It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

The freaky skank whose idea it was to use a trans man as spokesmodel for Bud beer has come out to defend herself, apparently her campaign hasn't gone over well. She says that she thought it a good idea and new look for Budweiser because she thought it would appeal to more people, both men and women and erase Bud's stale image.

Apparently she thinks women like guys dressed up acting like and thinking they are women too.
You people just don't get it. Mulvaney is not a Bud Light "spokesperson". She is an "influencer", and Bud Light has a collaboration agreement with her, like Nike does. When does the Nike boycott start?

I have spent some time researching Alissa and I got to be honest, her marketing campaign for Bud Light has been nothing short of genius.

Whatever they are paying her, it is not enough.
Spin it however you want, that is precisely what is happening here. You guys are some sick ass people.

You see a weirdo dressed up like a woman, stick up for him, but we're some sick ass people? :eusa_shhh:

We're not calling on people to put Bud out of business, we are simply offended by this stunt and won't buy their product. You can do what you want. Order a whole truckload of their beer if that's what blows your skirt up. We don't care.

You see we on the right love our old America which is why we object to it's social decay. Food and beverage companies always featured people who accomplished great things in life like winning a superbowl or world series. It was paying honor to them for striving to be their best. A guy putting on a dress and makeup is no accomplishment. It's somebody with serious mental problems that needs psychological help. We don't need to pay homage to sick and confused people.
I have spent some time researching Alissa and I got to be honest, her marketing campaign for Bud Light has been nothing short of genius. Whatever they are paying her, it is not enough.

Yes! Keep it up!!! :lmao:

Marketing GENIUS! Offend the 90% of your market to make an appeal to 0.6% of your market! Go woke and go BROKE!!! :laughing0301:
You see a weirdo dressed up like a woman, stick up for him, but we're some sick ass people? :eusa_shhh:

We're not calling on people to put Bud out of business, we are simply offended by this stunt and won't buy their product. You can do what you want. Order a whole truckload of their beer if that's what blows your skirt up. We don't care.

You see we on the right love our old America which is why we object to it's social decay. Food and beverage companies always featured people who accomplished great things in life like winning a superbowl or world series. It was paying honor to them for striving to be their best. A guy putting on a dress and makeup is no accomplishment. It's somebody with serious mental problems that needs psychological help. We don't need to pay homage to sick and confused people.
So, you are offended that AB would have the audacity to try and expand their market, to attempt to gain new customers, younger customers. Those Bud Light cans in question are never going to be on the shelves. That video mentioned comes from this trans person's youtube channel, her Twitter account, and other social media. Do you frequent her channel often? Why does this "offend" you? You literally are the dog rubbing his nose, not in his own shit, but in another dog's shit.

But you are correct, those of you on the right love the "old America". The racist America of the 1950's, the homophobic America of the 1960's, the self-absorbed America of the 1970's, and the selfish greed of the 1980's. And despite what you might think, that is not how it was when this nation was founded. Especially the homophobic bit.

In the end, this is all about the Boomers. And hell, I will admit, I am a Boomer, albeit at the very tail in. Kind of like the baby of the family that grows up witnessing all the dysfunction. Children of the Greatest Generation, the Boomers will inevitably go down as the worst generation in American history, by far. Gen-X, Gen-Y, I can't help but be impressed and I have been since the Millennials were in middle school. Change is inevitable, it defines progress, that is what you and yours are fighting against.
Yes! Keep it up!!! :lmao:

Marketing GENIUS! Offend the 90% of your market to make an appeal to 0.6% of your market! Go woke and go BROKE!!! :laughing0301:
Too funny, do you even read your links?

For all the criticism that Anheuser-Busch is facing now, this fad isn’t likely to last long. It is even less likely to impact the company’s long-term growth prospects. Even the people who purchased Bud Light to make a protest video still had to spend money on it. Additionally, BUD stock is the type of company that can withstand unfavorable market conditions. The far-right will soon find something else to be angry with, and when they do, shares will likely bounce back into the green.

Buy on the dip, I know I am.
Looks like America has found a line in the sand.

And it's so easy to do, just don't buy their swill.....Market share is a real thing in that business.

Now while I don't suspect A-B will have to sell their Clydesdales for slaughter horses it will serve as a shot across the bow for them and other companies.

Enough is enough, shit isn't funny anymore.
Show and Tell

This would be the first time any such threat has been carried through on. Have we finally gotten to the point, after decades of elitist tyranny, that we really are going to do something about it? All I've seen all these years is huffy-puffy blowhards bloviating, "We'll show them!" And then fizzle.
So, you are offended that AB would have the audacity to try and expand their market, to attempt to gain new customers, younger customers.

Expand their market? Don't they already have the largest market going? Or at least used to. What makes you think trannies didn't already drink beer or Bud Light? Some reason they can't like beer or need a tranny spokeswomanman to use a product? Meantime, according to the US census, the tranny market only amounts to 0.6% of the population.

Wanna bet they lose more than that sick of the freak show with their idiotic commercials?
English, from Harvard, pretty damn impressive. And English is a damn good undergraduate degree prior to an MBA. Funny, my brother has an MBA, his undergraduate degree was English. And funny thing, at Wharton a full 45% of accepted MBA students have degrees in Humanities or Social Sciences. Matter of fact, probably the worse undergraduate degree to get in an MBA program is business.

And here is what you don't get, that video of Mulvaney in a bathtub, that "campaign", that is Mulvaney's campaign, not Bud Lights. You ain't going to see that video during the NBA playoffs. That video is only going to be seen by Mulvaney's million plus subscribers, and perhaps some disgruntled dumbshits whom the video never targeted and never intended to see it. Because, quite honestly, IT IS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS.

I mean I get it. Trans people, gay people, they can all do what they want, I just don't want them dragging me in, rubbing my face in it. THAT AIN'T WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. Look, it is really bad to take a dog that has just shit in the floor, drag him over to the shit, and rub his nose in. It really is bad, and if you do it, well you are one sick asshole. But, if that dog walks over to the shit and happily rubs his nose in it, well it is the dog that is one sick fuck. Spin it however you want, that is precisely what is happening here. You guys are some sick ass people.
No, an English degree from a Libtard school like Harvard is not impressive. It is a worthless degree.

There are many graduates of Wharton that have done something with their MBAs.

This stupid bitch is not one of them. All she has managed to do with her "education" is cause AB's stock to crash and lose market share in their best selling product.

Just a dumbass woke bitch.

Libtards always fuck things up.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Her undergraduate degree at Harvard was English. That means she didn't learn jackshit about anything useful. Taught by bat shit crazy Libtard professors that also don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

She may have graduated from a prestigious business college like Wharton but she didn't learn jackshit there either. She learned how to fuck up one of the best known brands in the US with stupid wokeness.

She is a great example of Moon Bat stupidity. We see it all the time.

Bud Light's marketing VP says she was inspired to update 'fratty,' 'out of touch' branding with inclusivity

Bud Light's vice president of marketing discussed in a recent interview how she was inspired to update the "fratty" and "out of touch" humor of the beer company with inclusivity.

Alissa Heinerscheid did an interview with the podcast "Make Yourself At Home" on March 30, where she discussed her work in transforming the Bud Light brand.

"I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,'" Heinerscheid said.

Heinerscheid's comments have gone viral days later, after Bud Light and its parent company Anheuser-Busch received backlash for partnering with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney. The beer maker ignited a firestorm earlier this month when it celebrated Mulvaney's "365 Days of Girlhood," by sending Mulvaney custom-made cans featuring the influencer's face. Mulvaney said the cans were her "most prized possession" on Instagram with a post featuring "#budlightpartner." A video then featured Mulvaney in a bathtub drinking a Bud Light beer as part of the campaign.
"Let Them Eat Pussy," Smirked Marie Antoinette. Then She Laughed Her Head Off.

She's a preppy princess whose high school, Groton, charges $56.000 a year in tuition. Confirms what I posted about Gayism being a fad of richkid guillotine-fodder. Plato even bragged about his exquisite elitist degeneracy 2400 years ago.
I would like to know how this stupid bitch got the job in the first place.

Looks like an idiot early thirties Leftist if I've ever seen one. Being good at giving blow jobs could not have gotten her there considering she is not all that good looking. Knowledge of brand demographics certainly didn't get her the spot. Her business savvy sure has been demonstrated to be a wrecking ball to a well established brand label. How in the hell does a young, ugly, brain dead, out of touch Leftist moron get to such a high position within a massive, time tested company?
Expand their market? Don't they already have the largest market going? Or at least used to. What makes you think trannies didn't already drink beer or Bud Light? Some reason they can't like beer or need a tranny spokeswomanman to use a product? Meantime, according to the US census, the tranny market only amounts to 0.6% of the population.

Wanna bet they lose more than that sick of the freak show with their idiotic commercials?

And they used an insult to womanhood to capture .6% of the market.

Insult 51% to get .6%.

On March 31, Anheuser Busch had a $132.38 billion market cap

As of today, it’s now $128.4 billion

You know what that means?

The Woke Bud Light campaign has already shaved off nearly **$4 BILLION** in company value

Don’t let Dems lie to you - Conservative Boycotts WORK
No, an English degree from a Libtard school like Harvard is not impressive. It is a worthless degree.

There are many graduates of Wharton that have done something with their MBAs.

This stupid bitch is not one of them. All she has managed to do with her "education" is cause AB's stock to crash and lose market share in their best selling product.

Just a dumbass woke bitch.

Libtards always fuck things up.
Seriously, you live in a damn fantasy world. AB's stock has not crashed, I hardly consider a two percent drop a crash, and year over year AB is up. And AB has been losing market share for years, to both microbrews and foreign beers. But it seems like they are well on the way to slowing down that trend if not actually overturning it, in no small part to a brilliant marketing campaign.

I mean get over yourself. You probably haven't bought a Bud Light since Clinton was president so your "boycott" ain't going to amount to shit. What you going to do, switch to Coors Light, whoops, can't do that, they are "woke" too. Miller Lite, nope, "woke" as well. Can't switch to just drinking Coke, woke. Guess you are going barefoot, Nike and Adidas both, woke.

Hell, you best throw your computer out the window, both Intel and Apple are woke. Your ISP probably is as well. And your cell phone, forget about it. Nope, best thing for you to do is move into a cave and live off grubworms, that way you won't be contributing to any of these "woke" companies.

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