It's funny how republicans think

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
Didn’t Bill Gates also dump college to peruse a career? lol

Top 10 College Dropouts - TIME

But nobody lectured to Bill Gates about how his people fail because they aren't educated.
I work with a lot of black professionals who didn’t believe the BS democrats were selling. It’s why they aren’t on a MB complaining about being held back.
I find it funny how white conservatives diss us for calling black conservatives sellouts, but any white liberal who stands up against white racism or admits to white privilege is a self hating white person.
I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
Didn’t Bill Gates also dump college to peruse a career? lol

Top 10 College Dropouts - TIME

But nobody lectured to Bill Gates about how his people fail because they aren't educated.
I work with a lot of black professionals who didn’t believe the BS democrats were selling. It’s why they aren’t on a MB complaining about being held back.

No you don't. And the OP was about the republican party that has done nothing for 14 out the 18 years of this century they have been the majority in Washington not about anything holding anyone back.
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We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Callings woman a ho. Just another reason to not care about your opinion.

Try treating women with respect sometime

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
Didn’t Bill Gates also dump college to peruse a career? lol

Top 10 College Dropouts - TIME

But nobody lectured to Bill Gates about how his people fail because they aren't educated.
I work with a lot of black professionals who didn’t believe the BS democrats were selling. It’s why they aren’t on a MB complaining about being held back.

No you don't.
Tell that to the black doctor who recently invited me to watch her perform surgery using a robot called Da Vinci. :)
There’s a reason why I think you’re a lazy black person looking for handouts, IM2. Just saying.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.

You think blacks have a problem being free, successful, and thinking for themselves?

I don’t. You should have more faith in people. They might surprise you
In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

Did she play the black card?

Playing the race card refers to the FABRICATION of circumstances and use of false pretenses that do not exist in order to get undeserved support

She did not do that

I find it funny how white conservatives diss us for calling black conservatives sellouts, but any white liberal who stands up against white racism or admits to white privilege is a self hating white person.

I’ve never called anyone any of those things

I’ve called Them idiots.

But that’s got nothing to do with their race

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
Didn’t Bill Gates also dump college to peruse a career? lol

Top 10 College Dropouts - TIME

But nobody lectured to Bill Gates about how his people fail because they aren't educated.
I work with a lot of black professionals who didn’t believe the BS democrats were selling. It’s why they aren’t on a MB complaining about being held back.

No you don't. And the OP was about the republican party that has done nothing for 14 out the 18 years of this century they have been the majority in Washington not about anything holding anyone back.

No this thread is about you unable to do simple math
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
Printing more paper is not wealth
After 2020 Trump can spend his whole 2nd term crushing the debt.
Man, that's even funnier than "because Mexicans".

After 2020, Trump will shatter Obama's debt record. If the morbidly obese fuck is still alive.
If Republicans win in November you will see Trump do health care and infrastructure with the start of a debt reduction plan.

LOL, "debt reduction plan", what sort of drugs are you on?

There's only one feasible "debt reduction plan" at this point, it's called "explicit default" which is going to be a bit tougher on the plebs than the "slow inflationary default" plan that is currently in effect. In case you hadn't noticed we're already in a federal debt service + mandatory spending death spiral so you might as well enjoy the ride while it lasts.
And when it happens, you can be sure the tards will parrot on command that it is all "because Mexicans" and "because blacks".

Personally, I expect the preponderance of the finger pointing will be more along the lines of "because Republicans" and "because Democrats" , the partisan lemmings like to point fingers but oddly enough they always seem to fail to recognize the proper direction to point them, which is of course at themselves.

Anyhow, when the current charade runs it's course it won't really matter who the sheeple choose to blame, since it'll all amount to so much cries of the damned.:dunno:
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

Washington isn't broke. It's taking in record amounts of tax revenue. Republicans and Democrats spend too much money.

That is actually not true, revenue is down since the tax cut kicked in.

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Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes in FY 2018; Still Run $779B Deficit
That's because people are earning more.

That's why it's called "income tax".
/——/ Earning more and more workers with jobs = more taxes collected. What a concept.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.

Washington isn't broke. It's taking in record amounts of tax revenue. Republicans and Democrats spend too much money.

That is actually not true, revenue is down since the tax cut kicked in.

Sent from my iPhone using

Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes in FY 2018; Still Run $779B Deficit
That's because people are earning more.

That's why it's called "income tax".
/——/ Earning more and more workers with jobs = more taxes collected. What a concept.

Until you cut the tax rate and more workers with more income still means less taxes collected.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
I agree that we need somebody else to fix Washington.

Just not the commie Democrats.

Washington isn't broke. It's taking in record amounts of tax revenue. Republicans and Democrats spend too much money.

That is actually not true, revenue is down since the tax cut kicked in.

Sent from my iPhone using

Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes in FY 2018; Still Run $779B Deficit
That's because people are earning more.

That's why it's called "income tax".
/——/ Earning more and more workers with jobs = more taxes collected. What a concept.

Until you cut the tax rate and more workers with more income still means less taxes collected.

And your solution is?
Washington isn't broke. It's taking in record amounts of tax revenue. Republicans and Democrats spend too much money.

That is actually not true, revenue is down since the tax cut kicked in.

Sent from my iPhone using

Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes in FY 2018; Still Run $779B Deficit
That's because people are earning more.

That's why it's called "income tax".
/——/ Earning more and more workers with jobs = more taxes collected. What a concept.

Until you cut the tax rate and more workers with more income still means less taxes collected.
/----/ Yes there is a zero sums gain but at a point, enough people enter the sales force and tax revenue increase.
That is actually not true, revenue is down since the tax cut kicked in.

Sent from my iPhone using

Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes in FY 2018; Still Run $779B Deficit
That's because people are earning more.

That's why it's called "income tax".
/——/ Earning more and more workers with jobs = more taxes collected. What a concept.

Until you cut the tax rate and more workers with more income still means less taxes collected.

And your solution is?

Pay for what we spend and only spend what we can pay for. Not unlike you and I run our households. (assuming you are not swimming in debt)
She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.

She recognized the worthlessness of federally subsidized *education*.

I'm sure you do think she's a loser. You're a brainwashed, lying leftist. You resent strong women who don't do what they're told.

So now we have excuses for uneducated blacks. And your second sentence is just retarded.
The second sentence is "I'm sure you do think she's a loser" which you said you did.
/——/ Earning more and more workers with jobs = more taxes collected. What a concept.

Until you cut the tax rate and more workers with more income still means less taxes collected.

And your solution is?

Pay for what we spend and only spend what we can pay for. Not unlike you and I run our households. (assuming you are not swimming in debt)

Is a mortgage considered swimming in debt?

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