It's January 2013, Morning In America

The great thing about this is, RDD will probably continue to respond to my posts... All the while yelling "Mom, get me a pot-pie!"


I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

WOW, STFU already or take it elsewhere.. Fuckin sick of hearing you whine constantly. YOUR OCD is LAME as shit!
The great thing about this is, RDD will probably continue to respond to my posts... All the while yelling "Mom, get me a pot-pie!"


I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

WOW, STFU already or take it elsewhere.. Fuckin sick of hearing you whine constantly. YOUR OCD is LAME as shit!

Don't believe I was talking to you. Put me on ignore if you dont like my posts.
The great thing about this is, RDD will probably continue to respond to my posts... All the while yelling "Mom, get me a pot-pie!"


I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

He "showed you up" as an idiot of Olympic proportions. You have written post after post here, every one of them grossly off topic and ad hominem. If you cannot address the topic here, STFU and go away.
You can have a respectful conversation with racists as you wish, and I can dismiss them as intellectual cowards who do not deserve to be conversed with in a respectful way, as I wish. It's of no consequence to me how you deal with your bigots.

Funny, I was thinking that you are an intellectual coward, but unlike you I still have no problem talking respectfully too you.

See I've realized something over the years. No one is perfect. People can do some seriously screwed up stuff. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated with respect. Nor that they don't have valid points sometimes or that you can't have conversations with them.

It's called being a compassionate human being. Something you guys like to claim a monopoly on.
The great thing about this is, RDD will probably continue to respond to my posts... All the while yelling "Mom, get me a pot-pie!"


I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

He "showed you up" as an idiot of Olympic proportions. You have written post after post here, every one of them grossly off topic and ad hominem. If you cannot address the topic here, STFU and go away.

Can black people be good leaders?
First Day in Office...

(1) Reinstitute Mexico City Policy
(2) Revoke waiver of Jerusalem Embassy Act
(3) Submit legislation to Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare
(4) Submit legislation to Congress making current income tax rates permanent and eliminating capital gains tax completely
(5) Bomb Iranian nuclear program

...and that's all just before lunch.

I like the first 3. I think we need to do more than make the current rates permenant. We need to revamp the entire tax code. And Bombing Iran is pointless. Let Israel do it.
Totally agreed, but just making the existing rates permanent has been so elusive for the past decade, it would be a nice baby step towards stabilizing the tax rates. With strong majorities in both houses though, we could eliminate the AMT, the estate tax and the capital gains tax and flatten the existing income tax brackets.

So far as Israel's concerned, it would signal an end to the mollycoddling policies of Obama and the bedding down with oil interests if the President gave Israel the green light to pursue any actions they deem necessary for the self-defense of their country, letting Israel "off the leash" so to speak with regards to Iran, its neighbors, the settlement question, etc. Israel, indeed, would eliminate the Iranian nuclear threat if they had the support of the United States. Further, the U.S. should initiate an anti-semitism initiative in the UN on Israel's behalf.

I forgot another executive order for the first day of office: lift all moratoriums on drilling! Between a robust domestic energy production sector and unwavering diplomatic support for Israel's right to exist, our Arab "allies" would quickly get the message that they'd better accomodate US more than they accomodate the jihadist elements in the Arab world.

Oh I've so got to agree with the drilling!
This is where you need to understand what you're talking about. The thread that Rabbi made his racist remarks, people spent countless posts explaining why what he said was wrong. He wouldn't listen to any of it and insisted that black people can not be good leaders....simply because they are black. He had no other reason why. That is being a racist. Stop protecting him because he's "on your team".

Jesus Christ.. still banging the race drums?


Still defending it? :eusa_eh:

Anything to take attention off the discusion eh?:)
We appear to be entering a double dip recession. Obama's policies aren't the only reason. The excessive debt in Greece and other Euro countries is certainly part of it.
But Obama's policies have done exactly what they should have been predicted to do: Drain money from productive resources to channel to unproductive ones.
We need to make sure this kind of thing never happens again. Eliminating gov'ts ability to fund pork barrel projects like this would be an enormous step to fiscal sanity.

Much easier said than done.
Go Rabbi defenders, go!

I'd gladly defend Rabbi or anyone else, even when I disagree with them. Unlike you I don't try to use the flaws of others as an excuse for intellectual laziness. Especially on completely different topics.
I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

He "showed you up" as an idiot of Olympic proportions. You have written post after post here, every one of them grossly off topic and ad hominem. If you cannot address the topic here, STFU and go away.

Can black people be good leaders?

Why? Are you looking for someone to guide you out of stupidity?
Second Day in Office..

(1) Make the United States Constitution Null and Void.
(2) Get rid of taxation for the wealthy.
(3) Disband the military and give defense responsibilities to Halliburton and Blackwater.
(4) Declare martial law.
(5) Disband the congress and give the governance of the United States over to the Chamber of Commerce and Pat Robertson.
(6) Light a stogie and declare "Mission accomplished".

You don't have to worry about 1. Obama's already pretty much taken care of that.

The rest is just insane prattle. do you even know what the Chamber of Commerce is?
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.


Back to the thread instead of the INFANTILE fucktards here.. this isn't the fuckin flame zone.. stop derailing this thread.


Here's derailment:

"Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No.."

This crap is the epitome of a derailment.

Responding to the derailment is not a derailment.

Fact is this thread wasnt about race. There was no reason to bring it up. But you guys can't argue against the real policy suggestions so now we have a thread on race.

It's a typical progressive move. Can't defend the policies intellectually so move to emotion. Heck, it's a typical human move.
Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No..

You know who also doesn't care?


Not all conservatives are racists. Just the racist conservatives are racists.
Back to the thread instead of the INFANTILE fucktards here.. this isn't the fuckin flame zone.. stop derailing this thread.


Here's derailment:

"Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No.."

This crap is the epitome of a derailment.

Responding to the derailment is not a derailment.

Fact is this thread wasnt about race. There was no reason to bring it up. But you guys can't argue against the real policy suggestions so now we have a thread on race.

It's a typical progressive move. Can't defend the policies intellectually so move to emotion. Heck, it's a typical human move.

Defend what? Something that's not going to happen? Here defend: The Dish ran away with the Spoon, will the live happily ever after?

Republicans aren't going to win the presidency in 2012, they better pray they keep the House.

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