It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

BULLSHIT, you lying retarded scumbag.

Illegals drain YOUR tax dollars.

If you're okay with that, then YOU support them.

But don't expect anyone else to.
He should listen to the mayors of the sanctuary cities that are complaining that providing services and housing for those illegal aliens are bankrupting them.
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They’re apprehended, dupe.
Not “unchecked” as you asserted.
Not many of them. Have you watched the video of the panga loaded with mostly military age males coming ashore in La Jolla? None of them were apprehended, the lifeguards caught one woman who fell in the street and her child.
What’s Scooter Abbott’s plan? Texas is already in violation of the SC.
Remember that in 1944 Germany passed the Enabling Law which gave the Nazi's total control of making laws and the judicial system. Everything they did from then on was "legal" by their perspective. Legal and correct are not interchangeable, and can be direct opposites. If you have no border you have no country to govern, pretty fundamental, don't get hung up on legalities. The government doesn't let that influence them.
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

Why would they push hard for impeachment if they dont have the votes in the Senate to complete the job? Just for symbolism purposes? That sounds like a political miscalculation to me. First off, you arent going to get more Trumps for vote this way, and secondly, why would we want to get rid of Biden when he is goin g to be so easy to beat? You wanna impeach him and get Michelle Obama to replace him instead? Id much rather run against Biden. :dunno:
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

/---/ There is no use in impeaching Biden. The Senate would not go along, and it's an election year. It would backfire on the GOP.
What’s Scooter Abbott’s plan? Texas is already in violation of the SC.
There were/are Republicans who questioned the Governor as closer to a RINO over the years. Frustration in some things. At the very least he is responding to his own citizens begging him to do something.
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

I am sure many have already pointed this out.....Texas is not defying any Supreme Court order.....the Supreme Court ruled that the democrats could take the wire down, they said nothing about what Texas could do or not do......the democrats take down the wire, then Texas can put it back up.....and they are not disobeying any order by the court.
The court decision has no effect other than giving the feds the right of access to the border and the right to cut down razor wire Texas puts up there. It does not tell Texas to stop putting it up. That will come later.
How many of those immigrants crossing the Rio Grande have been armed? How many of them have used force to get past the border patrol or law enforcement? What US territory have they seized? And, again, where does the US Constitution say that states can assume federal responsibilities if they're not happy with the way Washington is doing it? I don't know how you people feed yourselves. You seem to be operating with the intelligence of fucking ten year olds.
The problem you have is that the American people see daily the catastrophe at the border with a POTUS actively blocking anything that would stop it….not a good plan.
The court decision has no effect other than giving the feds the right of access to the border and the right to cut down razor wire Texas puts up there. It does not tell Texas to stop putting it up. That will come later.
And why would you support that?

BTW The Texas drowned people was nothing more than a Media LIE.
What’s Scooter Abbott’s plan? Texas is already in violation of the SC.
Lies. The SC didn’t tell Texas to do anything, or not do anything, Dumbass.

They said the Feds could remove razor wire. Get educated for once in your pathetic life.
Cutting razor concertina is not that simple. It’s nasty stuff, in the Army we had special gloves with chain mail palms to handle it. It also has a nasty habit of curling back when it’s cut.

I think Mexicans can handle it, they’re smart.
Lies. The SC didn’t tell Texas to do anything, or not do anything, Dumbass.

They said the Feds could remove razor wire. Get educated for once in your pathetic life.
The feds need access to do such, dupe. Scooter is denying such.
Using force to interfere with Border Enforcement would not be a "good look" for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe in an election year.

If the Feds use force in this particular instance the Democrats can kiss goodbye the election of 2024 on multiple levels.

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