It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

Those are examples of what grooming is. I asked if you could find any instances of grooming by liberal gays that was comparable to anything we see with the catholic and Christian church.
If I am going to do such research for you, I would expect to get paid for it and I don’t come cheap.
If I am going to do such research for you, I would expect to get paid for it and I don’t come cheap.
I figured you couldn't. At least you admit that trying to find a comparison would be equal to putting in work. 😄
If I am going to do such research for you, I would expect to get paid for it and I don’t come cheap.

It wouldn't read it anyway; it's not here to discuss fact, it's here to root for pedophiles and parade it's mental illness.
I figured you couldn't. At least you admit that trying to find a comparison would be equal to putting in work. 😄
I have no idea if I could or not but I do know I don’t do research for free.

I would be careful to use the Catholic Church as an example for why liberals gays do not groom. The Catholic Church is full to overflowing with liberal gays. And they groom.

The Roman Catholic Church was having a hard time recruiting Priests because of their rules on marriage. However, gays viewed the marriage rules differently — as an opportunity rather than a hinderance.

Therefore since the Catholic Church is overflowing with gay Priests it is not surprising that some are busy glooming young men.


The apparatus for abuse remains fully intact in the Church; and it is protected by the influential and the powerful. Not on account of any courage or foresight by the bishops, but solely due to the bravery of survivors who came forward and took legal action, child molestation is arguably more difficult to accomplish in the Catholic Church; the pedophiles were expelled and laicized; but other predators remained. Over the years, they have only slightly modified their tactics and marginally refined who are their prospective targets. Whereas the early gay-rights priest activists of the 1970s were primarily focused on gaining acceptance for the LGBT community within the Church and in society, nowadays the next generation are fixated on confirming children and young people into a sexual or gender identity. And this subtle form of grooming is performed before large audiences at various Catholic religious education conferences, at parishes, in ministries, at Catholic universities, and on social media. Nothing is in the shadows anymore.

Oftentimes the laity seem oddly complicit; even those who have good intentions; who truly want to reach out to the marginalized; but, in the end, their efforts can make it possible for those they are trying to help to eventually suffer victimization at the hands of others.

The reality of continued institutionalized grooming in the Catholic Church was difficult for even me to comprehend. I couldn’t talk about what happened to me; I couldn’t even discuss the grooming I experienced as an adult in a Catholic apostolate that I respected; I covered up my own abuse. I thought, by keeping silent, many others would benefit from the good that an imperfect ministry could provide. After all, the Church offered no alternatives – except returning to the unimaginable.

Then, everything changed. I inadvertently bumped into someone, I had spoken with for the last couple of years at the gay street fests in San Francisco where I outreached to the LGBT community; my annual visits were occasionally extraordinary – for some reason, every year, I would repeatedly encounter the same individuals; a favorite story: a very tall drag queen, who I gave a Rosary to, hugged me the following year when we met again; evidently, the Rosary had become a cherished object. But other reunions were not so happy. A particularly naive young man, since we last met, had been encouraged by those he met at an affirmative parish to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Such a gentle soul had been so cruelly deceived. The following year, when I saw him again – I turned away and cried.

The image of Ganymede from Vézelay is still in my head; I can’t get it out. Like the edifice of the Abbey of Sainte Marie Madeleine, where the macabre sculpture is housed, the Catholic Church is still standing, but its former glory had been reduced to an historical artifact. The sounds of that frozen scream are still reverberating. No one hears – and no cares. There is no new St. Peter Damian in the Church. I can kneel down and pray and pretend that I do not hear. I cannot any longer. Because it is driving me mad. The best I can do is walk outside and tell those who are hurting and scared – do not go inside that place – for only deception and death awaits you.
I don’t care about a Tranny doing pitch work for a crappy beer. Honestly, I don’t drink Bud Light anyway.

The advertising strategy, however, is suspect. The brewing company has accepted an advertising company’s proposal to embrace the current woke messaging. I suppose it’s designed to make Anheuser Busch seem cutting edge.

And it has created some waves. Maybe they believe that “any publicity is good publicity?”

Candidly, if I liked Bud, I’d ignore their ad campaign and continue to drink their beer. But Bud kinda sucks.

Hm. Bud sucks. Maybe that’s why they’re doing tranny?
And who approved of that? Nobody. But we have leftists that support teaching our children about sex and weirdos all the time. In fact Biden's FBI put parents that voiced out against it at school board meetings on the terrorist watch list.
Wow, so not true.

I don’t care about a Tranny doing pitch work for a crappy beer. Honestly, I don’t drink Bud Light anyway.

The advertising strategy, however, is suspect. The brewing company has accepted an advertising company’s proposal to embrace the current woke messaging. I suppose it’s designed to make Anheuser Busch seem cutting edge.

And it has created some waves. Maybe they believe that “any publicity is good publicity?”

Candidly, if I liked Bud, I’d ignore their ad campaign and continue to drink their beer. But Bud kinda sucks.

Hm. Bud sucks. Maybe that’s why they’re doing tranny?
It is a strategy all right, but not the strategy you think it is. It is an attempt to improve AB's ESG score, that is Environment, Social, Governance. It is the same reason Walmart is seeking zero waste, recycling everything possible. To improve their ESG score. Look, welcome to the modern era, the consumer, they don't mean jack diddly squat. It is the shareholder that holds all the cards. It ain't about building a better mousetrap anymore. It ain't about turning profits, it is about "maximizing shareholder value. And when the top investment firms, like Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street evaluate potential investments based on a company's ESG score, well you better believe companies are looking at means to improve that score.

I mean put yourself in AB's place. Sure, they might piss off some customers. Hell, they might even lose a little bit of market share, But I got to be honest, I don't think it would hurt much. Hell, I am willing to bet not a soul in this thread bitching about AB and threatening a boycott has bought a Bud Light in the last three damn years., I can tell you right up front, I haven't bought one in my entire life. I am a pilsner man, that is my beer, but Bud sucks and I am quite sure Bud Light sucks as well. I stick with the local microbrews.

The thing is, AB don't give a shit. They don't care if Kid Rock never buys another Bud Light for the rest of his life. Hell, they don't even care if Dale Earnhardt Jr. never buys a Bud Light, and interesting fact, he buys more Bud Light than any store, hell any chain, in North Carolina. He is, by far, their number one customer, both commercial and retail accounts. They don't care. Because if they don't get their ESG score up to par, well those major investment firms, state pension funds, and countless other "investors" are not going to purchase their stock. Profits don't matter, market share don't make a shit--it is stock price, PERIOD, that matters. And yes, that is a problem. A huge problem. But that is the way the business world works in these fubared times.

Whats good for the goose and all that....

If people would realize that they are consumers and they are the ones with the ultimate power to fail any company by NOT buying from them............
We could have been China free decades ago.

more stupid GOP BS propaganda.... every beer company or their parent company have done exactly the same thing as Budweiser has... change the channel and try reality and return to the world please LOL


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