It's Mueller Time!

The Trump Campaign shot themselves in the foot with Roger Stone, the Russians and Wikileaks. Mueller tried to supoena the Trump banking records, Rod Rosenstein quashed the supoena. Now they're trying to claim they were set up. That the Steele Dossier was a Russian plant, a "set up". A set up never works unless the mark falls for it.

Trump enthusiastically accepted all of the help he could get from Russians and from Wikileaks, and he told George Stephanopolous that he'd do it again. And the Election Commission said that accepting help from a foreign power is still illegal.

And then he obstructed the Mueller Investigation in broad daylight. We all watched him do it, day after day.

Exactly which part of, he could have but chose not to, leaves you blabbering like a wiggling bowl of jello?
We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime, and for one who claims to accept that no Trump criminality was uncovered, you certainly spend a lot of time arguing otherwise.
Slight correction: We do not prosecute nor should congress prosecute anyone unless a crime has been alleged to have been committed. The conclusion of the investigation was not "Trump did not commit a crime", but it also did not conclude (allege) that he did.
so if there's no conclusion you committed a crime, then what? we let people live in limbo there til we can play pin the crime on the president?

2+ years were spend and many millions on something that came up with less action than i got on my high school prom night.the only saving grace is i spent a hell of a lot less for my nothing.

people have let their emotions rule for far too long and have justified this in their own minds to allow to others what they would NEVER allow to happen to them. i simply can't think of anyone who is willing to be the subject of social anger justice.

you know anyone?

so if we don't want to be subjected to that, why do we put others through it far too often? i'll never understand why we think it's ok to do to someone what we know is wrong by the mere fact we hate them.

I'll give you a real life example since you're dumb.

#1) I accuse you of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.

I hope this helps.
not sure who you are or why you insist on waving your penis around, but i stopped reading after your 1st sentence. if you can't speak like an adult, i got no use for you at all.

I'll speak as "an adult" when you start. Here it is again. I hope this helps.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.
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We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone found to not have committed a crime, and for one who claims to accept that no Trump criminality was uncovered, you certainly spend a lot of time arguing otherwise.
Slight correction: We do not prosecute nor should congress prosecute anyone unless a crime has been alleged to have been committed. The conclusion of the investigation was not "Trump did not commit a crime", but it also did not conclude (allege) that he did.
so if there's no conclusion you committed a crime, then what? we let people live in limbo there til we can play pin the crime on the president?

2+ years were spend and many millions on something that came up with less action than i got on my high school prom night.the only saving grace is i spent a hell of a lot less for my nothing.

people have let their emotions rule for far too long and have justified this in their own minds to allow to others what they would NEVER allow to happen to them. i simply can't think of anyone who is willing to be the subject of social anger justice.

you know anyone?

so if we don't want to be subjected to that, why do we put others through it far too often? i'll never understand why we think it's ok to do to someone what we know is wrong by the mere fact we hate them.

I'll give you a real life example since you're dumb.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.

I hope this helps.
not sure who you are or why you insist on waving your penis around, but i stopped reading after your 1st sentence. if you can't speak like an adult, i got no use for you at all.

I'll speak as "an adult" when you start. Here it is again. I hope this helps.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.
read back up some and tell me how this "rebuttle" applies to what i said.

then again i'm out. sliding to ignore at this point.
ok, was a crime committed though? the attorney declined and trump didn't do anything. so where's the crime?
Possibly by Wiseman and his now millionaire merry men who perpetrated the $35 Million SCAM on the American taxpayers. They can go to the same cellblock where Ponzi scheme Bernie Madow is locked up for life.

Top Scam Democrats (Nadler, Schiff, etc) maybe could join them, as accessories (anything to make Trump look bad) :rolleyes:
Slight correction: We do not prosecute nor should congress prosecute anyone unless a crime has been alleged to have been committed. The conclusion of the investigation was not "Trump did not commit a crime", but it also did not conclude (allege) that he did.
so if there's no conclusion you committed a crime, then what? we let people live in limbo there til we can play pin the crime on the president?

2+ years were spend and many millions on something that came up with less action than i got on my high school prom night.the only saving grace is i spent a hell of a lot less for my nothing.

people have let their emotions rule for far too long and have justified this in their own minds to allow to others what they would NEVER allow to happen to them. i simply can't think of anyone who is willing to be the subject of social anger justice.

you know anyone?

so if we don't want to be subjected to that, why do we put others through it far too often? i'll never understand why we think it's ok to do to someone what we know is wrong by the mere fact we hate them.

I'll give you a real life example since you're dumb.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.

I hope this helps.
not sure who you are or why you insist on waving your penis around, but i stopped reading after your 1st sentence. if you can't speak like an adult, i got no use for you at all.

I'll speak as "an adult" when you start. Here it is again. I hope this helps.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.
read back up some and tell me how this "rebuttle" applies to what i said.

then again i'm out. sliding to ignore at this point.

Cowards run. Enjoy.
so if there's no conclusion you committed a crime, then what? we let people live in limbo there til we can play pin the crime on the president?

2+ years were spend and many millions on something that came up with less action than i got on my high school prom night.the only saving grace is i spent a hell of a lot less for my nothing.

people have let their emotions rule for far too long and have justified this in their own minds to allow to others what they would NEVER allow to happen to them. i simply can't think of anyone who is willing to be the subject of social anger justice.

you know anyone?

so if we don't want to be subjected to that, why do we put others through it far too often? i'll never understand why we think it's ok to do to someone what we know is wrong by the mere fact we hate them.

I'll give you a real life example since you're dumb.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.

I hope this helps.
not sure who you are or why you insist on waving your penis around, but i stopped reading after your 1st sentence. if you can't speak like an adult, i got no use for you at all.

I'll speak as "an adult" when you start. Here it is again. I hope this helps.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.
read back up some and tell me how this "rebuttle" applies to what i said.

then again i'm out. sliding to ignore at this point.

Cowards run. Enjoy.
nothing to win in a "discussion" with an idiot.

enjoy your idiocy.
The Trump Campaign shot themselves in the foot with Roger Stone, the Russians and Wikileaks. Mueller tried to supoena the Trump banking records, Rod Rosenstein quashed the supoena. Now they're trying to claim they were set up. That the Steele Dossier was a Russian plant, a "set up". A set up never works unless the mark falls for it. Trump enthusiastically accepted all of the help he could get from Russians and from Wikileaks, and he told George Stephanopolous that he'd do it again. And the Election Commission said that accepting help from a foreign power is still illegal.
And then he obstructed the Mueller Investigation in broad daylight. We all watched him do it, day after day.


Throwing a tantrum because you Trump-hating snowflakes did not get you way will NOT change the facts / the outcome...

"I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion.' That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Robert Mueller hearings: 5 big takeaways


Nunes is to receive a special package from Barr on Monday?


Here is the scoop... since the declassification has to happen before August since congress is going on vacation then and after Aug 31st?

That's the kicker.

None of these investigations can proceed in congress afterwards since the law states that it could interfere and influence the 2020 election.

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Lots of things for Mueller were “not in my purview”.

The one thing in Mueller’s purview was framing Trump. Period.
The good thing is that Mueller made Joe Biden look like a human dynamo.

Noice act, that.


"I solemnly swear I don't know a damn thing!
They told me I could sit at the desk, look out of
the big window overlooking the city, eat my
pudding while I did my crossword puzzles, and
Andrew would take care of everything."

'Who Is On Your Team?'
"......I don't know."

'Did you know Hillary's Lawyers are on your team?'
".....They are? Andrew didn't mention that."
'They work in your law firm.'
".....I had no idea."

'Who is Richard Steele?'

".....Is he the nice man who let me borrow his pen during this meeting?"

'The Dossier?'
"....Oooo, 'Dah-see-ayy'. I just love how the French language sounds. Umm, WHAT was the question again?"

'Who is Glenn Simpson?'


'Fusion GPS?'
".....Oh, no! We can't let the Iranians get that."


I'll give you a real life example since you're dumb.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.

I hope this helps.
not sure who you are or why you insist on waving your penis around, but i stopped reading after your 1st sentence. if you can't speak like an adult, i got no use for you at all.

I'll speak as "an adult" when you start. Here it is again. I hope this helps.

#1) I accuse of stealing my shoes.

#2) The Detective does not find my shoes in your house, car or anywhere else. Some people say they saw you wearing shoes but they aren't sure they were my shoes.

#3) You tell your friends to ignore the Police and that I am crazy. I likely misplaced my shoes.

#4) You tell the media that I am insane and you don't have my shoes.

#5) You don't talk to the cops because you have nothing to say but you provide your house, car, summer home and any documents they want.

The Cops never find any shoes. They say they cannot conclusively prove you took my shoes. They say you were mean and told your friends the investigation was bogus. You told the media this was a witch hunt. They are not sure if it was obstruction as you shared everything else. They bring the evidence to the prosecutor, who doesn't have enough to proceed and charge me with the crime of shoe theft.
read back up some and tell me how this "rebuttle" applies to what i said.

then again i'm out. sliding to ignore at this point.

Cowards run. Enjoy.
nothing to win in a "discussion" with an idiot.

enjoy your idiocy.

I accept your surrender
When the Dimms and the corporate media were telling us for 2 years how precise and polished Mueller is, where they just stupid or were they lying?

I can’t figure it out. That guy who testified was a drilling imbecile.
Rosenstein NEVER should have offered Mueller the job as special counsel and Mueller NEVER should have accepted the role. He is incompetent. He is a drooling senile old fart.

Your senility is, as always, noted and laughed at, gramps.
So you ARE interested in buying that Brooklyn Bridge, huh ? OK. I'll let it go cheap. How does 10 grand sound ?

And that reminds me. Did you see all that "senility" in that testimony of "gramps" Mueller ? Wow. Now THERE was a bunch of senility for ya. An AGIST-bigot creep like you ought to be creeping us out left and right on that. What's going on, Faux ?

Losing your touch ? Then again, one might guess you wouldn't want to bigotize the same guy that you ludicrously have in your avatar, right ? Right Faux ? Right ? Right ?

Here's your assignment >> dump the avatar and go after "senile, gramps" Mueller", with all the Ageism you've got....and then come back and report to me.

You poor thing.

Lots of things for Mueller were “not in my purview”.

The one thing in Mueller’s purview was framing Trump. Period.
he confirmed that when he said the use of the law was unique. Yes it was, it was called throw the justice system out and get rid of trump.
I had it figured out months ago when I read the report. You remain incompetent.
Their IS NO REPORT, and you are the biggest sucker in this forum.
You poor thing, bless your conservative heart. :itsok:

The Department of Justice says there is a Mueller report; and I see nothing from anything you post to indicate you know better than them.

Mueller Report - Department of Justice

How odd is that?? They actually have a link to the report you keep insisting doesn't exist.

"I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion.' That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Robert Mueller hearings: 5 big takeaways
A statement which seems to conflict with the determination he expressed in his report: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Is that not a determination?

It seems to me both his report and his testimony strained to express everything as:

Mueller never said that in his testimony, dope.
The 10 instances of obstruction cited in the linked article come directly from the report.
Like I said. You dopes have no clue what Mueller said in his testimony.
The fallacy of the CBS Rahn article you refer to is in the very first sentence of it.

"Although the special counsel's report on Russian interference does not come to a conclusion as to whether President Trump obstructed justice, Robert Mueller's team did examine 10 "discrete acts" in which he may have done so."

There is no "Although". By not coming to a conclusion, that IS a conclusion itself.

The conclusion is obstruction of justice didn't occur. If if had, THAT would have been the conclusion. Thus, the words "he may have done so" are a fallacy.

Rahn needs to think more before tapping his keyboard. You too.

And since the whole thing was nothing but a ruse, it is all MOOT. :rolleyes:

Click this link for an hour of wasted time >>

Publicly released Mueller Report

That is not the conclusion, dope.
Mueller explained that to the world just two days ago. You missed it because you are incompetent and a fool.
Is this what you mean by a conclusion, Jackass "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

Case closed. Let's take a 6 week vacation.

When a case is closed, there's nothing more to come from it;

whereas an ellipsis means there's more to come.

You're such a dolt, it doesn't even occur to you that you contradict yourself every time you post "case closed" after an ellipsis. :lol:
what's the ; doing after your second sentence?

seems a bit out of place to me. it certainly doesn't match your sentence structure and leaves a closed thought open.

then again, i only give a shit cause you're being a grammar nazi.

carry on.
Moi, a grammar nazi? :lol:

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