It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

Those Catholic Priests were homosexuals. He doesn’t help his case much.
I think the more pertinent sexual preference there is that they are pedophiles but a bigot like you will never pass up an opportunity to miss the forest for the trees.
The catholic church itself. They are the ones who shuffled these priests around and hid their abuse.

And who approved of that? Nobody. But we have leftists that support teaching our children about sex and weirdos all the time. In fact Biden's FBI put parents that voiced out against it at school board meetings on the terrorist watch list.
And who approved of that? Nobody.
You can't read you Bingo? I said the Catholic and Christian churches approved of it by covering it up and allowing it to continue.
But we have leftists that support teaching our children about sex and weirdos all the time. In fact Biden's FBI put parents that voiced out against it at school board meetings on the terrorist watch list.
Homosexuality like heterosexuality or human sexuality in general is not just about sex. Gay children are dealing with the same and issues of attraction, rejection, akwardness, and companionship as straight kids do except Republicans want to make it harder for them to talk about topics that it is already hard enough to talk to children and teens about. We need to have better conversations about how to treat one another. About appropriate comments and behavior. There is an epidemic of depressed young girls who walk the halls of their schools feelings preyed upon. When my daughter was in highschool I got called to talk to the principle because she attacked another student and was being belligerent with staff. When I got there I discovered the boy she "attacked" had smacked her ass when she walked by on the bus so she turned back and smacked the shit out of him. When they got to the school and they both taken to the principle she got livid when she heard the principles response for why he wasn't doing anything and then I got upset when I heard the same thing because what came out of his mouth was "boys will be boys". We don't just need to do a better job talking to gay children about sexuality, we need to do a better job talking to children in general about sexuality and we need to address some of our old disgusting perspectives.
You can't read you Bingo? I said the Catholic and Christian churches approved of it by covering it up and allowing it to continue.

Homosexuality like heterosexuality or human sexuality in general is not just about sex. Gay children are dealing with the same and issues of attraction, rejection, akwardness, and companionship as straight kids do except Republicans want to make it harder for them to talk about topics that it is already hard enough to talk to children and teens about. We need to have better conversations about how to treat one another. About appropriate comments and behavior. There is an epidemic of depressed young girls who walk the halls of their schools feelings preyed upon. When my daughter was in highschool I got called to talk to the principle because she attacked another student and was being belligerent with staff. When I got there I discovered the boy she "attacked" had smacked her ass when she walked by on the bus so she turned back and smacked the shit out of him. When they got to the school and they both taken to the principle she got livid when she heard the principles response for why he wasn't doing anything and then I got upset when I heard the same thing because what came out of his mouth was "boys will be boys". We don't just need to do a better job talking to gay children about sexuality, we need to do a better job talking to children in general about sexuality and we need to address some of our old disgusting perspectives.

But we don't need to do that in schools. Those are personal matters better handled by the family, especially when a confused kid (which we all were at one time) tells a teacher he thinks God made a mistake and he's actually a girl. That's not the teachers expertise. It's not the teacher that should try and help him transition or give advice on that matter.

As for my ability to read, I'd ask you the same thing. I said that there was no support (as in the parishioners or public) about what the Catholic church did. Of course they covered their ass just like public schools try to cover theirs. I'm talking about the people outside of these organizations that either pay money to them, support them or both. There was no support for the priests, but there are administrators in the public school system that do back up their teachers bad decisions.
But we don't need to do that in schools. Those are personal matters better handled by the family, especially when a confused kid (which we all were at one time) tells a teacher he thinks God made a mistake and he's actually a girl. That's not the teachers expertise. It's not the teacher that should try and help him transition or give advice on that matter.

As for my ability to read, I'd ask you the same thing. I said that there was no support (as in the parishioners or public) about what the Catholic church did. Of course they covered their ass just like public schools try to cover theirs.

Link where public schools are trying to cover for sexual abuse committed by teachers.
But we don't need to do that in schools. Those are personal matters better handled by the family, especially when a confused kid (which we all were at one time) tells a teacher he thinks God made a mistake and he's actually a girl. That's not the teachers expertise. It's not the teacher that should try and help him transition or give advice on that matter.
Being a frightened little Snowflake isn't going to win you over with the younger generation. They can handle homsexuality without being a complete bitch about it. You embarrass them.
As for my ability to read, I'd ask you the same thing. I said that there was no support (as in the parishioners or public) about what the Catholic church did. Of course they covered their ass just like public schools try to cover theirs. I'm talking about the people outside of these organizations that either pay money to them, support them or both. There was no support for the priests, but there are administrators in the public school system that do back up their teachers bad decisions.
Bullshit. Sex abuse carried on so long in these churches because the congregation themselves looked the other way. Again, where is the comparisson with teachers caught having sex with students?
Being a frightened little Snowflake isn't going to win you over with the younger generation. They can handle homsexuality without being a complete bitch about it. You embarrass them.

Bullshit. Sex abuse carried on so long in these churches because the congregation themselves looked the other way. Again, where is the comparisson with teachers caught having sex with students?

It's not about teachers having sex with students, it's teaching them about sex long before their teen years when they really can't grasp the concept of it. That does get support by the schools.
It's not about teachers having sex with students, it's teaching them about sex long before their teen years when they really can't grasp the concept of it. That does get support by the schools.
Sexuality isn't just about sex. Children have crushes. They feel attraction for their peers. They feel rejection. They feel desire to be popular or to be noticed or to make friends. Why shouldn't teachers and counselors be there to help guide them and navigate through that process like they do math or science? Sociology is also a science, no?
First I don't drink Bud Light never have nor do I care they decided to put this whatever you want to call it on the can. What I am curious about though is what is the target demographic they are trying to reach with this ad. I doubt there is this huge untapped transgender beer drinking group out there if you like the look and taste of Bud Light I highly doubt this will turn that many of them off to it and if you thought Bud Light looked like horse piss and tasted like sewer water I also doubt this will make you change your mind about that.
Biden voters. This was a FU to their customer base.

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