It's January 2013, Morning In America

explain it to the moderators kid.


you're a piece of work. You come in here and start name calling people for pointing out a blatant racist like a little 13 year old turd in the bleachers, and then you go tattle-tale an inane comment that doesn't even mean what your lack of comprehension having ass thinks it means. life: Got one?


Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..
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you're a piece of work. You come in here and start name calling people for pointing out a blatant racist like a little 13 year old turd in the bleachers, and then you go tattle-tale an inane comment that doesn't even mean what your lack of comprehension having ass thinks it means. life: Got one?


Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

Actually, there's a clear understanding here of who the two pussies were that came in here whining that a racist was called a racist. Go out and get laid.
Go back and read your posts... your a nickel and dime race hustler, most everybody on USMB knows this... you've proved it time and time again.

So? Is that a no? You don't want to make the deal?

You talk so much crap about me, yet you've not once backed anything up that you've claimed. Not once. I can back up EVERYTHING I claim about Rabbi and now you and anyone else that I should make a claim about. It's time to put up or shut up. You're just a loud mouthed asshole who defends racists and makes claims about people without any proof at all. You lose at life.

Looka.. you never anser anything, you just deflect and throw the race card. Peddle your race baiting elsewhere, we don't need it here.

Piss off.

LMAO. The king of all talk/no proof is doing it again. Running away when asked for evidence for his accusations.

You asked in the other thread to prove that Rabbi was racist, I gave the link and you defended his actions. What else would you like me to prove? Yet I'm still waiting for you to prove ANYTHING you've claimed about me, please, prove one single point about me that you've claimed. You won't because you're pathetic and a liar and a defender or racism, which according to you makes you a racist too. I guess that's two people on this site now that are actual admitted racists. Congrats.
So? Is that a no? You don't want to make the deal?

You talk so much crap about me, yet you've not once backed anything up that you've claimed. Not once. I can back up EVERYTHING I claim about Rabbi and now you and anyone else that I should make a claim about. It's time to put up or shut up. You're just a loud mouthed asshole who defends racists and makes claims about people without any proof at all. You lose at life.

Looka.. you never anser anything, you just deflect and throw the race card. Peddle your race baiting elsewhere, we don't need it here.

Piss off.

You aren't running away are you?:razz:

I offer a 1 month ban for him versus lifetime ban for me, and he still can't back up what he claims. LMAO!!
you're a piece of work. You come in here and start name calling people for pointing out a blatant racist like a little 13 year old turd in the bleachers, and then you go tattle-tale an inane comment that doesn't even mean what your lack of comprehension having ass thinks it means. life: Got one?


Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

You jumped on the thread, bashing people, and when we responded to your bullshit you deflect with some dumb comment. Get on your stick pony and ride away.

Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

Actually, there's a clear understanding here of who the two pussies were that came in here whining that a racist was called a racist. Go out and get laid.

Actually, no my friend, that's was never my point. My point is RDD throws the race card around way too much and that he's a two-bit race hustler and that people like him are the ones that are rendering the term meaningless.

Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

You jumped on the thread, bashing people, and when we responded to your bullshit you deflect with some dumb comment. Get on your stick pony and ride away.

You're insignificant.. even in your own little mind.. I'll comment when and where I choose.. I don't believe you're a Moderator here, are you? PISS OFF.
Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

Actually, there's a clear understanding here of who the two pussies were that came in here whining that a racist was called a racist. Go out and get laid.

Actually, no my friend, that's was never my point. My point is RDD throws the race card around way too much and that he's a two-bit race hustler and that people like him are the ones that are rendering the term meaningless.

Actually, you're playing the fool because RDD's use of the term Racist as it pertains to Rabbi is verifiably true.
Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

Actually, there's a clear understanding here of who the two pussies were that came in here whining that a racist was called a racist. Go out and get laid.

Actually, no my friend, that's was never my point. My point is RDD throws the race card around way too much and that he's a two-bit race hustler and that people like him are the ones that are rendering the term meaningless.

Again, prove that I do that. I do it all the time with Rabbi, yes. But he's the only one....until now, when you outted yourself. Prove it otherwise or shut up.

I'm sure you'll ignore this AGAIN, or reply with some sort of insult that you don't need to prove it.
Back to the thread instead of the INFANTILE fucktards here.. this isn't the fuckin flame zone.. stop derailing this thread.
Ignore them.. looks like two freaks who pee'd pee'd their granny panties over not getting their way..

You jumped on the thread, bashing people, and when we responded to your bullshit you deflect with some dumb comment. Get on your stick pony and ride away.

You're insignificant.. even in your own little mind.. I'll comment when and where I choose.. I don't believe you're a Moderator here, are you? PISS OFF.

I see you're still blathering. Next time bring some coherence to your comments.
Back to the thread instead of the INFANTILE fucktards here.. this isn't the fuckin flame zone.. stop derailing this thread.


Here's derailment:

"Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No.."

This crap is the epitome of a derailment.
Soggy??? Where are you? Why do you disappear everytime I ask for evidence for your claims? I wish I would have predicted that you would do this...oh wait, I did.

The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. What is on the agenda for the next two years?
The exact same shit that's going on now.

This is exactly what will happen.

Oh sure, they'll talk a big game and make it seem like they're trying soooooo hard to get things done. But, at the end of they're reign the country will be in the same position it's in now.

Illegal Immigration still running rampant
Federal Reserve still not audited
Value of the dollar still decreasing
Still engaged in multiple pointless wars
Still just as dependent on foreign oil
Social Security and Medicare still going bankrupt
ect ect ect
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. What is on the agenda for the next two years?
The exact same shit that's going on now.

This is exactly what will happen.

Oh sure, they'll talk a big game and make it seem like they're trying soooooo hard to get things done. But, at the end of they're reign the country will be in the same position it's in now.

Illegal Immigration still running rampant
Federal Reserve still not audited
Value of the dollar still decreasing
Still engaged in multiple pointless wars
Still just as dependent on foreign oil
Social Security and Medicare still going bankrupt
ect ect ect

I'll respond before the brain-daed libtards get this thrown into the Romper Room (justifiably at this point).
The question was not what you think will happen. The question is what ought to happen.

To make a permanent mark we must eliminate completely certain programs and departments. There is no way thatn wholesale. That will leave the brain dead libtards chanting "mend it, don't end it" but fuck them. We're in this hole largely because of them anyway.
Soggy??? Where are you? Why do you disappear everytime I ask for evidence for your claims? I wish I would have predicted that you would do this...oh wait, I did.


Sorry Race Hustler... I had something to do. Miss me?


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