It's January 2013, Morning In America

The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.

Only if the Republicans wise up and elect a Ron Paul or Gary Johnson would this happen. If we go down the same old path of "acceptable" candidates and get a Romney, Palin, Newt, etc. we will just get the same old shit we've had all along. Bush had 8 years in the presidency with 6 years of a Republican controlled congress. Tell me, what parts of the conservative agenda did they accomplish? The same agenda items you'll get accomplished with Romney, Palin, Newt, etc. A lot of rhetoric and flag waving and status quo.

If you really want conservative change, you are going to have to elect a real conservative willing to make change.

Magical thinking. Even if you could elected a president who agreed with you on these issues, it's highly unlikely you'd ever get enough members of Congress to go along.

Here's derailment:

"Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No.."

This crap is the epitome of a derailment.

Responding to the derailment is not a derailment.

Fact is this thread wasnt about race. There was no reason to bring it up. But you guys can't argue against the real policy suggestions so now we have a thread on race.

It's a typical progressive move. Can't defend the policies intellectually so move to emotion. Heck, it's a typical human move.

Defend what? Something that's not going to happen? Here defend: The Dish ran away with the Spoon, will the live happily ever after?

Republicans aren't going to win the presidency in 2012, they better pray they keep the House.
I seem to remember similar predictions about 2010.
Obama has a terrible record to run on. He must win many ofthe states he won in '08, states beset with high unemployment, which is getting worse.
It is still way too early to make predictions but if this holds he looks like a one termer.
Defend what? Something that's not going to happen? Here defend: The Dish ran away with the Spoon, will the live happily ever after?

Republicans aren't going to win the presidency in 2012, they better pray they keep the House.

So you think unemployed, hungry people are going to reelect Obama?
The U.S. now has a Republican president, and the GOP controls both the House and Senate. WHat is on the agenda for the next two years?

I see job 1 as repeal Obamacare. After that it is removing the building blocks of the bloated federal system. First thing is to starve the beast and institute real tax reform. Then begin eliminating programs and departments wholesale. There is no other way. Otherwise the gov't will simply regrow under the next regime.
Limit the federal budget to inbound revenues. Emergency appropriations language could be placed in the bill in case of war or other national emergency.
De-fund Obamacare.
Evaluate all federal departments for the purpose of reducing federal employment.
Eliminate all non essential federal jobs. For example, the Parks department that cares for the grounds and buildings on federal land in and outside of Washington DC. There is no need to hire expensive federal employees to cut the grass at the Washington Monument. This can be privatized at great savings to the taxpayer.
Revamp Medicare to means testing. High income retirees should not be using taxpayer provided insurance when they can afford their own.
Remove at least one third of all troops from foreign soil, train them to guard the borders ports of entry, seaports as well as transit systems in large cities.
Eliminate the TSA and and hire only professional law enforcement people. Given them the tools to weed out potential terrorists. In a word, profile.
Open the books on every department every manager every staff member to see where taxpayer resources are being wasted, shut them down and reduce staff and managers.
Pass legislation to make it illegal for the President's off ice to appoint "Czars" and other high level "pleasure of the President" positions without prior congressional scrutiny( vetting) of the the individual .
Modernize and upgrade FAA air traffic control center computer and radar systems.
The United States should have the most up to date and modern air traffic control system in the world. This should include legislation that mandates all commercial passenger and cargo aircraft be equipped with the latest in GPS technology.

While the whole thing about privatizing weed eaters would have a negligible effect, I proposed the bolded portion over a decade and a half ago.

I called them the "Secure Corps" (not terribly original, but hey). Make them just like one the the existing branches of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)...even have them live on bases. Airports, borders, VIP protection, etc etc. And have them rotate through all the specialties so that they don't get complacent.

The GPS tracking thing is a bit Orwellian though, don't you think? :eek: Why not just add one to every car ...or better yet...have everyone get a watch with one. :razz:
GPS tracking for commercial passenger and cargo aircraft.....This make sit easier for ATC to operate.
I've so thoroughly embarrassed you that you have felt the need to Neg Rep me, claim to put me on ignore, ignore the chance to ban me from the site forever and now you are following me in to other threads. You're going to let "some kid living in moms basement" show you up like that? :clap2:

He "showed you up" as an idiot of Olympic proportions. You have written post after post here, every one of them grossly off topic and ad hominem. If you cannot address the topic here, STFU and go away.

Can black people be good leaders?
That's a racist question.
Leaders make good leaders. It matters not the color of their skin.
The most glaring issue or aspect if you will, is how those on the political Left categorize people based on groups. It is as though the individual is lost and meaningless. That it is the group in which he belongs is all that matters.
Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No..

You know who also doesn't care?


Not all conservatives are racists. Just the racist conservatives are racists.
Oh please..Nice backhanded comment that paints us with a broad brush.
Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No..

You know who also doesn't care?


Not all conservatives are racists. Just the racist conservatives are racists.
Oh please..Nice backhanded comment that paints us with a broad brush.

The liberal racists are also racist.
Actually all liberals are racist. Almost by definition.
Don't leftist turds realize their race card is no longer effective after throwing it all over the place?? Egad, STFU already.. according to you braindead drones, all cons are racist.. Do we fuckin care what you think?! No..

You know who also doesn't care?


Not all conservatives are racists. Just the racist conservatives are racists.
Oh please..Nice backhanded comment that paints us with a broad brush.

No. Racist conservatives are racists. Not all conservatives are racists. You'd have to be an idiot to say all conservatives are racists, just like you'd be an idiot for saying all liberals are racists.
You know who also doesn't care?


Not all conservatives are racists. Just the racist conservatives are racists.
Oh please..Nice backhanded comment that paints us with a broad brush.

No. Racist conservatives are racists. Not all conservatives are racists. You'd have to be an idiot to say all conservatives are racists, just like you'd be an idiot for saying all liberals are racists.

All liberals are racists. This is simply truth.
Oh please..Nice backhanded comment that paints us with a broad brush.

No. Racist conservatives are racists. Not all conservatives are racists. You'd have to be an idiot to say all conservatives are racists, just like you'd be an idiot for saying all liberals are racists.

All liberals are racists. This is simply truth.

Wanting quotas and preference based upon skin color? Doesn't get any more racist than that.
No. Racist conservatives are racists. Not all conservatives are racists. You'd have to be an idiot to say all conservatives are racists, just like you'd be an idiot for saying all liberals are racists.

All liberals are racists. This is simply truth.

Wanting quotas and preference based upon skin color? Doesn't get any more racist than that.

Then why are white women the biggest benefactors of Affirmative Action?
All liberals are racists. This is simply truth.

Wanting quotas and preference based upon skin color? Doesn't get any more racist than that.

Then why are white women the biggest benefactors of Affirmative Action?

You cannot prove that statement. Mainly because it is nonsense, written by an illiterate.

Liberals seem to believe that merely being black means you must get preferential treatment otherwise you cannot succeed. That is as clear a racist sentiment as exists. Not to mention wrong.
Oh please..Nice backhanded comment that paints us with a broad brush.

No. Racist conservatives are racists. Not all conservatives are racists. You'd have to be an idiot to say all conservatives are racists, just like you'd be an idiot for saying all liberals are racists.

All liberals are racists. This is simply truth.

By calling liberals racists, wouldn't that be a compliment according to someone like you?
Two people who fail to see the racist staring back at them in the mirror every day attempting to ID other racists :lol:
Wanting quotas and preference based upon skin color? Doesn't get any more racist than that.

Then why are white women the biggest benefactors of Affirmative Action?

You cannot prove that statement. Mainly because it is nonsense, written by an illiterate.

Liberals seem to believe that merely being black means you must get preferential treatment otherwise you cannot succeed. That is as clear a racist sentiment as exists. Not to mention wrong.

Just as you seem to think black people can not be good leaders, simply because they are black.

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