It's Mueller Time!

This fucking old bat was in charge of an investigation into the POTUS???

Are you fucking kidding me?

This motherfucker can’t tie his shoes.

What a joke!

Refer to the’s outside my purview....please repeat the question....what page?

Mueller has no idea what anyone is about to ask him. He is also under the restrictions the White House imposed on his testimony, and harm to ongoing investigations. When they cite a page or a comment, he has to think about all of these things and consider his answers carefully.

Mueller isn't out to "get" anybody, but the Republicans at the hearing are clearly out to "get" Mueller. They're peppering him with their rapid fire testimony and then jumping in with more questions before he can find the citation, put it in context and determine whether or not he can answer the question.

Republicans are deliberately questioning Mueller about things the White House has told him he cannot speak to, to make it look like Mueller is hiding things.

We're not being fooled.
Republicans are asking him questions to attempt to get real answers / transparency. Mueller has already contradicted his own report findings several times despite attempting to stick to his report.
No, Republicans are not looking for transparency. They are fishing for a conspiracy theory that never happened.
and the dems are not fishing for a crime that never happened? they're not looking for any transparency - they're trying AGAIN to validate something / ANYTHING to go after trump for.

they were after collusion / conspiracy. when that was found to be 100% incorrect, they go for obstruction.

how is that *NOT* fishing for any crime you can pin on trump?
I was replying to a specific allegation by Easy, not a compare and contrast essay on the two parties' behavior. But if you look at Post 148, you will see what I think of the whole thing.
ok - my bad then. trying to follow along on the live feed, in here, and get work done. :)

thank you for the clarification.
When is Schiff going to pull all that evidence out of thin air that he was going on and on about? You know the evidence that no one but him knew about.
Seems like Nadler really had all the goods on Trump. At least he kept claiming he did.
Looks like so many of our leftists are going to have to spin wash the hearings to still keep up their narrative that they just can't let die due to lack of evidence.
It is funny how OL called me a 'Russian Troll' for refusing to accept politicians telling the American people that they CAN NOT see the details / specifics of what they did for 2 years at the cost of millions in tax dollars while she is perfectly ok with being kept in the dark and led by the nose like a blindfolded puppy on a leash.
Mueller looks as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

Yep, Sessions should not have recused himself.

Getting angry at bullshit is not an impeachable offense.

The fucking report PROVED that Sessions SHOULD NOT have recused himself.

What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?


What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?

Obstruction, fool.
Which he did quite easily.

Session did not have a conflict. The report states as much.

So now answer the question.

Irrelevant to Trump's actions.
The purpose of the "unrecusal" was so Sessions could then limit the investigation. IOW, obstruction.

What actions?

There was full cooperation by The Administration with the investigation in to the Russian Collusion Hoax.

It's not like The President Burned 30,000 emails with Bleach Bit to cover his tracks for a non crime and event that never happened.

Contrast that with the treatment of Clinton who not only committed numerous felonies, but destroyed evidence and actually obstructed justice, and her treatment vs the vicious witch hunt and personal vendetta against The President.
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Well, tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for... so get your beer and let's party!

What do you expect from the questioning and his answers? Anything new?

I watched part of Hannity tonight and he went over questions that would be very hard for him to answer.

Is he going to stick only to the parameters of the report?
How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.

Yep, sure don't recall Mueller saying his investigation was obstructed, but hey, you just go and believe whatever you want...dumbass.
Your recollections are irrelevant.
He outlined 10 instances of obstruction.
At the end of the day both sides will claim complete and total victory.

The Dems have want they want, Trump was specifically not exonerated. Now it's up to Pelosi to exert enough control to avoid impeachment.
Why? Isn't it part of her job to insure the POTUS deserves to be POTUS?
In the absence of a crime, no exoneration is necessary. "Guilty until proven innocent" has never been an American standard.
Prosecutors neither search for exoneration nor do they declare it. Their function is to uncover evidence of criminality. They didn't find any.

"... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..." - R. Mueller III
Actually No.

That is not The Speaker's job.

It's The American People's job to determine that at The Polls.

How many dumb democraps are going to claim after today that Muller said there really was collusion in the presence of none

They're angling for obstruction of justice now.

View attachment 270768
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

But keep this quiet because fat nadler is in charge of trumps campaign, he just does not know this
Obstructing justice of a charge that never happened is impossible

A charge is not what's obstructed. The investigation is what's obstructed.

Yep, sure don't recall Mueller saying his investigation was obstructed, but hey, you just go and believe whatever you want...dumbass.
Your recollections are irrelevant.
He outlined 10 instances of obstruction.
Your entire line of reasoning is irrelevant. You don't even understand The Law.
Dimms are begging Mueller to give them a reason to impeach for Obstruction.

This whole thing was about Trump and Putin rigging the election.

It didn’t fucking happen, but they want to get him on process crimes from a witch hunt....and the obstruction DIDNT HAPPEN. THERE WERE NO OBSTRUCTING ACTS COMMITTED BY TRUMP.

What soulless cvnts.
Mueller looks as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

Yep, Sessions should not have recused himself.

Getting angry at bullshit is not an impeachable offense.

The fucking report PROVED that Sessions SHOULD NOT have recused himself.

What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?



Jeff Sessions was part of the Trump Campaign, the investigation involved the Trump Campaign.

Sessions had to recuse himself due to simple ethics rules.

Nuff said!
The Democrats would not be failing badly at this if their intentions were true and they were not desperate to avoid the coming 2020 election landslide about to suffocate their plans for a Totalitarian Socialist Globalist America.

Public Opinion is against them and this is a last ditch effort to turn that around.
Nadler is dirtier than the bottom of the sewer.
At this point the Troglocrats are attacking our democracy* more than Trump
Mueller looks as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

Yep, Sessions should not have recused himself.

Getting angry at bullshit is not an impeachable offense.

The fucking report PROVED that Sessions SHOULD NOT have recused himself.

What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?


What the fuck was that asshole trying to prove by talking about Trump asking Sessions to unrecuse himself?

Obstruction, fool.
Which he did quite easily.
It is lawful to resist an Illegal investigation over a hoax.

How about you investigate The Law a little?

You are allowed to resist attempts to violate your rights to Due Process.

You are also allowed to voice your opinion about people.

The fact is, The Administration completely cooperated with The Hoax Investigation.

And again, public perception is everything, and this hearing, like all the others, comes off as a Personal Vendetta against President Trump.

It looks more like a dog and pony show to rescue the reputation of The Corrupt Democrat Party.

Again, you idiots dug yourself a hole that no amount of bluster and speeches are going to extricate you from.

Mueller comes off as both incompetent, biased, and like a hit man for The Democrat Party.
It is lawful to resist an Illegal investigation over a hoax.

I stopped with this lunacy.

Whether a person knows they are innocent or not, obstructing an investigation is a crime in and of itself.

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