It's Finally Happened!


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Thinking people, are you noticing this? For over 4 years we have wondered how people can have a trance like devotion to Donald John Trump, in spite of transparent and overwhelming evidence of his deceit, ineptitude, and egregious narcissism.

But after saying the 'Constitution should be suspended' if he doesn't win an election, and then this naked display of of grift with the NFT "trading cards", it would appear that the cult is being shocked into admitting the man behind the curtain is really a fraud (excusing an entire lifetime of countless examples of this)

This is a positive step, but much of America is still dangerously uninformed. Perhaps this signals a paradigm shift with these folks.
Trump severed his purpose....Time to move on.

a new hope.jpg
Thinking people, are you noticing this? For over 4 years we have wondered how people can have a trance like devotion to Donald John Trump, in spite of transparent and overwhelming evidence of his deceit, ineptitude, and egregious narcissism.

But after saying the 'Constitution should be suspended' if he doesn't win an election, and then this naked display of of grift with the NFT "trading cards", it would appear that the cult is being shocked into admitting the man behind the curtain is really a fraud (excusing an entire lifetime of countless examples of this)

This is a positive step, but much of America is still dangerously uninformed. Perhaps this signals a paradigm shift with these folks.
Yea, yea, whatever.

Now does anyone here have this trading card on the Left? I would like to trade with someone for the one on the right


Thanks in advance.
Thinking people, are you noticing this? For over 4 years we have wondered how people can have a trance like devotion to Donald John Trump, in spite of transparent and overwhelming evidence of his deceit, ineptitude, and egregious narcissism.

But after saying the 'Constitution should be suspended' if he doesn't win an election, and then this naked display of of grift with the NFT "trading cards", it would appear that the cult is being shocked into admitting the man behind the curtain is really a fraud (excusing an entire lifetime of countless examples of this)

This is a positive step, but much of America is still dangerously uninformed. Perhaps this signals a paradigm shift with these folks.
So you are saying they are leaving you behind? Because you arent evolving at all, cultist.
Surely, I can't be the only one here who saw the title of this post and thought McRib was announcing that a little bit of peach fuzz had finally appeared on his upper lip, right?
Surely, I can't be the only one here who saw the title of this post and thought McRib was announcing that a little bit of peach fuzz had finally appeared on his upper lip, right?
I assumed he was making an announcement about his sex change operation.
Like he was tired of waiting in line & did it himself with small nail clippers at home.

Enjoy your shiny new pagina Mr.Pib!
Mocking the disabled, disrespecting our troops, saying he could shoot someone and still not lose any votes - MAGA was fine with all that, and all the treason, and all the buffoonery. But this is what it took?

Fucking clowns, and really shitty Americans.
Dudes showering with their daughters aint slowing you down.
What does that say about you? Fuckin freak

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