Zone1 It's easy to prove that cowboys don't come from the British

The main problem here is your Eurocentric friends. Their techniques are absolutely brazen and primitive, but they work. Goebels was right that simple primitive lies in propaganda work well. For example, they started filming so many African Americans in Hollywood that foreigners thought that America was half populated by African Americans. Trump absolutely brazenly turned Monroe's right-wing policy 180 degrees, began to persecute the Mexicans, and it worked even though the right-wingers are, in fact, Mexicans.
And so on.

You think Trump started the persecution of Mexican immigrants? Really?

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain how wrong you are.
The main problem here is your Eurocentric friends. Their techniques are absolutely brazen and primitive, but they work. Goebels was right that simple primitive lies in propaganda work well. For example, they started filming so many African Americans in Hollywood that foreigners thought that America was half populated by African Americans. Trump absolutely brazenly turned Monroe's right-wing policy 180 degrees, began to persecute the Mexicans, and it worked even though the right-wingers are, in fact, Mexicans.
And so on.

No, the problem is that you ignore facts so you can promote your ridiculous theories.

But here are some facts:
1) The Apache were hunters.
2) Cowboys were from all ethnic groups in the US, including the British.
3) The Comanche were the best horsemen.
4) The British (and northern Eurpoeans) aclimated to the heat in the US (and the cold).
The history I have related is factual. Shameful though it may be, it is accurate. I say shameful because the US decided to try to wipe out the bison in order to pacify the native tribes. Why would they do that if the tribes were not nomadic hunters?

I know the history of my country. You obviously do not.
All that you "know" is a blatant lie of the imperialists, and this is practically an open preparation for further colonization.

Absolutely primitive trickery, you can see the lie itself, and the motives of this lie, but it works.
All that you "know" is a blatant lie of the imperialists, and this is practically an open preparation for further colonization.

Absolutely primitive trickery, you can see the lie itself, and the motives of this lie, but it works.

You think the Apache were not hunters. And yet, they had clothing, housing and most of their tools came from the American Bison. That is simply willful ignorance.
No, the problem is that you ignore facts so you can promote your ridiculous theories.

But here are some facts:
1) The Apache were hunters.
2) Cowboys were from all ethnic groups in the US, including the British.
3) The Comanche were the best horsemen.
4) The British (and northern Eurpoeans) aclimated to the heat in the US (and the cold).
These are not facts.
All points are outright lies of the feds.
You think the Apache were not hunters. And yet, they had clothing, housing and most of their tools came from the American Bison. That is simply willful ignorance.
Perhaps they butchered dead animals.

I see no reason to believe that the Apaches were hunters, because all hunting peoples were extremely primitive and never had a developed military culture.

There has never been a cheetah-style hunter in history who hunted alone and had the speed and grace of a cheetah. They were always just packs of stinking jackals. When they had no prey they ate shit and each other, and almost to this day, some remained Neolithic savages.
Some tribes in Africa don't even use spear points, they just sharpen them. They haven't invented stone-work yet, they haven't fucking reached the Paleolithic yet.
That would track
No. The horse is not indigenous to North America. The Apache was here long before the first Spaniard brought the horse to this continent. The Spanish trained Mexican mestizos ( half Spanish, half native) in the art of horsemanship and called them vaqueros.

The first cowboys were the Irish who brought smaller ponys. These were highly intelligent meticulously trained ponys who could handle themselves in a herd of cattle. These Irishmen called themselves cowboys.
Perhaps they butchered dead animals.

I see no reason to believe that the Apaches were hunters, because all hunting peoples were extremely primitive and never had a developed military culture.

There has never been a cheetah-style hunter in history who hunted alone and had the speed and grace of a cheetah. They were always just packs of stinking jackals. When they had no prey they ate shit and each other, and almost to this day, some remained Neolithic savages.
Some tribes in Africa don't even use spear points, they just sharpen them. They haven't invented stone-work yet, they haven't fucking reached the Paleolithic yet.

You have it backwards. Hunters developed into fighters because of the skills they gained from being hunters. The farmers were not the feared warriors. The hunters were.

Maybe they just ate dead animals? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: So the tribes just followed the herds and waited for animals to die? That is called a scavenger.

That the tribes of the Great Plains hunted the bison is a historical fact. Your denial based solely on what happened on the Asian Steppe is laughable.
The tribes were proud of their hunting abilities.

Here is a web site dedicated to Native American stories of hunting.

Native Americans on the Great Plains hunted bison. Period. Their culture and tribal laws were based on it.

You claim all hunters were very primitive and were savages. That is absolute bullshit then and still is today.
In addition, the self-name of the Apaches is Indes. There is no doubt that this is the second branch of the Altaians, the first branch settled in India and Babylon, so the Towers of Babel remained in America.
Altaians lived in the Afanasiev culture - a developed ancient horse breeding culture
In other words, the Apaches are related to the ancient Indians.
Perhaps they butchered dead animals.

I see no reason to believe that the Apaches were hunters, because all hunting peoples were extremely primitive and never had a developed military culture.

There has never been a cheetah-style hunter in history who hunted alone and had the speed and grace of a cheetah. They were always just packs of stinking jackals. When they had no prey they ate shit and each other, and almost to this day, some remained Neolithic savages.
Some tribes in Africa don't even use spear points, they just sharpen them. They haven't invented stone-work yet, they haven't fucking reached the Paleolithic yet.

"I see no reason to believe that the Apaches were hunters..."

You should believe it because it is a historically documented fact. All the Great Plains tribes hunted bison.
In addition, the self-name of the Apaches is Indes. There is no doubt that this is the second branch of the Altaians, the first branch settled in India and Babylon, so the Towers of Babel remained in America.
Altaians lived in the Afanasiev culture - a developed ancient horse breeding culture
In other words, the Apaches are related to the ancient Indians.

The Apache only developed a horse culture after the Spanish came over with horses. There were no horses for the Apache to use until then.
You have it backwards. Hunters developed into fighters
Another crazy fantasy.
As for the European savages, they were first captured by the Hittites from Anatolia. They were turned into slaves and began to create primitive combat infantry.

But this is not the same as the professional Aryan warriors and the Indes.

It's just a pack of dogs driven to the slaughter.
There was no development there, they didn't even have a wheel.

Then the Aryan Celts came there and created a highly developed culture there.
And the Celts were shepherds.
In what sense is "historically documented", in the same sense as the creation of the world in 7 days?

No, it is in the history of the tribes and in the artifacts found.

All the tribes of the Great Plains were nomadic. Why would they be nomads unless they were following the herds? And why would they follow the herds if they did not hunt them?

In old pics you see Native Americans wearing bison skins, buckskins and jewelry made from bones. You have commented on the fringed jackets worn. Those are all from the bison.
The Hittites are the Proto-Germans. They were better developed than the European savages, they created a slave agricultural culture there. But they didn't get any further than that.

The [hets] are the [gets], later they became known as the Goths, the double-headed eagle of Eurocentrism is the Hittite symbol.

These are not the Aryans, these are the enemies of the Aryans.

The Americans were related to the Aryans, but the Germans were never.
No, it is in the history of the tribes and in the artifacts found.
I'm sure there are no artifacts there. It's a lie.
Previously, they tried to lie that the Indians did not have a wheel. But their faces wet in shit.

They also lie about Columbus confused America with India. America was called India after the ethnonym Apache - Indе.

Two centuries ago they still lived in savagery and slavery. When America was a country of skyscrapers and cars and neon lights, in Europe there was still slavery, collective barracks and the obscurantism of Eurocentrism.
In the end, the fact that Americans are not British can be understood already by the fact that the American population is beautiful, slender and intelligent people, and northern Europe is inhabited by ugly, weak, servile people who value not strength and individualism, but the weakness of collectivism, Prussian flocking and subordination.
Europe is devoid of creativity. All 20th century technology from California. Europe is prone to autism but American children are Indigo children.

Europeans want to listen to orders, Americans want to invent and go ahead, fly up to the stars.
I'm sure there are no artifacts there. It's a lie.
Previously, they tried to lie that the Indians did not have a wheel. But their faces wet in shit.

They also lie about Columbus confused America with India. America was called India after the ethnonym Apache - Indе.

Two centuries ago they still lived in savagery and slavery. When America was a country of skyscrapers and cars and neon lights, in Europe there was still slavery, collective barracks and the obscurantism of Eurocentrism.

I posted a link to the Plains Indian Museum.
I have worked archeological digs in Oklahoma and Nebraska.
The Native Americans themselves have many, many stories about hunts and hunting.
The only reason a tribe would be nomadic is following the herds or seeking new grazing lands for their herds of domestic animals. The Apache had no herds of domestic animals.
The use of skins (actually the entire bison) is well documented.
There are plenty of stories and historical data about the plains tribes eating bison. Their was a hierarchy to who got what cuts of meat.

But you claim they did not hunt. And you base it on your own prejudices.
In the end, the fact that Americans are not British can be understood already by the fact that the American population is beautiful, slender and intelligent people, and northern Europe is inhabited by ugly, weak, servile people who value not strength and individualism, but the weakness of collectivism, Prussian flocking and subordination.
Europe is devoid of creativity. All 20th century technology from California. Europe is prone to autism but American children are Indigo children.

Europeans want to listen to orders, Americans want to invent and go ahead, fly up to the stars.

Autism is at epidemic proportions in the US too.

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