Its difficult to understand Republicans' hypocrisy

In all sincerity, it is often hard to understand the mindset of elected republicans....Follow me on this:

The main principle of the republican doctrine is LESS government intrusion in our daily lives....and on the surface, no freedom loving American could argue against that concept.....

However, lets see what republicans are now stating......

1. Absolutely NO gay and lesbian marriages.....government MUST stop this.

2. Although we have a Voters; Rights Act, government MUST insist on photo IDs if you want to vote.

3. Although it would very difficult to pull off for a poor person, governments MUST insist that no welfare money should be used to buy a ticket to a cruise (straw- man cause, anyone?)

4. In the utter bizarre writings on posters that many republicans carried in the previous 2 presidential election, government MUST keep its hands off Medicare (what??)

Just a few examples of many other of the hypocritical stances that republicans have taken.
Most on the right also advocate for such intrusive government actions as un-Constitutional drug tests for those applying for public assistance and invasive 'medical procedures' perpetrated against a woman seeking to exercise her right to privacy.

Indeed, conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, wishing to compel conformity through government authority – more government, bigger government in our personal lives, exhibiting their hostility toward change, diversity, and dissent.
Banning behavior and personal choices = less freedom, simple, but not to a conservative. There can be no freedom without laws and punishment but they take that shit too far.
It's consistent with the need of most conservatives to stifle dissent and compel conformity, the consequence of unwarranted conservative fear of change and that which they perceive to be 'different' and a 'threat,'
In all sincerity, it is often hard to understand the mindset of elected republicans....Follow me on this:

The main principle of the republican doctrine is LESS government intrusion in our daily lives....and on the surface, no freedom loving American could argue against that concept.....

However, lets see what republicans are now stating......

1. Absolutely NO gay and lesbian marriages.....government MUST stop this.

2. Although we have a Voters; Rights Act, government MUST insist on photo IDs if you want to vote.

3. Although it would very difficult to pull off for a poor person, governments MUST insist that no welfare money should be used to buy a ticket to a cruise (straw- man cause, anyone?)

4. In the utter bizarre writings on posters that many republicans carried in the previous 2 presidential election, government MUST keep its hands off Medicare (what??)

Just a few examples of many other of the hypocritical stances that republicans have taken.
Most on the right also advocate for such intrusive government actions as un-Constitutional drug tests for those applying for public assistance and invasive 'medical procedures' perpetrated against a woman seeking to exercise her right to privacy.

Indeed, conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, wishing to compel conformity through government authority – more government, bigger government in our personal lives, exhibiting their hostility toward change, diversity, and dissent.
Banning behavior and personal choices = less freedom, simple, but not to a conservative. There can be no freedom without laws and punishment but they take that shit too far.
It's consistent with the need of most conservatives to stifle dissent and compel conformity, the consequence of unwarranted conservative fear of change and that which they perceive to be 'different' and a 'threat,'
Fear is always their prime motivation for acting, never optimism or compassion.
"Its difficult to understand Republicans' hypocrisy"

The hypocrisy manifested some 45 years ago, with the advent of the Faustian bargain republicans struck with the social right and Christian fundamentalists, in conjunction with the Southern Strategy.
"Its difficult to understand Republicans' hypocrisy"

The hypocrisy manifested some 45 years ago, with the advent of the Faustian bargain republicans struck with the social right and Christian fundamentalists, in conjunction with the Southern Strategy.
About the same time Democrats struck a deal with the devil and sold their souls.
Conservatives should just ignore this kind of thread and let the commiecrats just sit around an masturbate each other.

Because shutting down any questions pertaining to the logical fallacies in your 'small gov' ideology is a great way to convince people you're better than the other party.

Its difficult to understand Republicans' hypocrisy"

The hypocrisy manifested some 45 years ago, with the advent of the Faustian bargain republicans struck with the social right and Christian fundamentalists, in conjunction with the Southern Strategy.

Indeed, and republicans fight mighty hard to get those votes that they would have had anyway.....tea partiers, evangelicals, fundamentalists, gun nuts, survivalists, wackos, racists....they have no where else to go.....
I don't know you well enough to give a fuck if you are trying to offend me.

WOW, such prose.....have you thought of writing Shakespearean sonnets?
I've thought about digging up my ignore list & updating it.

Ahhh! The handy dandy ignore list!

The convenient way to hide from other perspectives. :up:
Naw just morons. Neither his nor your perspective mean shit to me. If you contribute to conversations you're worth reading, if not there is no point
About the same time Democrats struck a deal with the devil and sold their souls.

If you had bothered to read something else besides comic books, you'd know that Clayton (above) ALREADY mentioned the "devil" when he stated "Faustian bargain"....(unless you think that Faustian is a German pastry...then, never mind.)
1. Absolutely NO gay and lesbian marriages.....government MUST stop this.
Which would not be necessary if we did not have activist judges overturning votes by the people on the issue of gay marriage.
2. Although we have a Voters; Rights Act, government MUST insist on photo IDs if you want to vote.
Part of the right to vote is being a legal citizen and who you claim to be a photo I.D. helps confirm that and infringes on no ones right to vote.
3. Although it would very difficult to pull off for a poor person, governments MUST insist that no welfare money should be used to buy a ticket to a cruise (straw- man cause, anyone?)
The cruise deal is but one of several things wefare money is not supposed to be used to buy which include getting tattos, buying booze, getting massages, and going to strip clubs. Welfare is supposed to be used to help a poor person pay for the basics of life none of the above qualify.

4. In the utter bizarre writings on posters that many republicans carried in the previous 2 presidential election, government MUST keep its hands off Medicare (what??)
I have never seen any such posters being carried.
I don't know you well enough to give a fuck if you are trying to offend me.

WOW, such prose.....have you thought of writing Shakespearean sonnets?
I've thought about digging up my ignore list & updating it.

Ahhh! The handy dandy ignore list!

The convenient way to hide from other perspectives. :up:
Naw just morons. Neither his nor your perspective mean shit to me. If you contribute to conversations you're worth reading, if not there is no point

I have never been a witness to you ever posting anything half way intelligent. Why don't you put us all on ignore? You'd be doing us a favor.
About the same time Democrats struck a deal with the devil and sold their souls.

If you had bothered to read something else besides comic books, you'd know that Clayton (above) ALREADY mentioned the "devil" when he stated "Faustian bargain"....(unless you think that Faustian is a German pastry...then, never mind.)
Ah, go hump a stump, peckerhead.
Anything to stop the runaway Dimocreep crapola.

Well, your hypocritical methods are backfiring, hossshit.

There is the fantasy in your head and then there are the facts. For example the Democrats got their asses kicked in the last election. It was an historical spanking, we threw Dem's to the ground and kicked dirt in their faces. We took back the senate, strengthened our majority in the house to an historic high. You have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beating so epic.

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