It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

I would like to know how this stupid bitch got the job in the first place.

Looks like an idiot early thirties Leftist if I've ever seen one. Being good at giving blow jobs could not have gotten her there considering she is not all that good looking. Knowledge of brand demographics certainly didn't get her the spot. Her business savvy sure has been demonstrated to be a wrecking ball to a well established brand label. How in the hell does a young, ugly, brain dead, out of touch Leftist moron get to such a high position within a massive, time tested company?

The same way a female leftist judge got on the Supreme Court after not being able to answer what a woman is.
So, you are offended that AB would have the audacity to try and expand their market, to attempt to gain new customers, younger customers. Those Bud Light cans in question are never going to be on the shelves. That video mentioned comes from this trans person's youtube channel, her Twitter account, and other social media. Do you frequent her channel often? Why does this "offend" you? You literally are the dog rubbing his nose, not in his own shit, but in another dog's shit.

But you are correct, those of you on the right love the "old America". The racist America of the 1950's, the homophobic America of the 1960's, the self-absorbed America of the 1970's, and the selfish greed of the 1980's. And despite what you might think, that is not how it was when this nation was founded. Especially the homophobic bit.

In the end, this is all about the Boomers. And hell, I will admit, I am a Boomer, albeit at the very tail in. Kind of like the baby of the family that grows up witnessing all the dysfunction. Children of the Greatest Generation, the Boomers will inevitably go down as the worst generation in American history, by far. Gen-X, Gen-Y, I can't help but be impressed and I have been since the Millennials were in middle school. Change is inevitable, it defines progress, that is what you and yours are fighting against.

Who's fighting? I'm not fighting anything. In fact I don't even drink American beer. But if Bud Light was my brand I would change.

I see a man trying to be a woman no different than a man acting like a dog. It's a serous mental problem. That's none of my business. However these people are a minority that the Communists are trying to have a say-so over the majority to change our culture, and that's why I hate them so much. If they stayed home and kept to themselves, I could care less about them. Leave me alone an I'll leave you alone.
Who's fighting? I'm not fighting anything. In fact I don't even drink American beer. But if Bud Light was my brand I would change.

I see a man trying to be a woman no different than a man acting like a dog. It's a serous mental problem. That's none of my business. However these people are a minority that the Communists are trying to have a say-so over the majority to change our culture, and that's why I hate them so much. If they stayed home and kept to themselves, I could care less about them. Leave me alone an I'll leave you alone.

You hit the nail on the head.

It's a mental issue
The “grooming” claims are the same fear mongering that has traditionally been used against gays.
That children will not become gay unless a homosexual spends the time to groom them into the lifestyle

The reality is that heterosexuals are the major molest of children. Always have been
I don’t disagree with that statement as I know a number of people who were molested by “straight“ people. Of course I also don’t want straights “grooming” children either.

Leave the kids alone.
I don’t disagree with that statement as I know a number of people who were molested by “straight“ people. Of course I also don’t want straights “grooming” children either.

Leave the kids alone.
Can you provide an incident of gays grooming children in schools that's comparable to the recent story we got about the catholic church in Maryland where multiple priests molested thousands of children over decades? Seems a lot of bigots on the right want to compare teachers and counselors helping gay students through their questions and anxieties to actual rape and molestation. Why would you mutants and monsters want to downplay the severity of a horrific violation like rape and molestation to the compassion and inclusivity teachers are trying to promote in school?
Can you provide an incident of gays grooming children in schools that's comparable to the recent story we got about the catholic church in Maryland where multiple priests molested thousands of children over decades? Seems a lot of bigots on the right want to compare teachers and counselors helping gay students through their questions and anxieties to actual rape and molestation. Why would you mutants and monsters want to downplay the severity of a horrific violation like rape and molestation to the compassion and inclusivity teachers are trying to promote in school?
Why are you so defensive of gays grooming children?

I am opposed to anyone grooming children and that of course includes Catholic priests. I also am opposed to people like Jeffery Epstein who recruited underaged girls for to provide sexual pleasure for rich and important people.

Homosexuals are born that way
Ask any homosexual who claims that someone turned them into a homosexual

lol rubbish. Asking mentally ill deviants what they they think about their fetishism is more than a little stupid, and so is the idiot claim they're born that way. That's why there are never any 'studies' actually posted to back up that claim, just dumbass editorial nonsense and abstracts so nobody can fact checks these 'studies' and who these peer reviewers are.
Why are you so defensive of gays grooming children?

I am opposed to anyone grooming children and that of course includes Catholic priests. I also am opposed to people like Jeffery Epstein who recruited underaged girls for to provide sexual pleasure for rich and important people.

Those are examples of what grooming is. I asked if you could find any instances of grooming by liberal gays that was comparable to anything we see with the catholic and Christian church.
lol rubbish. Asking mentally ill deviants what they they think about their fetishism is more than a little stupid, and so is the idiot claim they're born that way. That's why there are never any 'studies' actually posted to back up that claim, just dumbass editorial nonsense and abstracts so nobody can fact checks these 'studies' and who these peer reviewers are.
They know more about their lives and inner feelings than bigoted Conservatives
lol no, they don't; they can't even tell what sex they are.
This of course is demonstrably ignorant. Gender dysphoria, which is distress from the incongruity between your identity and your sexual biology, requires obviously, that you recognize the inherent fifteen difference between the two. If they didn't know what their biological sex was their would be no dysphoria or incongruity. That's basic fucking logic you Simp. 😄
Can you provide an incident of gays grooming children in schools that's comparable to the recent story we got about the catholic church in Maryland where multiple priests molested thousands of children over decades? Seems a lot of bigots on the right want to compare teachers and counselors helping gay students through their questions and anxieties to actual rape and molestation. Why would you mutants and monsters want to downplay the severity of a horrific violation like rape and molestation to the compassion and inclusivity teachers are trying to promote in school?

Show me anybody that defended the laws broken by anybody in the Catholic church like the Communists defend grooming children in school. We are outraged at both.
Lots of unbalanced people in society. women are ruining their appearance with multiple tattoos and piercings plus many women are taking anabolic steroids.
Show me anybody that defended the laws broken by anybody in the Catholic church like the Communists defend grooming children in school. We are outraged at both.
The catholic church itself. They are the ones who shuffled these priests around and hid their abuse.
This is true but sexual abuse also occurs in our schools with teachers exploiting children.
Sure. And all those cases involve teachers engaging in sexually activity with students and typically they are cases of heterosexual abuse. There is no massive conspiracy by gay teachers to turn their students gay by teaching them gay things.

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