It's Mueller Time!

View attachment 270746


Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?
How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
Mueller looks as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

Yep, Sessions should not have recused himself.

Getting angry at bullshit is not an impeachable offense.

The fucking report PROVED that Sessions SHOULD NOT have recused himself.

What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?


What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?

Obstruction, fool.
Which he did quite easily.

Session did not have a conflict. The report states as much.

So now answer the question.

Irrelevant to Trump's actions.
The purpose of the "unrecusal" was so Sessions could then limit the investigation. IOW, obstruction.

What actions?

There was full cooperation by The Administration with the investigation in to the Russian Collusion Hoax.
It's not like The President Burned 30,000 emails with Bleach Bit to cover his tracks for a non crime and event that never happened.

Contrast that with the treatment of Clinton who not only committed numerous felonies, but destroyed evidence and actually obstructed justice, and her treatment vs the vicious witch hunt against The President.
keep it up...
Mueller is not expected to drop bombs. It is apparent what Trump has done. Those still supporting him do not support the rule of law or the constitution.
The Dems have want they want, Trump was specifically not exonerated. Now it's up to Pelosi to exert enough control to avoid impeachment.
Why? Isn't it part of her job to insure the POTUS deserves to be POTUS?
Her job description is absolutely irrelevant. We're talking about partisan politicians here. I don't expect either party to do anything that isn't in their best partisan political interests.
I think this entire thing is going very well For President Trump.

The Democrats are repeating worn out lines, and come off as petty and vindictive, and attempting to find some kind of gotcha over the president feeling he was being treated unfairly as a victim of a hoax.

How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.

Yep, sure don't recall Mueller saying his investigation was obstructed, but hey, you just go and believe whatever you want...dumbass.
Your recollections are irrelevant.
He outlined 10 instances of obstruction.
So in your mind if a cop pulls you over for an out taillight that the cop himself smashes and you protest you should go to jail for obstructing a retard

Makes sense
Mueller concluded there was no conspiracy between Trump and Putin to rig the 2016 election.

That should be the end of it.

Everything past that conclusion is political bullshit,

Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?
How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal

Since it is not a bogus charge...
Mueller concluded there was no conspiracy between Trump and Putin to rig the 2016 election.

That should be the end of it.

Everything past that conclusion is political bullshit,

Actually it says much more than that.
Mueller was caught lying right off the bat by Collins

He lied. Opposite what he stated in the report

He must have the FBI to raid his home at 5 am like he did others caught lying

Democrats have made a total fool out of themselves

How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal

Since it is not a bogus charge...
Muller said after 30 million spent that no American colluded with Russia

Making the charge bogus

You keep hoping and stroking
If you cannot bring a charge against a sitting president, then how did Bill Clinton get impeached?

Impeachment isn't a criminal charge, dope.
The basis of Impeachment must be based in Criminal Offenses.

When Clinton was investigated he was Charged by someone Identical to Mueller, doing the same job Mueller was appointed to do WITH 13 CRIMES.

Those 13 Crimes were listed in that Special Counsels Report.

Mueller charged Trump with ZERO CRIMES in his report.

Mueller is currently being skewered for being Biased and slapped in the face with Evidence including his OWN STATEMENTS RIGHT NOW.
Mueller is not expected to drop bombs. It is apparent what Trump has done. Those still supporting him do not support the rule of law or the constitution.
So apparent that congress hasn't impeached and the Mueller Report includes the single largest impediment:

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone not found to have committed a crime. Agree?
Telling your lawyer you want to fire Mueller and him advising against it, and you not firing Mueller is NOT FUCKING OBSTRUCTION.

You left wing lunatics are confusing what you want versus what happened.

Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?
How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.
An investigation into a bogus charge is illegal
What was bogus about the investigation in to the Russians interfering?

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