It's Mueller Time!

The fallacy of the CBS Rahn article you refer to is in the very first sentence of it.

"Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so."

There is no "Although". By not coming to a conclusion, that IS a conclusion itself.

The conclusion is obstruction of justice didn't occur. If if had, THAT would have been the conclusion. Thus, the words "he may have done so" are a fallacy.

Rahn needs to think more before tapping his keyboard. You too.

And since the whole thing was nothing but a ruse, it is all MOOT. :rolleyes:

Click this link for an hour of wasted time >>

Publicly released Mueller Report

That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.

When a case is closed, there's nothing more to come from it;

whereas an ellipsis means there's more to come.

You're such a dolt, it doesn't even occur to you that you contradict yourself every time you post "case closed" after an ellipsis. :lol:
what's the ; doing after your second sentence?

seems a bit out of place to me. it certainly doesn't match your sentence structure and leaves a closed thought open.

then again, i only give a shit cause you're being a grammar nazi.

carry on.
Moi, a grammar nazi? :lol:

Faun has crossed to insanity.
Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
The fallacy of the CBS Rahn article you refer to is in the very first sentence of it.

"Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so."

There is no "Although". By not coming to a conclusion, that IS a conclusion itself.

The conclusion is obstruction of justice didn't occur. If if had, THAT would have been the conclusion. Thus, the words "he may have done so" are a fallacy.

Rahn needs to think more before tapping his keyboard. You too.

And since the whole thing was nothing but a ruse, it is all MOOT. :rolleyes:

Click this link for an hour of wasted time >>

Publicly released Mueller Report

That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.
You all just continue to show your incompetence on this subject.

ROTFLMAO! Mueller learned what was in a report that he obviously didn't write. How in the fuck did he claim to have NO knowledge of Fusion GPS, ya dumb fuck?????? You can sit there behind your little keyboard and tout the Herr Mueller report with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously???
Poor, delusional dale. Fusion GPS was "outside [Mueller's] purview" in his investigation. You still don't understand that, huh?
Asking your attorney to falsify documents is not corrupt intent in your mind?
First, he
only in a leftist world. the real world of justice and american law, nope.
This whole thing, top to bottom, has taken HUGE SHIT on attorney-client privilege, and the entire legal profession in general.

The McGahn bullshit.

Raiding Cohen's office.

Special Counsel continuing to pursue an investigation KNOWING there is no underlying crime, in breach of a prosecutor's duty to justice.

This is what happens when people who think they are ORDAINED BY GOD to win an election GET BEAT.


There is no attorney client privilege extended to cover felonious activities. See crime- fraud exception.
Mcghan resigned because the president wanted him to obstruct justice.
ok, was a crime committed though? the attorney declined and trump didn't do anything. so where's the crime?
Yes. The crime was committed when Trump
"endeavored" to obstruct justice. There is nothing in the law that says it had to be successful.
I claim no such thing. Nor do I agree the report states trump did not commit any crimes. It does say that about volume one. It does not say that about volume two. That you can't discern the difference is on you.
There IS NO REPORT, fool.

Your senility is, as always, noted and laughed at, gramps.

The old man is schooling you, Faun. I am laughing at you and your illogic.

Faun, now giving smileys like a child. I accept your surrender.
He's laughing at you.
The fallacy of the CBS Rahn article you refer to is in the very first sentence of it.

"Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so."

There is no "Although". By not coming to a conclusion, that IS a conclusion itself.

The conclusion is obstruction of justice didn't occur. If if had, THAT would have been the conclusion. Thus, the words "he may have done so" are a fallacy.

Rahn needs to think more before tapping his keyboard. You too.

And since the whole thing was nothing but a ruse, it is all MOOT. :rolleyes:

Click this link for an hour of wasted time >>

Publicly released Mueller Report

That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.
You all just continue to show your incompetence on this subject.

ROTFLMAO! Mueller learned what was in a report that he obviously didn't write. How in the fuck did he claim to have NO knowledge of Fusion GPS, ya dumb fuck?????? You can sit there behind your little keyboard and tout the Herr Mueller report with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously???
Poor, delusional dale. Fusion GPS was "outside [Mueller's] purview" in his investigation. You still don't understand that, huh?
:abgg2q.jpg:That's retarded. God damn you people are stupid.

Mueller was to investigate russian interference. Russian spies paid to give dirt on Americans by campaigns is what he was supposed to find.

Democrats be like... Fusion GPS? We better not let the Iranians get that...
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

Does it hurt to be as mentally retarded as you?

It hurts me to realize that in the time we find ourselves, there are so many grown people in places of great authority who have completely sold out to cynical surrender.

Not American greatness.

Plenty to go around.

It hurts me more that my kids have to grow up in the world with illogical people like you living in it. PC pussies.

You mad, bro?
You seem frustrated.

He probably is, but he's also one of the more reasonable conservatives here so take it easy on the guy.
That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.

When a case is closed, there's nothing more to come from it;

whereas an ellipsis means there's more to come.

You're such a dolt, it doesn't even occur to you that you contradict yourself every time you post "case closed" after an ellipsis. :lol:
what's the ; doing after your second sentence?

seems a bit out of place to me. it certainly doesn't match your sentence structure and leaves a closed thought open.

then again, i only give a shit cause you're being a grammar nazi.

carry on.
Moi, a grammar nazi? :lol:

Faun has crossed to insanity.
Oh? Care to point out where I corrected anyone's grammar?
We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime
Really? Does the name Hillary Clinton, ring any kind of bell?

besides that, Mueller never said, not in the report and not in his testimony, that president Trump was found to not have committed a crime?

he would not commit, one way or the other???

And in volume one, I do not believe that President Trump was even a target....? I thought it was his campaign's actions that they were investigating?
That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.
You all just continue to show your incompetence on this subject.

ROTFLMAO! Mueller learned what was in a report that he obviously didn't write. How in the fuck did he claim to have NO knowledge of Fusion GPS, ya dumb fuck?????? You can sit there behind your little keyboard and tout the Herr Mueller report with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously???
Poor, delusional dale. Fusion GPS was "outside [Mueller's] purview" in his investigation. You still don't understand that, huh?
:abgg2q.jpg:That's retarded. God damn you people are stupid.

Mueller was to investigate russian interference. Russian spies paid to give dirt on Americans by campaigns is what he was supposed to find.

Democrats be like... Fusion GPS? We better not let the Iranians get that...
No, Mueller was not investigating Russian interference. That investigation was done by the FBI and another investigation by Horowitz on that matter is wrapping up. Mueller was investigating if trump or anyone in his campaign was working with the Eussians to hack the election; and to determine if any of them had committed obstruction of justice to try and prevent Mueller from getting to the truth.
Watching the Democrats and seeing the type of people communist are, is good reasoning to never take one seriously.
Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
The fallacy of the CBS Rahn article you refer to is in the very first sentence of it.

"Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so."

There is no "Although". By not coming to a conclusion, that IS a conclusion itself.

The conclusion is obstruction of justice didn't occur. If if had, THAT would have been the conclusion. Thus, the words "he may have done so" are a fallacy.

Rahn needs to think more before tapping his keyboard. You too.

And since the whole thing was nothing but a ruse, it is all MOOT. :rolleyes:

Click this link for an hour of wasted time >>

Publicly released Mueller Report

That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.
You all just continue to show your incompetence on this subject.

ROTFLMAO! Mueller learned what was in a report that he obviously didn't write. How in the fuck did he claim to have NO knowledge of Fusion GPS, ya dumb fuck?????? You can sit there behind your little keyboard and tout the Herr Mueller report with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously???

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
The fallacy of the CBS Rahn article you refer to is in the very first sentence of it.

"Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so."

There is no "Although". By not coming to a conclusion, that IS a conclusion itself.

The conclusion is obstruction of justice didn't occur. If if had, THAT would have been the conclusion. Thus, the words "he may have done so" are a fallacy.

Rahn needs to think more before tapping his keyboard. You too.

And since the whole thing was nothing but a ruse, it is all MOOT. :rolleyes:

Click this link for an hour of wasted time >>

Publicly released Mueller Report

That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.
You all just continue to show your incompetence on this subject.

ROTFLMAO! Mueller learned what was in a report that he obviously didn't write. How in the fuck did he claim to have NO knowledge of Fusion GPS, ya dumb fuck?????? You can sit there behind your little keyboard and tout the Herr Mueller report with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously???

He said he was not going to address questions regarding ongoing matters, dope.

MUELLER: Well, as I--as I say, it's outside my purview and it's being handled in the department by others.
Asking your attorney to falsify documents is not corrupt intent in your mind?
First, he
only in a leftist world. the real world of justice and american law, nope.
This whole thing, top to bottom, has taken HUGE SHIT on attorney-client privilege, and the entire legal profession in general.

The McGahn bullshit.

Raiding Cohen's office.

Special Counsel continuing to pursue an investigation KNOWING there is no underlying crime, in breach of a prosecutor's duty to justice.

This is what happens when people who think they are ORDAINED BY GOD to win an election GET BEAT.


There is no attorney client privilege extended to cover felonious activities. See crime- fraud exception.
Mcghan resigned because the president wanted him to obstruct justice.
ok, was a crime committed though? the attorney declined and trump didn't do anything. so where's the crime?
Yes. The crime was committed when Trump
"endeavored" to obstruct justice. There is nothing in the law that says it had to be successful.
i thought the crime was committed when trump colluded with russia?

"obstruction" is your consolation prize that you've moved to the forefront cause there never was any RUSSIA. but hey - the shit with the best chance to stick on the wall if your favorite shit; but it's still shit.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.
You all just continue to show your incompetence on this subject.

ROTFLMAO! Mueller learned what was in a report that he obviously didn't write. How in the fuck did he claim to have NO knowledge of Fusion GPS, ya dumb fuck?????? You can sit there behind your little keyboard and tout the Herr Mueller report with a straight face and expect to be taken seriously???
Poor, delusional dale. Fusion GPS was "outside [Mueller's] purview" in his investigation. You still don't understand that, huh?
:abgg2q.jpg:That's retarded. God damn you people are stupid.

Mueller was to investigate russian interference. Russian spies paid to give dirt on Americans by campaigns is what he was supposed to find.

Democrats be like... Fusion GPS? We better not let the Iranians get that...
No, Mueller was not investigating Russian interference. That investigation was done by the FBI and another investigation by Horowitz on that matter is wrapping up. Mueller was investigating if trump or anyone in his campaign was working with the Eussians to hack the election; and to determine if any of them had committed obstruction of justice to try and prevent Mueller from getting to the truth.
his charter was to look for the collusion from the Eussians. (oops there? but didn't you recently rag on someone else's typo?) since that wasn't found the dems shifted their focus to OBSTRUCTION - but how can you have mueller search for OBSTRUCTION if that would have to happen after the investigation on COLLUSION had started?

ergo - it was never his charter to do that from the outset. ergo, you lied.
I found this narrative in the trash? I think you lost it.

Totally discredited.


What a fucking retard.

I'm not sure who is more retarded. Trump for continuing his narrative after being so thoroughly discredited or you for running behind him and repeating it.

I would think it's you. You have a choice whereas Trump is sort of stuck with it lest he admit defeat.

LOL. You must ignore Mueller's correction of his testimony just hours later:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Mueller issues clarification, takes back bombshell statement about indicting Trump

He's simply reiterating that they would not reach a determination of criminality. By testifying that but for the OLC guidelines, "they would have brought charges", would be making a determination of criminality.

Not making a determination does not mean there is no evidence or that there was no criminality but that they will not make a determination either way.

Mueller said this at the beginning of his report, in his opening statements and numerous times yesterday.

You should understand this by now. Pay attention.

Where did your fan boy Mueller state that a crime was committed in the Mueller report?

Now watch this mentally ill boy evade with another vague deflection, ignoring the reality that Robert Mueller III NEVER posted any crime charges at all.

They have a great deal of experience at being wrong.
Asking your attorney to falsify documents is not corrupt intent in your mind?
First, he
only in a leftist world. the real world of justice and american law, nope.
This whole thing, top to bottom, has taken HUGE SHIT on attorney-client privilege, and the entire legal profession in general.

The McGahn bullshit.

Raiding Cohen's office.

Special Counsel continuing to pursue an investigation KNOWING there is no underlying crime, in breach of a prosecutor's duty to justice.

This is what happens when people who think they are ORDAINED BY GOD to win an election GET BEAT.


There is no attorney client privilege extended to cover felonious activities. See crime- fraud exception.
Mcghan resigned because the president wanted him to obstruct justice.
ok, was a crime committed though? the attorney declined and trump didn't do anything. so where's the crime?
Yes. The crime was committed when Trump
"endeavored" to obstruct justice. There is nothing in the law that says it had to be successful.
i thought the crime was committed when trump colluded with russia?

"obstruction" is your consolation prize that you've moved to the forefront cause there never was any RUSSIA. but hey - the shit with the best chance to stick on the wall if your favorite shit; but it's still shit.
There is a reason Democrats sport Mueller picks as avatars. They have similar mental status.
I had it figured out months ago when I read the report. You remain incompetent.
Their IS NO REPORT, and you are the biggest sucker in this forum.

There isn't? :cuckoo:

This is a new and particularly dopey narrative. Mueller sure did a number on you dopes. You're literally just denying reality now.


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