It's funny how republicans think

We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

No, they look at you, and the scum like you, as a joke.

And they also pity you.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

Did she play the black card?
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

Did she play the black card? She received threats. That's a crime.
And the school refused to act on it because the boy threatening her was the son of the mayor.

"Two days before the phone incident, they had a shouting match during class. School officials suspended Kopek for that but would not discipline him and the other boys for an incident committed off school grounds unless the police made an arrest, which drew criticism from the state National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

"Owens left school for six weeks, saying it was traumatic to attend with the alleged callers. She returned after Kopek was arrested in late March. Another teen was arrested later that spring. School officials would not say whether they disciplined Kopek after the arrest.

"The lawsuit said the decision to delay suspensions amounted to a failure to protect Owens. The suit accused the city of violating the federal Title IX rule banning discrimination in schools that receive federal funding. The school system has "continued to do nothing to protect Ms. Owens from repeated harassment and intimidation by the young men and their friends," the suit stated."

This is a perfect example of the racism of leftist educators, who claim to be all about black power.

You really are racists. You protect whoever has the power, whoever has the money.

They knew she was being targeted and threatened, and refused to do anything. So she sued. And she won, by way of settling.


To recap. Owens has never said that racism doesn't exist. And she has been quite vocal about the racist, progressive nature of federally funded schools.

Racist threats case filed by Stamford High student settled for $37,500
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You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

Obviously he's all about empowering women.

Nothing fake blacks who make blacks look stupid online hate more than strong black women, and strong women in general. They're very like their white democratic brethren in that way.

Like IM2 the left only acknowledges women in terms of who/what/when/how often they fuck.
We are told by republicans that Washington is broke. They want us to vote republican because Washington is broke. This is 2018 and republicans have controlled congress for all but 2 years of this century. Yet they want us to vote for them because Washington is broke. If Washington is broke and you've had 16 years to fix it, maybe we need somebody else trying to fix the problem.
Wait wait wait...

Republicans think?

Who knew!

Anyone who thinks

In other words, Republicans
Yeah.... NO.

Outstanding come back. You are definitely showing us all what great thinkers you are
Just trying to keep it simple for ya.
You should stop watching CNN and MSNBC. It’s why you’re confused.

Here’s a short vid of a black woman who was once a liberal. She held the same beliefs as you before realizing she was being used by democrats.....

EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.

She recognized the worthlessness of federally subsidized *education*.

I'm sure you do think she's a loser. You're a brainwashed, lying leftist. You resent strong women who don't do what they're told.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.
EVERY fully owned black leftist that sees this will say something they're programmed to say such as......

"oh, she's an Uncle Tom black"


She's being paid to say these things by Trump or the Republicans

Both merely proof of their ignorance and willingness to be owned and stay loyal to Hatin Hillary and the Democrat Plantation.

Candice Owens is Da Bomb! LOVE HER!!!!

Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
Didn’t Bill Gates also dump college to peruse a career? lol

Top 10 College Dropouts - TIME
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.

You realize that Blacks ... as well as Jews, Hispanics, Druids, Episcopalians, and Flat-Earthers .... don't vote as a single entity, right?

They are individual voters. The one thing they do have in common is that they're all Americans (except in California).
Last edited:
Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.

She recognized the worthlessness of federally subsidized *education*.

I'm sure you do think she's a loser. You're a brainwashed, lying leftist. You resent strong women who don't do what they're told.

So now we have excuses for uneducated blacks. And your second sentence is just retarded.
Programed my ass. Owens settled for 37,500 dollars o a racial discrimination suit and now she runs around talking about how there is no racism and blacks who think so are victims. She is a joke.

She doesn't say there's no racism.

She says there's no white privilege.

You are most likely too stupid to understand the difference.

I've heard Candice Owens fool. I know what she says. What you are too stupid to understand is why most blacks look at this dumb ho as a joke.

Dumb ho?

That's what I said. She's another conservative drop out running her mouth off.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year.

Yep she is the example we should follow as blacks, the black who takes education seriously which you guys say we need to do and our lack is why we "fail" then blame whitey instead of going to school and getting educated.

You see, I battled through the struggle and earned my degrees, so Owens is a loser in my book.
Didn’t Bill Gates also dump college to peruse a career? lol

Top 10 College Dropouts - TIME

But nobody lectured to Bill Gates about how his people fail because they aren't educated.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.
I’m thinking you’re why people often say an old dog can’t be taught.

57? I wish you the best.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.

You realize that Black ... as well as Jews, Hispanics, Druids, Episcopalians, and Flat-Earthers .... don't vote as a single entity, right?

They are individual voters. The one thing they do have in common is that they're all Americans (except in California).

So that means as an individual I can vote democrat without reading this punk ass racist bullshit about mother fucking plantations or how I am brainwashed or being told what to fucking think by liberals.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.
I’m thinking you’re why people often say an old dog can’t be taught.

57? I wish you the best.

I'm thinking that I am old enough to know bullshit when I see it.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually learn how wrong you’ve been, IM2.

I'm thinking that I've lived 57 years, have seen how both sides do things and the way you guys try pressing blacks to become republicans just is not going to work.

You realize that Black ... as well as Jews, Hispanics, Druids, Episcopalians, and Flat-Earthers .... don't vote as a single entity, right?

They are individual voters. The one thing they do have in common is that they're all Americans (except in California).

So that means as an individual I can vote democrat without reading this punk ass racist bullshit about mother fucking plantations or how I am brainwashed or being told what to fucking think by liberals.

The larger question is, why do you care what a punk-arse racist writes?

He's only expressing an opinion here because he's anonymous. If he spouted this garbage anywhere else he'd lose his job or get his punk-arse handed to him (probably both).

Idiots have always existed. Thankfully, they're no longer running things.

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