It's Mueller Time!

Subjects of an investigation don't obstruct that investigation with the intent of aiding the investigators, dope.
Hate less and think more, and you will look stupid less often.

1. The Executive is always ultimately in charge of every Executive Branch investigation. Period. Mueller didn't magically move to a 4th branch of government or become King when his Witchhunt began.

2. Since Trump was completely innocent of the baseless charge of colluding with Russia, Justice demanded he be found so.

3. Mueller admitted that Trump never, ever, ever interfered with his Witchhunt.

4. The Witchhunt found nothing on Trump. Zero. NADDA. Zilch..

You didn't "think" at all, dope.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

And yet he never charged him with a crime anywhere in the report, as it was his job to determine if there was a crime committed, he says there were no crimes found, therefore there are no basis for an indictment either.

By LAW Mueller was supposed to provide either a Prosecution charge or a Declination charge for the final report to AG. He posted NONE, thus the case is closed.

Your link is stupid because the word MAY have obstructed was never shown to have been carried out and yesterday Mueller answered the question if he was obstructed during the investigation, he says NO.

There May have been a Bowel Obstruction
History will show just how idiotic these never-Trumpers are. They will be seen as left wing conspiracy nuts. Trump will never, ever be charged with obstruction in this case.
History will have a lot to say about Trump. History will judge, as it always does.

The difference is now we have the internet where everyone's side is publicly stated. Forever. You won't be able to go back and hide it. History will not be kind to the Trumpers.
Your desperation is duly noted … again.:lmao:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad to you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
2 yrs
No conspiracy no obstruction
How much more do you need?
Even CNN says the Republicans won
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Of course that is just another of your dopey narratives. Mueller destroyed your talking points. You are reduced to attacking his performance and elemants of dopey conspiracies that don't exist outside of the fox news sphere rather than the substance.

I don't really blame you hapless dopes though. That would be like taunting a handicapped reporter. Just something I would never do. You were lulled into that little corner with no room to maneuver by the soothing balm of persistent propaganda from Trump and fox with little defense from your Dunning Kruger addled wits.
One day, maybe soon, you'll have a moment of clarity. At which time you will realize that Trump has played you. Bigly.
2 yrs
No conspiracy no obstruction
How much more do you need?
Even CNN says the Republicans won
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Of course that is just another of your dopey narratives. Mueller destroyed your talking points. You are reduced to attacking his performance and elemants of dopey conspiracies that don't exist outside of the fox news sphere rather than the substance.

I don't really blame you hapless dopes though. That would be like taunting a handicapped reporter. Just something I would never do. You were lulled into that little corner with no room to maneuver by the soothing balm of persistent propaganda from Trump and fox with little defense from your Dunning Kruger addled wits.
One day, maybe soon, you'll have a moment of clarity. At which time you will realize that Trump has played you. Bigly.

You're such a dumbass. From Mueller:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Yes, because they were never going to make such a determination.

Mueller just verified what we've been saying all along.
Your narrative that Mueller concluded that there was no crime was debunked, dope.
This isn't a trial, it's an investigation.

and he refused to answer any questions as to what the investigation revealed when they were about Democrat involvement.

If it were a trial, he would have been labeled a hostile witness at the very least, if not in contempt.
He wasn't investigating Democrats. His mandate was the tRump campaign and Russian involvement.
How much more do you need?
  • 126 meetings? Nothing that shows Trump conspired to affect the election.
  • Flynn lied? About making money with Turkey. Nothing that showed that Trump conspired with Russia on anything affecting the election.
  • Manafort lied? On old, unrelated things that had nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
  • Gates lied? Lied about what again?
  • Papadapolis lied? And how did Mueller collect the information?
  • Cohen lied? So a liar lied about lying but you are using him as a witness for the truth?
  • All intelligence agencies agreed that Russia favored Trump, you mean the agencies who themselves went to Russia, lied, and who actively sought to destroy Trump?
  • Trump said he'd take dirt on Hillary from a foreign power, you mean just like Hillary and the DNC went to foreign powers to manufacture dirt against Trump proven false?
Meantime, democrats spent 8 hours today in a long string of lies, asking questions, then answering them themselves and coming to their own unsupported conclusions that NO ONE is above the law for nothing no matter how minor, except themselves of course and anyone supporting or connected to the DNC!
Did you not watch the testimony at all?

sure we did!

this is what we got from it! :dunno:

Then you weren't paying attention.
How much more do you need?
  • 126 meetings? Nothing that shows Trump conspired to affect the election.
  • Flynn lied? About making money with Turkey. Nothing that showed that Trump conspired with Russia on anything affecting the election.
  • Manafort lied? On old, unrelated things that had nothing to do with the Russia investigation.
  • Gates lied? Lied about what again?
  • Papadapolis lied? And how did Mueller collect the information?
  • Cohen lied? So a liar lied about lying but you are using him as a witness for the truth?
  • All intelligence agencies agreed that Russia favored Trump, you mean the agencies who themselves went to Russia, lied, and who actively sought to destroy Trump?
  • Trump said he'd take dirt on Hillary from a foreign power, you mean just like Hillary and the DNC went to foreign powers to manufacture dirt against Trump proven false?
Meantime, democrats spent 8 hours today in a long string of lies, asking questions, then answering them themselves and coming to their own unsupported conclusions that NO ONE is above the law for nothing no matter how minor, except themselves of course and anyone supporting or connected to the DNC!
Did you not watch the testimony at all?

You sticking with that? I watched it live end to end and have every minute saved. In a few days I will give a comprehensive digest of what was actually said and accomplished. Keep your diaper on.
Yes, I'm sticking with that. All of those things were addressed in the testimony. None of your conspiracy theories was factual.
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Of course that is just another of your dopey narratives. Mueller destroyed your talking points. You are reduced to attacking his performance and elemants of dopey conspiracies that don't exist outside of the fox news sphere rather than the substance.

I don't really blame you hapless dopes though. That would be like taunting a handicapped reporter. Just something I would never do. You were lulled into that little corner with no room to maneuver by the soothing balm of persistent propaganda from Trump and fox with little defense from your Dunning Kruger addled wits.
One day, maybe soon, you'll have a moment of clarity. At which time you will realize that Trump has played you. Bigly.
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Of course that is just another of your dopey narratives. Mueller destroyed your talking points. You are reduced to attacking his performance and elemants of dopey conspiracies that don't exist outside of the fox news sphere rather than the substance.

I don't really blame you hapless dopes though. That would be like taunting a handicapped reporter. Just something I would never do. You were lulled into that little corner with no room to maneuver by the soothing balm of persistent propaganda from Trump and fox with little defense from your Dunning Kruger addled wits.
One day, maybe soon, you'll have a moment of clarity. At which time you will realize that Trump has played you. Bigly.

You're such a dumbass. From Mueller:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Yes, because they were never going to make such a determination.

Mueller just verified what we've been saying all along.
Your narrative that Mueller concluded that there was no crime was debunked, dope.

Now you are lying, Mueller specifically stated NO CRIME WAS FOUND, he said just yesterday,

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”


Mueller NEVER posted a Crime charge anywhere in his report!
What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

What was Mueller hired to do? Investigate possible collusion? So you've got the Trump Tower meeting between Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr which you on the left are ADAMENT constitutes collusion...correct? So by all means INVESTIGATE that meeting! Get to the bottom of who set it up! Find out who it was in the Obama State Department who gave Veselnitskaya the special visa she used to get into the country for that meeting! Find out what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to her about when they met the day before the Tower meeting and the day after the Tower meeting! Find out who it was that leaked the story of that meeting to the media right after it took place! If Mueller was tasked with finding out if any collusion took place leading up to that election then shouldn't he be non-partisan in that investigation? Why is he only looking into the meeting itself and ignoring every other thing that was taking place behind the scenes in relation to that meeting? Why should another special prosecutor have to be appointed to investigate people other than Trump when it's rather obvious that it was the Clinton Campaign that was guilty of collusion with foreign entities to sway the election?

Mueller said there was no collusion or conspiracy between Trump & the Russians. It sounds like the meeting ended up being a nothing berder, despite Juniors fondest hopes. Why does he need to keep digging?
what would have really been neat is that Mueller's team check out who talked with the supposed lawyer the day before and the day after that meeting!! you know, done the job he was hired to do? but I digress, he was but BINO. The ELITEs could not have trump. Trump takes power away from them. Mueller proved that yesterday, with the dems own help.
The 'Elites' just got a huge giant tax cut gift from Trump. The elites love Trump. They've just got you convinced he is their enemy because.....dotardness.
so did I and so did you. so? fact is fact. dispute my fact!!
I assure you I did not get a huge giant tax cut gift. I am not an elite.
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Of course that is just another of your dopey narratives. Mueller destroyed your talking points. You are reduced to attacking his performance and elemants of dopey conspiracies that don't exist outside of the fox news sphere rather than the substance.

I don't really blame you hapless dopes though. That would be like taunting a handicapped reporter. Just something I would never do. You were lulled into that little corner with no room to maneuver by the soothing balm of persistent propaganda from Trump and fox with little defense from your Dunning Kruger addled wits.
One day, maybe soon, you'll have a moment of clarity. At which time you will realize that Trump has played you. Bigly.
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Of course that is just another of your dopey narratives. Mueller destroyed your talking points. You are reduced to attacking his performance and elemants of dopey conspiracies that don't exist outside of the fox news sphere rather than the substance.

I don't really blame you hapless dopes though. That would be like taunting a handicapped reporter. Just something I would never do. You were lulled into that little corner with no room to maneuver by the soothing balm of persistent propaganda from Trump and fox with little defense from your Dunning Kruger addled wits.
One day, maybe soon, you'll have a moment of clarity. At which time you will realize that Trump has played you. Bigly.

You're such a dumbass. From Mueller:

“I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.”

Yes, because they were never going to make such a determination.

Mueller just verified what we've been saying all along.
Your narrative that Mueller concluded that there was no crime was debunked, dope.

WRONG. In the US you are innocent until proven guilty. Period. End of Story. Mueller did not have enough evidence to prove guilt. None on Conspiracy and iffy at best on obstruction as there was not an underlying crime and the President was visibly frustrated. Your blue tint is amusing to me. That hearing hurt the Democrats visibly. I am an Independent and I was embarrased for them. Similarly I was embarrassed for the GOP after the Starr investigation.

You are a stupid person. That is a fact. And the fact that your vote counts as much as mine is frightening.
Not faux news either.
Pathetic - you have to try to discredit the source because you can't debunk / disprove what is being reported...


Funny how many Leftards are experts on a news channel they never watch. Meantime, Mueller used far left liberal newspapers WaPo and NYT as sources in his report HUNDREDS of times! Fox hardly any. One of the GOP made the observation that they had paid 35 million for a report that they could have gotten off television for free.
Mr Mueller told the congressman that the media were not sources, but examples.

You're the one on the defensive, dope. Mueller just publicly validated everything I've said from the beginnning.
You're an absolute idiot for trying to keep this train wreck going. Nothing came from this today that was good for you. All it did was enforce how fucking stupid you unhinged idiots really are.


Mueller discredited your entire narrative established by Barr. You are reduced to attacking his appearance and demeanor rather than the substance of the report. The truth is now out there straight from Mueller.

You took a hit whether you recognize it yet or not.
View attachment 270873

Another one proving my point. Again, no substance.

You spent three years lying to this entire board. Now you have Zero Credibility.
I take that back, your Credibility is "Less than Nothing"


You spent three years lying to this entire board. Now you have Zero Credibility.
I take that back, your Credibility is "Less than Nothing"

Mr Mueller told the congressman that the media were not sources, but examples.
He also testified that he knew nothing about the Dossier, knew nothing about Steele, did not know eho Glen Simpson was, had no idea who Fusion GPS was, and had no clue Hillary's lawyer was on his team...

A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on

Haha! This is funny and soon to be a classic!

Of course it's much better for you dopes to laugh at the man rather than address the substance that completely destroyed your narratives. The true tell of a childish loser.

My narratives were completely supported by the Mueller testimony.

There was never evidence that Trump colluded with Russia.

It was always an attempted coup.

Ding-Dong. The Wicked Witch-Hunt is dead.

"It was an attempted coup" is indeed a narrative and is in no way supported by Mueller's testimony.


Sure it is. The fact that Mueller pretended not to know anything shows the Deep State is hiding things.

Or it simply shows a lack of interest in speaking to dopey conspiracies.

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