well you are one sick asshole. But, if that dog walks over to the shit and happily rubs his nose in it, well it is the dog that is one sick fuck. Spin it however you want, that is precisely what is happening here. You guys are some sick ass people.

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