It's January 2013, Morning In America

oOOoooOO.. Your Sesame Street attacks are gonna leave a mark.. :lol::lol:

One can only hope that these two are very young and it is just ignorance, otherwise...


You want to try and prove some of your points from your earlier post? I can back up that you're full of shit. Can you prove what you're saying?

Let's make it interesting. If I can show you being a liar on any of your points, you ban yourself for 1 month. If I can't, I ban myself forever. Deal?

Translated: "I'll bet my daddy can beat yours up and if he loses, I don't get to play rump ranger with the neighbor's St. Bernard for a whole week, DEAL?
oOOoooOO.. Your Sesame Street attacks are gonna leave a mark.. :lol::lol:

One can only hope that these two are very young and it is just ignorance, otherwise...


You want to try and prove some of your points from your earlier post? I can back up that you're full of shit. Can you prove what you're saying?

Let's make it interesting. If I can show you being a liar on any of your points, you ban yourself for 1 month. If I can't, I ban myself forever. Deal?

Go back and read your posts... your a nickel and dime race hustler, most everybody on USMB knows this... you've proved it time and time again.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

First Day in Office...

(1) Reinstitute Mexico City Policy
(2) Revoke waiver of Jerusalem Embassy Act
(3) Submit legislation to Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare
(4) Submit legislation to Congress making current income tax rates permanent and eliminating capital gains tax completely
(5) Bomb Iranian nuclear program

...and that's all just before lunch.

Second Day in Office..

(1) Make the United States Constitution Null and Void.
(2) Get rid of taxation for the wealthy.
(3) Disband the military and give defense responsibilities to Halliburton and Blackwater.
(4) Declare martial law.
(5) Disband the congress and give the governance of the United States over to the Chamber of Commerce and Pat Robertson.
(6) Light a stogie and declare "Mission accomplished".
One can only hope that these two are very young and it is just ignorance, otherwise...


You want to try and prove some of your points from your earlier post? I can back up that you're full of shit. Can you prove what you're saying?

Let's make it interesting. If I can show you being a liar on any of your points, you ban yourself for 1 month. If I can't, I ban myself forever. Deal?

Translated: "I'll bet my daddy can beat yours up and if he loses, I don't get to play rump ranger with the neighbor's St. Bernard for a whole week, DEAL?

Actually, what he said was that you're a liar and he can prove it, and your (this) response was a deflection because you know it's probably true.
Really kids, I'm attempting to give you the benefit of the doubt that all of this is attributable to immaturity and thought processes that haven't fully developed, because like I said... otherwise...
One can only hope that these two are very young and it is just ignorance, otherwise...


You want to try and prove some of your points from your earlier post? I can back up that you're full of shit. Can you prove what you're saying?

Let's make it interesting. If I can show you being a liar on any of your points, you ban yourself for 1 month. If I can't, I ban myself forever. Deal?

Go back and read your posts... your a nickel and dime race hustler, most everybody on USMB knows this... you've proved it time and time again.

So? Is that a no? You don't want to make the deal?

You talk so much crap about me, yet you've not once backed anything up that you've claimed. Not once. I can back up EVERYTHING I claim about Rabbi and now you and anyone else that I should make a claim about. It's time to put up or shut up. You're just a loud mouthed asshole who defends racists and makes claims about people without any proof at all. You lose at life.
your insults are teeeehhhh betta than his, or something? Where's the superiority complex coming from?

Rabbi is a racist.

He should have that around his neck and drown. Fuck him, and his threads.

Oh wow... wishing death on people now?

I let the moderators know.

Yes, because you can drown from having racism on your neck. It's called imagery, you dope.

Explain it to the moderators kid.

You want to try and prove some of your points from your earlier post? I can back up that you're full of shit. Can you prove what you're saying?

Let's make it interesting. If I can show you being a liar on any of your points, you ban yourself for 1 month. If I can't, I ban myself forever. Deal?

Go back and read your posts... your a nickel and dime race hustler, most everybody on USMB knows this... you've proved it time and time again.

So? Is that a no? You don't want to make the deal?

You talk so much crap about me, yet you've not once backed anything up that you've claimed. Not once. I can back up EVERYTHING I claim about Rabbi and now you and anyone else that I should make a claim about. It's time to put up or shut up. You're just a loud mouthed asshole who defends racists and makes claims about people without any proof at all. You lose at life.

Looka.. you never anser anything, you just deflect and throw the race card. Peddle your race baiting elsewhere, we don't need it here.

Piss off.
Oh wow... wishing death on people now?

I let the moderators know.

Yes, because you can drown from having racism on your neck. It's called imagery, you dope.

Explain it to the moderators kid.


You're a piece of work. You come in here and start name calling people for pointing out a blatant racist like a little 13 year old turd in the bleachers, and then you go tattle-tale an inane comment that doesn't even mean what your lack of comprehension having ass thinks it means.

Life: got one?
yes, because you can drown from having racism on your neck. It's called imagery, you dope.

explain it to the moderators kid.


you're a piece of work. You come in here and start name calling people for pointing out a blatant racist like a little 13 year old turd in the bleachers, and then you go tattle-tale an inane comment that doesn't even mean what your lack of comprehension having ass thinks it means. life: Got one?

huh???????????????? Take a breath sonny, you're gonna hyperventilate!
Go back and read your posts... your a nickel and dime race hustler, most everybody on USMB knows this... you've proved it time and time again.

So? Is that a no? You don't want to make the deal?

You talk so much crap about me, yet you've not once backed anything up that you've claimed. Not once. I can back up EVERYTHING I claim about Rabbi and now you and anyone else that I should make a claim about. It's time to put up or shut up. You're just a loud mouthed asshole who defends racists and makes claims about people without any proof at all. You lose at life.

Looka.. you never anser anything, you just deflect and throw the race card. Peddle your race baiting elsewhere, we don't need it here.

Piss off.

You aren't running away are you?:razz:

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