It's Mueller Time!

i thought Ratcliffe destroyed Mueller.

if Oddball went home with a bag of cash, and he happened to be at the bank when it was robbed, that doesnt mean he is guilty

Mueller: "I don't agree with your characterizations."

Jordan: "I'm reading from your report."

Tucker is on is less than 10 minutes! Should be another great show! Let's get ready to party! :beer:

The chat room watching Tucker has very entertaining comments!
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Jennings called it a “Televised Disaster”

It was an illegal witch hunt.

That was proven.

missing emails, server off government land.
Then by your was an illegal investigation as none of that was proven and there were no charges.

Not by anyone who matters outside of the fever swamps.
If you're referencing mainstream media and the left, they are clueless idiots.
Talk about bias.
COLLINS: was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered in any way?


and liberals still think Trump obstructed!
Rush actually had a compilation of Mueller quotes during his show. They are going to make hilarious samples for rap type songs.
“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by [Representative Ted] Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the [Office of Legal Counsel] opinion.’ That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “As we say in the report, and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Robert Mueller 07/24/2019.

Because if he had said the Potus had committed a crime, then he'd have to indict him and you can't indict a sitting Pres , due to the OLC decision. And also you are not allowed to say he committed a crime without indicting due to the Pres. would have no defense.
1) Trump commuted an obstructive act when he ordered Don McGahn to fire the special counsel.

2) The obstruction act was connected to an official proceeding.

3) The act was carried out with corrupt intent.

With precision, Rep. Jeffries ticks through the three elements proving obstruction of justice

Seems clear to me

And the American people must respond by voting Trump and Pence out of office next year.
The American people will do what they want. Your little temper tantrum has no impact.
I knew Mewler was worthless but I had no idea how worthless and weak until today.

The man is a moron

All the way to the bank he is a moron...

However Clinton and Obama paying $13 Million for Scandalous and False Russian Propaganda, splashing that on every newspaper, broadcasting it on every TV Channel, and using it to launch an Espionage Operation and Hoax Investigation through a weaponized and proven to be biased Obama FBI & DOJ, could sway an election.

But Mueller never even looked at that.

Don't you find that strange?

Has he been living under a rock?

Weatherman2020 this is a tough call which scandal is worse... I may have to lean towards Spygate...

Hussaine Obama, you're next!

God I hope and pray he is next...
I don't know how much Mueller knows or doesn't know. But after that really pitiful performance today, I wouldn't bet the farm that he'll remember much about the hearing today.

Agreed, and speaking of the farm, Mueller looked and sounded like he'll be in the market to buy it soon. The guy did not seem well. I heard an interview of an FBI agent that served under Mueller for more than 12 years in a supervisory capacity, and interacted with him daily. He spoke very highly of Mueller from those days, and said he didn't always agree with him but never doubted that Mueller did what he thought was best. He didn't offer an opinion on which party he thought scored more points. Instead, he said he was sad that today's testimony is going to be how most people will know and remember Mueller, noting that Mueller is 74 now, and hasn't spoken publicly since he testified 6 years ago, aside from his recent short press conference, so people who knew him and worked for him in the past likely weren't expecting to see him like this. He agreed that Mueller probably held the press conference in an effort to avoid being called to testify. He noted that Mueller was 58 when he worked for him, and said he did not resemble the Robert Mueller he worked under for more than a decade.
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When correcting his earlier testimony Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

But his findings state "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

That certainly sounds like a determination.

We did not reach a determination...

We did not reach a conclusion...

We did not conclude...

That kind of sounds like a distinction without difference, no?


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