It's January 2013, Morning In America

The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.
Limit the federal budget to inbound revenues. Emergency appropriations language could be placed in the bill in case of war or other national emergency.
De-fund Obamacare.
Evaluate all federal departments for the purpose of reducing federal employment.
Eliminate all non essential federal jobs. For example, the Parks department that cares for the grounds and buildings on federal land in and outside of Washington DC. There is no need to hire expensive federal employees to cut the grass at the Washington Monument. This can be privatized at great savings to the taxpayer.
Revamp Medicare to means testing. High income retirees should not be using taxpayer provided insurance when they can afford their own.
Remove at least one third of all troops from foreign soil, train them to guard the borders ports of entry, seaports as well as transit systems in large cities.
Eliminate the TSA and and hire only professional law enforcement people. Given them the tools to weed out potential terrorists. In a word, profile.
Open the books on every department every manager every staff member to see where taxpayer resources are being wasted, shut them down and reduce staff and managers.
Pass legislation to make it illegal for the President's off ice to appoint "Czars" and other high level "pleasure of the President" positions without prior congressional scrutiny( vetting) of the the individual .
Modernize and upgrade FAA air traffic control center computer and radar systems.
The United States should have the most up to date and modern air traffic control system in the world. This should include legislation that mandates all commercial passenger and cargo aircraft be equipped with the latest in GPS technology.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

LOL. As long as it's not a black man in charge everything will start to get better, right?
The race card does not apply and is not permitted. Take your troll shit elsewhere.
Find that proof yet? Of course you didn't.

Wow.. just sitting there waiting for me? Dude, I don't roll that way... you're freaking me out.

You don't?

Could have fooled me

Looks like that's EXACTLY how you roll.

My God you're ignorant... that isn't at all what I meant you dumbass.

Congrats on being dumber than a bag of rocks and being the newest addition to my ignore list.

Well done. Have a nice life in Mom and Dad's basement!

Wow.. just sitting there waiting for me? Dude, I don't roll that way... you're freaking me out.

You don't?

Could have fooled me

Looks like that's EXACTLY how you roll.

My God you're ignorant... that isn't at all what I meant you dumbass.

Congrats on being dumber than a bag of rocks and being the newest addition to my ignore list.

Well done. Have a nice life in Mom and Dad's basement!


:lol::lol: Made me laugh :)
Rabbi's viewpoint on blacks and their ability to lead directly relates to his dream scenario. I was merely pointing that out.

I have also argued on areas of race with Rabbi... and will continue to do so in the future... but this was a legit post and scenario generator...

If TM would actually post something that is not a fabrication, twist, or lie... I would treat it seriously... when Wrongwinger occasionally posts something good, I give credit and reply... This had no premise of race in the post itself... and your adding it to the mix was not necessary

Fair enough. I just have a hard time taking anything Rabbi posts as being legit since I know how he views the world. I do understand what you are saying though.
can you post examples of "rabbi's" racism...Failing that, your entire line of though is out of bounds and is unaccpetbale.
I have also argued on areas of race with Rabbi... and will continue to do so in the future... but this was a legit post and scenario generator...

If TM would actually post something that is not a fabrication, twist, or lie... I would treat it seriously... when Wrongwinger occasionally posts something good, I give credit and reply... This had no premise of race in the post itself... and your adding it to the mix was not necessary

Fair enough. I just have a hard time taking anything Rabbi posts as being legit since I know how he views the world. I do understand what you are saying though.
can you post examples of "rabbi's" racism...Failing that, your entire line of though is out of bounds and is unaccpetbale.

Careful.. you'll now be accused of "defending racism" and then he'll claim he isn't actually calling you a "racist".

This one's dumber than a ball-peen hammer and a rabid race-baitor.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

Who might be the R president, Rabbi? Grover Norquist? Or, will he simply pull the strings to unravel the American Dream and make us a true plutocracy?
I have also argued on areas of race with Rabbi... and will continue to do so in the future... but this was a legit post and scenario generator...

If TM would actually post something that is not a fabrication, twist, or lie... I would treat it seriously... when Wrongwinger occasionally posts something good, I give credit and reply... This had no premise of race in the post itself... and your adding it to the mix was not necessary

Fair enough. I just have a hard time taking anything Rabbi posts as being legit since I know how he views the world. I do understand what you are saying though.
can you post examples of "rabbi's" racism...Failing that, your entire line of though is out of bounds and is unaccpetbale.

Been there, done that. Try and keep up.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.
Limit the federal budget to inbound revenues. Emergency appropriations language could be placed in the bill in case of war or other national emergency.
De-fund Obamacare.
Evaluate all federal departments for the purpose of reducing federal employment.
Eliminate all non essential federal jobs. For example, the Parks department that cares for the grounds and buildings on federal land in and outside of Washington DC. There is no need to hire expensive federal employees to cut the grass at the Washington Monument. This can be privatized at great savings to the taxpayer.
Revamp Medicare to means testing. High income retirees should not be using taxpayer provided insurance when they can afford their own.
Remove at least one third of all troops from foreign soil, train them to guard the borders ports of entry, seaports as well as transit systems in large cities.
Eliminate the TSA and and hire only professional law enforcement people. Given them the tools to weed out potential terrorists. In a word, profile.
Open the books on every department every manager every staff member to see where taxpayer resources are being wasted, shut them down and reduce staff and managers.
Pass legislation to make it illegal for the President's off ice to appoint "Czars" and other high level "pleasure of the President" positions without prior congressional scrutiny( vetting) of the the individual .
Modernize and upgrade FAA air traffic control center computer and radar systems.
The United States should have the most up to date and modern air traffic control system in the world. This should include legislation that mandates all commercial passenger and cargo aircraft be equipped with the latest in GPS technology.

While the whole thing about privatizing weed eaters would have a negligible effect, I proposed the bolded portion over a decade and a half ago.

I called them the "Secure Corps" (not terribly original, but hey). Make them just like one the the existing branches of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)...even have them live on bases. Airports, borders, VIP protection, etc etc. And have them rotate through all the specialties so that they don't get complacent.

The GPS tracking thing is a bit Orwellian though, don't you think? :eek: Why not just add one to every car ...or better yet...have everyone get a watch with one. :razz:
Wow.. just sitting there waiting for me? Dude, I don't roll that way... you're freaking me out.

You don't?

Could have fooled me

Looks like that's EXACTLY how you roll.

My God you're ignorant... that isn't at all what I meant you dumbass.

Congrats on being dumber than a bag of rocks and being the newest addition to my ignore list.

Well done. Have a nice life in Mom and Dad's basement!


I hope you don't let people embarrass you this easy in real life too. How many times are you going to let me show how big of an idiot/hypocrite/liar that you are? You really are making it too easy at this point.

You run from threads, you neg rep, and now you put me on ignore. Big man you are. I'm sure you're doing well in life. Carry on.
The great thing about this is, RDD will probably continue to respond to my posts... All the while yelling "Mom, get me a pot-pie!"

The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

Who might be the R president, Rabbi? Grover Norquist? Or, will he simply pull the strings to unravel the American Dream and make us a true plutocracy?

Donald Trump.
Hell, it doesn't matter because that's for another thread. In this thread the GOP has made a clean sweep of all the races. Not just RINOs like Olympia Snowe either but actual conservatives like Tom Coburn.
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

You are a wimp, why so timid?

Here is what Republicans will do:

Repeal Obamacare
Kill Medicare
End Social Security
Stop the Student Loan program
Repeal all Environmental protections
Outlaw Labor Unions
Ban Gay Marriage
Reinstate check that.....Ban all gays from military service
Cut Taxes on the Wealthy
Pull out of the START treaty
Reinstate torture

gee this is fun....can anyone else think of what the Republicans will do?
We will also suspend or repeal the 8th amendment.
Then we can tar and feather, have public floggings and public hangings.
Enact laws that make it legal to subject all federal prisoners to random beatings.
Imprison all liberal weenies....

Obviously you will not see the humor and have already gone off the deep end to knee jerk ville.....Before realizing I used these absurdities to make the point that you are being absurd perhaps to make the same point
The great thing about this is, RDD will probably continue to respond to my posts... All the while yelling "Mom, get me a pot-pie!"


I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

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