It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

The "gotaways" laugh at your nonsense claims. Catch and release is the Biden policy for illegals. It's a draw for more illegals. An unsecured, open border is defined by illegals walking into the country across wide swaths of unsecured territory.
Neither Republican nor Democrat Congress has not set aside funds for more adjudicators or facilities to hold them.
What’s Scooter Abbott’s plan? Texas is already in violation of the SC.
Potatohead is in violation of the immigration laws because the sonofabitch ain't enforcing any of them.

Several states like New York and California are in blatant violation of the Bruen decision but I don't see you stupid Moon Bats complaining.
What’s Scooter Abbott’s plan? Texas is already in violation of the SC.

You obviously missed it but Abbott's plan is to defend the health and safety of the state's citizens. What you won't address is the complete abandonment of enforcing existing immigration laws by Biden. You won't address the failure of Biden to defend the Constitution.
If Texas refuses to comply with the Federal courts, then we should give Texas back to Mexico.

Or trade for a donkey, which would be a fair deal.
Biden has just said he will turn them back to Mexico if they don’t capitulate to his dictatorheadship by noon Saturday
If by working you mean Abbot's reputation as an arse is reinforced, you are correct.
You're lacking in substantive information.

If you don't think Abbott should act to stop the influx of illegals into Texas, along with the damage to the state and its citizens, then you opinion is worthless.

Texans have borne the brunt of whatever it Biden is doing to the nation. Its unacceptable.
Gotta be honest…I’m not sure why the border patrol would need to cut the razor wire…I’m sure the Mexicans coming across the border can afford a pair of snips…
Cutting razor concertina is not that simple. It’s nasty stuff, in the Army we had special gloves with chain mail palms to handle it. It also has a nasty habit of curling back when it’s cut.
It is beyond comprehension that "Jose Gonzalez" can come here from Guatemala, prove who he is, prove he is not a criminal, and prove that he needs asylum because thugs are out to get him.
It’s beyond comprehension that you believe the US has any responsibility for criminal actions in another country. Asylum is for POLITICAL refugees who can prove their identity and are in verifiable danger. Most of these asylum seekers can’t prove their identities or that they are in any danger at all. They are economic refugees, not true asylum seekers.
Dershowitz thinks the USSC will rethink its decision in favor of TX to defend its border.

That would be a good outcome.
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

Abbott and the other clowns in the Texas GQP will be begging Biden for help once the Mexican drug cartels take over the state.
Your first idiocy is calling the migrants an "invasion". You destroyed their home countries, now YOU have an obligation to help them. Morally, and legally. You broke it, you own it.
We haven’t destroyed their home countries. Their own corruption has destroyed their home countries. We have given every country in the western hemisphere except Canada BILLIONS of dollars over the years to improve their citizens lives. Their own politicians have stolen most of it and instead of blaming their own leaders, they blame us and want us to support them.
It’s beyond comprehension that you believe the US has any responsibility for criminal actions in another country. Asylum is for POLITICAL refugees who can prove their identity and are in verifiable danger. Most of these asylum seekers can’t prove their identities or that they are in any danger at all. They are economic refugees, not true asylum seekers.
I think you got me all wrong. I agree with you.
and the MASH unit was none for the worse for doing so
How many GIs died because the limited supplies were used to treat Korean civilians? Yes medical outreach is a nice thing, but the purpose of Army medical units is to treat American soldiers. What would have happened if there was an influx of casualties and the 4077th had used its reserves up?

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