It's Mueller Time!

I'm curious, Crepitus. Can you watch Mueller's testimony and tell me that was the performance of an "honest" man? Claiming he didn't investigate Steele and Simpson's involvement in the Trump Tower meeting because it wasn't part of his job? How could it NOT be? He investigated the Trump Tower meeting! Why would THAT be something worthy of a thorough investigation but Glenn Simpson's meetings with the Russian lawyer the day before the meeting and the day after the meeting NOT be worthy of an investigation?
He was avoiding playing into the silly republican conspiracy theories. That's all.


So the Trump Tower meeting is something you obviously think should have been investigated since it's been cited repeatedly by those of you on the left as "proof" that the Trump Campaign conspired with Russia...correct?

But you DON'T think that Glenn Simpson meeting with the Russian lawyer the day before the Trump Tower meeting and the day after the meeting should have been investigated as well?

How do you manage that? How can you justify investigating what took place at a meeting...but not investigate who was behind the meeting taking place in the first place? Aren't you curious as to what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to the Russian lawyer about?
It was. He's already testified. They released transcripts back in January I think. I know it's a popular conspiracy theory among conservatives, but it's already been looked at a passed on.

You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?
He was brought in and testified. The transcript is out there for you to read. Also, I no longer believe Mueller is above reproach. No one does any more.


I swear on my honor I never messed around with no Transcript.
You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?

What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

What was Mueller hired to do? Investigate possible collusion? So you've got the Trump Tower meeting between Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr which you on the left are ADAMENT constitutes collusion...correct? So by all means INVESTIGATE that meeting! Get to the bottom of who set it up! Find out who it was in the Obama State Department who gave Veselnitskaya the special visa she used to get into the country for that meeting! Find out what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to her about when they met the day before the Tower meeting and the day after the Tower meeting! Find out who it was that leaked the story of that meeting to the media right after it took place! If Mueller was tasked with finding out if any collusion took place leading up to that election then shouldn't he be non-partisan in that investigation? Why is he only looking into the meeting itself and ignoring every other thing that was taking place behind the scenes in relation to that meeting? Why should another special prosecutor have to be appointed to investigate people other than Trump when it's rather obvious that it was the Clinton Campaign that was guilty of collusion with foreign entities to sway the election?

Mueller said there was no collusion or conspiracy between Trump & the Russians. It sounds like the meeting ended up being a nothing berder, despite Juniors fondest hopes. Why does he need to keep digging?

Because it looks like the "meeting" was nothing more than a set up by the Clinton campaign, NYB! It totally was a "nothing burger"...the meeting itself was over in no time at all when it turned out that Veselnitskaya didn't have what she promised. The questions that should be asked are how did she get into the country for that meeting? She needed to get a special visa from the Obama State Department for that to happen. So who was it that approved that and what was the reason given for doing so? What possible reason would she have had to meet with Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS (the company that Hillary Clinton was paying big bucks to in order to smear Trump with Richard Steele's "dossiers") the day before that Trump Tower meeting and the day after the meeting? There are WAY too many suspicious things going on surrounding the Trump Tower meeting! I don't see how any non partial investigator could look into the meeting and NOT ask the questions I've just asked!

Those questions ARE being asked. Barr is looking into this. If this is so critical, Barr should hurry his fat ass up so we can get some hearings scheduled. Pronto. You act like it's just all been dismissed by the justice department. Not so.
tRump has made conservative victimhood a way of life for the whole party.
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

That comment did not make any sense. Mueller himself didn’t even read the report.

Says who? You?

Why do you dopes latch onto dopey shit like this and treat it as gospel when you couldn't possibly know it to be true? Is it deliberate or just a product of your intellectual disadvantage?

If you have eyes and ears and a brain (questionable with you) then you would surmise he did not read or write the report after hearing his testimony.

I watched the etirety of yesterday's proceedings and did not reach such a dopey conclusion as that information was not revealed.

What you're engaging in is speculation. Dopey speculation in an attempt to create a new narrative no doubt.

Then you didn't watch it. Or you're a moron. Even MSNBC and Michael Moore agreed the Republicans made the Democrats and Mueller look terrible and incompetent.
Hutch, as I read your back-to-back-to-back-to back-to-back posts, 2 images come to mind:

View attachment 270937

1. 'Atlas Holding Up the World'
Mueller's testimony yesterday revealed a man who never should have been named Special Counsel (due to his Conflicts of Interest) of an investigation that never should have been opened due to a lack of evidence of any crime involving the President or his associates that warranted an investigation being opened or a Special Counsel being appointed. His testimony revealed that he was a figurehead who had no clue who the people on 'his' team were (no clue Hillary's own lawyer was on his team), was completely ignorant to some of THE most important parts of the entire investigation (the Dossier, Steele, Glen Simpson, Fusion, GPS...), and that Andrew Weissmann, a man with an even worse prosecutorial record of misconduct and inept behavior, was the 'Puppet Master' running the investigation.

Even Liberal media outlets have declared yesterday to be a disaster and a blow to Democrats. Several have openly declared Mueller's tragic performance was the 'End of Impeachment Hopes'. The Democrats' / snowflakes entire 'reason for living' the last 3 years - their world - is collapsing....but here you are, by yourself, attempting to hold it all up, trying to prevent it from all coming down.

View attachment 270940

2. In Greek Mythology Sisyphus was a king who spent eternity pushing a huge bolder up a steep hill only to have it roll back down when it nears the top.

You, and other snowflakes, remind me of Sisyphus in that you have pushed this 'boulder' - the attempt to keep Trump from winning the WH and then to have him Impeached - up that hill for 3 years now. Every time the 'boulder' nears the top, every time the goal is within reach - every time there is a new 'We've got him now' moment, the 'boulder; rolled / rolls back down to the bottom of the hill.

Yesterday the 'bolder' didn't just roll back down to the bottom of the hill, it completely ran over the Democrats pushing it up the hill.

Mueller's 2 year investigation concluded with his humiliating testimony that did nothing for but instead was a disaster for Democrats and their hopes for Impeachment, as, again, admitted by multiple liberal media. Mueller's investigation is closed. It ended being unable to provide evidence of guilt, not even enough evidence to indict. There will be no indictment. There will be no prosecution, There will be no Impeachment.

Mueller will try to fade into obscurity now. 'His' (Weissmann's) team members have already gone their own way - Weissmann is reportedly the FIRST to have already signed a book deal looking to get rich off of his injustice.

At some point in the near future both the US IG and the US AG will release their reports on their findings on FISA Court Abuses, 'potential' misconduct / mishandling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, and potentially misconduct committed by Mueller's (WEISSMANN & HIS) team.

These will make that 'bolder' even larger and harder to try to push up that hill. Don't be a Sisyphus. Screw the bolder - it's over. Time to walk away from this one.

I feel no weight at all. I'm simply pointing to and laughing at you dopes as I always have.

Rich pickins in this one.


Rich Pickins?


Wasn't he in that movie Dr. Strange Glove?


I've got you dancing like a fool. :dance:
Comey, ya dumbass.

Goddamn, this is like talking to children.

Since you're a toddler soiling his diaper because you got your ass handed to you again, just STFU. Damn, slapping you around is REALLY easy. By the way moron, Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason. Refusal to do his job was a pretty good one. Comey was never in charge of this investigation. It started AFTER Trump removed the piece of garbage (which the idiots like you wanted done anyway).
Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason.
Sure he does, dope. Trump just chose a reason that was also obstruction of justice. :laugh2:

No. He chose incompetence. And if you recall
Many Democrats called for his head once he reopened the email investigation.

Sure, dope. That's exactly what Mueller concluded.

On October 28, 2016, days before the election, Comey notified Congress that the FBI had started looking into newly discovered emails. --- Oh oh the Democrats wanted his head. Funny how partisan you are. And stupid.


Is that your evidence of a "derpstate conspiracy to protect Clinton", dope?
Last edited:
Hutch, as I read your back-to-back-to-back-to back-to-back posts, 2 images come to mind:

View attachment 270937

1. 'Atlas Holding Up the World'
Mueller's testimony yesterday revealed a man who never should have been named Special Counsel (due to his Conflicts of Interest) of an investigation that never should have been opened due to a lack of evidence of any crime involving the President or his associates that warranted an investigation being opened or a Special Counsel being appointed. His testimony revealed that he was a figurehead who had no clue who the people on 'his' team were (no clue Hillary's own lawyer was on his team), was completely ignorant to some of THE most important parts of the entire investigation (the Dossier, Steele, Glen Simpson, Fusion, GPS...), and that Andrew Weissmann, a man with an even worse prosecutorial record of misconduct and inept behavior, was the 'Puppet Master' running the investigation.

Even Liberal media outlets have declared yesterday to be a disaster and a blow to Democrats. Several have openly declared Mueller's tragic performance was the 'End of Impeachment Hopes'. The Democrats' / snowflakes entire 'reason for living' the last 3 years - their world - is collapsing....but here you are, by yourself, attempting to hold it all up, trying to prevent it from all coming down.

View attachment 270940

2. In Greek Mythology Sisyphus was a king who spent eternity pushing a huge bolder up a steep hill only to have it roll back down when it nears the top.

You, and other snowflakes, remind me of Sisyphus in that you have pushed this 'boulder' - the attempt to keep Trump from winning the WH and then to have him Impeached - up that hill for 3 years now. Every time the 'boulder' nears the top, every time the goal is within reach - every time there is a new 'We've got him now' moment, the 'boulder; rolled / rolls back down to the bottom of the hill.

Yesterday the 'bolder' didn't just roll back down to the bottom of the hill, it completely ran over the Democrats pushing it up the hill.

Mueller's 2 year investigation concluded with his humiliating testimony that did nothing for but instead was a disaster for Democrats and their hopes for Impeachment, as, again, admitted by multiple liberal media. Mueller's investigation is closed. It ended being unable to provide evidence of guilt, not even enough evidence to indict. There will be no indictment. There will be no prosecution, There will be no Impeachment.

Mueller will try to fade into obscurity now. 'His' (Weissmann's) team members have already gone their own way - Weissmann is reportedly the FIRST to have already signed a book deal looking to get rich off of his injustice.

At some point in the near future both the US IG and the US AG will release their reports on their findings on FISA Court Abuses, 'potential' misconduct / mishandling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, and potentially misconduct committed by Mueller's (WEISSMANN & HIS) team.

These will make that 'bolder' even larger and harder to try to push up that hill. Don't be a Sisyphus. Screw the bolder - it's over. Time to walk away from this one.

I feel no weight at all. I'm simply pointing to and laughing at you dopes as I always have.

Rich pickins in this one.


Rich Pickins?


Wasn't he in that movie Dr. Strange Glove?


I've got you dancing like a fool. :dance:
You are the fool who is being ridiculed for the whole board to see.

You lied about all of this for three years.

America sees it.

There will be a huge price for your corrupt cheating, lying party to pay in 2020.
Since you're a toddler soiling his diaper because you got your ass handed to you again, just STFU. Damn, slapping you around is REALLY easy. By the way moron, Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason. Refusal to do his job was a pretty good one. Comey was never in charge of this investigation. It started AFTER Trump removed the piece of garbage (which the idiots like you wanted done anyway).
Trump has the power to fire Comey for any reason.
Sure he does, dope. Trump just chose a reason that was also obstruction of justice. :laugh2:

No. He chose incompetence. And if you recall
Many Democrats called for his head once he reopened the email investigation.

Sure, dope. That's exactly what Mueller concluded.

On October 28, 2016, days before the election, Comey notified Congress that the FBI had started looking into newly discovered emails. --- Oh oh the Democrats wanted his head. Funny how partisan you are. And stupid.


I'll explain since you're dumb. I am sure on that date you were bashing Comey and now you're supporting him. That...And. You're a partisan hack.
Foxfyre, the investigation into the "matter" (the Obama/Crooked Hillary plot to overthrow our democracy) is just beginning. Get used to it. Mueller should be in prison after the "matter" is settled.

I don't know whether he should be in prison just yet, but I do believe the Mueller investigation was viciously partisan and was conducted with a single goal in mind: destroy President Trump. And in his and his team's eagerness to do that, many good people had their names dragged through the mud and they and their families were seriously harmed personally, professionally, and economically. That was wrong. That was evil.

Mueller is either so senile he doesn't have a clue or he bald faced lied when he said his team didn't leak to the press. There was leak after leak after leak all suggesting they were finding terrible things about the President and/or his closest people and thus damaging him as much as possible leading up to the 2018 election. THAT is election meddling that matters. The Russians or any other foreign powers were teensy blips on the radar compared with that.

I've been around the block enough times to become thoroughly jaded when it comes to believe anybody protected by the left will be accountable for any kind of malfeasance. So I don't hold out strong hope that the I.G. and/or the Durham Investigation will come through for us and expose all the total corruption that existed in all that. But I do hope.
What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

What was Mueller hired to do? Investigate possible collusion? So you've got the Trump Tower meeting between Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr which you on the left are ADAMENT constitutes collusion...correct? So by all means INVESTIGATE that meeting! Get to the bottom of who set it up! Find out who it was in the Obama State Department who gave Veselnitskaya the special visa she used to get into the country for that meeting! Find out what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to her about when they met the day before the Tower meeting and the day after the Tower meeting! Find out who it was that leaked the story of that meeting to the media right after it took place! If Mueller was tasked with finding out if any collusion took place leading up to that election then shouldn't he be non-partisan in that investigation? Why is he only looking into the meeting itself and ignoring every other thing that was taking place behind the scenes in relation to that meeting? Why should another special prosecutor have to be appointed to investigate people other than Trump when it's rather obvious that it was the Clinton Campaign that was guilty of collusion with foreign entities to sway the election?

Mueller said there was no collusion or conspiracy between Trump & the Russians. It sounds like the meeting ended up being a nothing berder, despite Juniors fondest hopes. Why does he need to keep digging?

Because it looks like the "meeting" was nothing more than a set up by the Clinton campaign, NYB! It totally was a "nothing burger"...the meeting itself was over in no time at all when it turned out that Veselnitskaya didn't have what she promised. The questions that should be asked are how did she get into the country for that meeting? She needed to get a special visa from the Obama State Department for that to happen. So who was it that approved that and what was the reason given for doing so? What possible reason would she have had to meet with Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS (the company that Hillary Clinton was paying big bucks to in order to smear Trump with Richard Steele's "dossiers") the day before that Trump Tower meeting and the day after the meeting? There are WAY too many suspicious things going on surrounding the Trump Tower meeting! I don't see how any non partial investigator could look into the meeting and NOT ask the questions I've just asked!

Those questions ARE being asked. Barr is looking into this. If this is so critical, Barr should hurry his fat ass up so we can get some hearings scheduled. Pronto. You act like it's just all been dismissed by the justice department. Not so.
tRump has made conservative victimhood a way of life for the whole party.


Will there be Metamucil and creamed corn?
Subjects of an investigation don't obstruct that investigation with the intent of aiding the investigators, dope.
Hate less and think more, and you will look stupid less often.

1. The Executive is always ultimately in charge of every Executive Branch investigation. Period. Mueller didn't magically move to a 4th branch of government or become King when his Witchhunt began.

2. Since Trump was completely innocent of the baseless charge of colluding with Russia, Justice demanded he be found so.

3. Mueller admitted that Trump never, ever, ever interfered with his Witchhunt.

4. The Witchhunt found nothing on Trump. Zero. NADDA. Zilch..

You didn't "think" at all, dope.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

No, mr. fakey mcfakerson, it is you who can't think. Whenever that "MAY" shows up in a legal report, it means it didn't happen. Because if it had happened, there wouldn't be a "MAY" in front of it. The dems rely on stupid people, like you, to carry their water, but intelligent people know that putting that qualifier in renders all the rest moot.

But we understand the consequences of perjury, and so do the assholes who wrote that ridiculous report.

Clearly you're too stupid to understand.

No. "May" means exactly what it says, dope.
It may have happened but there is no conclusion or confirmation that it did.

Subjects of an investigation don't obstruct that investigation with the intent of aiding the investigators, dope.
Hate less and think more, and you will look stupid less often.

1. The Executive is always ultimately in charge of every Executive Branch investigation. Period. Mueller didn't magically move to a 4th branch of government or become King when his Witchhunt began.

2. Since Trump was completely innocent of the baseless charge of colluding with Russia, Justice demanded he be found so.

3. Mueller admitted that Trump never, ever, ever interfered with his Witchhunt.

4. The Witchhunt found nothing on Trump. Zero. NADDA. Zilch..

You didn't "think" at all, dope.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

No, mr. fakey mcfakerson, it is you who can't think. Whenever that "MAY" shows up in a legal report, it means it didn't happen. Because if it had happened, there wouldn't be a "MAY" in front of it. The dems rely on stupid people, like you, to carry their water, but intelligent people know that putting that qualifier in renders all the rest moot.

But we understand the consequences of perjury, and so do the assholes who wrote that ridiculous report.

Clearly you're too stupid to understand.

No. "May" means exactly what it says, dope.
It may have happened but there is no conclusion or confirmation that it did.

Geez, that's called "Not Guilty" in a Court of Law.

Thanks for playing Putin's Lil Buttplug.

Subjects of an investigation don't obstruct that investigation with the intent of aiding the investigators, dope.
Hate less and think more, and you will look stupid less often.

1. The Executive is always ultimately in charge of every Executive Branch investigation. Period. Mueller didn't magically move to a 4th branch of government or become King when his Witchhunt began.

2. Since Trump was completely innocent of the baseless charge of colluding with Russia, Justice demanded he be found so.

3. Mueller admitted that Trump never, ever, ever interfered with his Witchhunt.

4. The Witchhunt found nothing on Trump. Zero. NADDA. Zilch..

You didn't "think" at all, dope.
10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller

No, mr. fakey mcfakerson, it is you who can't think. Whenever that "MAY" shows up in a legal report, it means it didn't happen. Because if it had happened, there wouldn't be a "MAY" in front of it. The dems rely on stupid people, like you, to carry their water, but intelligent people know that putting that qualifier in renders all the rest moot.

But we understand the consequences of perjury, and so do the assholes who wrote that ridiculous report.

Clearly you're too stupid to understand.

No. "May" means exactly what it says, dope.
It may have happened but there is no conclusion or confirmation that it did.

Geez, that's called "Not Guilty" in a Court of Law.

Thanks for playing Putin's Lil Buttplug.


you cant indict Trump and GET HIS LYING ASS IN A COURT OF LAW -

Thanks for playing u moron
It was. He's already testified. They released transcripts back in January I think. I know it's a popular conspiracy theory among conservatives, but it's already been looked at a passed on.

You're claiming that Mueller brought Glenn Simpson in and questioned him about his meetings with Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after the Trump Tower meeting? Would you care to explain why neither Simpson nor Fusion GPS is mentioned in in connection with the Mueller report despite the meeting being the focus of 14 pages of the Mueller Report? Would you like to explain this testimony given by Mueller?
"At the hearing, Chabot asked Mueller a simple question. Chabot referred Mueller to page 103 of Volume 2 of his final report, in which he describes “the firm that produced the Steele reporting,” but does not name the firm. Chabot asked Mueller: “The name of that firm was Fusion GPS, is that correct?”

Mueller, who has appeared confused at numerous questions so far during this hearing, looked at his binder, which contained a copy of his report, and asked: “And you’re on page 103?”

Chabot asked the same question again.

“When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting. The name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?" Chabot asked.

Mueller responded: “I’m not familiar with that.”"
Think about that for a moment! The man who spent the better part of two years investigating collusion to influence the election doesn't seem to know who Fusion GPS is and what it is that they DID leading up to that election!!! I mean SERIOUSLY? Did those words really come out of Robert Mueller's mouth? This is the man who we're supposed to believe is above reproach?

What I heard him say was that the Steele business was being investigated by other departments.

If there is some problem with 'oranges' and Dossiers and etc., you need to get your investigations finished and your congressional hearings lined up. Show us the evidence.

Mueller wasn't hired to do that part for you. Have Trump appoint a special prosecutor for crying out loud.

What was Mueller hired to do? Investigate possible collusion? So you've got the Trump Tower meeting between Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr which you on the left are ADAMENT constitutes collusion...correct? So by all means INVESTIGATE that meeting! Get to the bottom of who set it up! Find out who it was in the Obama State Department who gave Veselnitskaya the special visa she used to get into the country for that meeting! Find out what it was that Glenn Simpson spoke to her about when they met the day before the Tower meeting and the day after the Tower meeting! Find out who it was that leaked the story of that meeting to the media right after it took place! If Mueller was tasked with finding out if any collusion took place leading up to that election then shouldn't he be non-partisan in that investigation? Why is he only looking into the meeting itself and ignoring every other thing that was taking place behind the scenes in relation to that meeting? Why should another special prosecutor have to be appointed to investigate people other than Trump when it's rather obvious that it was the Clinton Campaign that was guilty of collusion with foreign entities to sway the election?

Mueller said there was no collusion or conspiracy between Trump & the Russians. It sounds like the meeting ended up being a nothing berder, despite Juniors fondest hopes. Why does he need to keep digging?
Actually that isn't what he said. He said it "didn't rise to the level of criminal conspiracy". Again, an important distinction. Impeachment doesn't require a statutory violation.

I had an Obstruction, but then after a glass of Metamucil, I was Exonnerated, but Dis Stinked up The Bathroom
Hutch, as I read your back-to-back-to-back-to back-to-back posts, 2 images come to mind:

View attachment 270937

1. 'Atlas Holding Up the World'
Mueller's testimony yesterday revealed a man who never should have been named Special Counsel (due to his Conflicts of Interest) of an investigation that never should have been opened due to a lack of evidence of any crime involving the President or his associates that warranted an investigation being opened or a Special Counsel being appointed. His testimony revealed that he was a figurehead who had no clue who the people on 'his' team were (no clue Hillary's own lawyer was on his team), was completely ignorant to some of THE most important parts of the entire investigation (the Dossier, Steele, Glen Simpson, Fusion, GPS...), and that Andrew Weissmann, a man with an even worse prosecutorial record of misconduct and inept behavior, was the 'Puppet Master' running the investigation.

Even Liberal media outlets have declared yesterday to be a disaster and a blow to Democrats. Several have openly declared Mueller's tragic performance was the 'End of Impeachment Hopes'. The Democrats' / snowflakes entire 'reason for living' the last 3 years - their world - is collapsing....but here you are, by yourself, attempting to hold it all up, trying to prevent it from all coming down.

View attachment 270940

2. In Greek Mythology Sisyphus was a king who spent eternity pushing a huge bolder up a steep hill only to have it roll back down when it nears the top.

You, and other snowflakes, remind me of Sisyphus in that you have pushed this 'boulder' - the attempt to keep Trump from winning the WH and then to have him Impeached - up that hill for 3 years now. Every time the 'boulder' nears the top, every time the goal is within reach - every time there is a new 'We've got him now' moment, the 'boulder; rolled / rolls back down to the bottom of the hill.

Yesterday the 'bolder' didn't just roll back down to the bottom of the hill, it completely ran over the Democrats pushing it up the hill.

Mueller's 2 year investigation concluded with his humiliating testimony that did nothing for but instead was a disaster for Democrats and their hopes for Impeachment, as, again, admitted by multiple liberal media. Mueller's investigation is closed. It ended being unable to provide evidence of guilt, not even enough evidence to indict. There will be no indictment. There will be no prosecution, There will be no Impeachment.

Mueller will try to fade into obscurity now. 'His' (Weissmann's) team members have already gone their own way - Weissmann is reportedly the FIRST to have already signed a book deal looking to get rich off of his injustice.

At some point in the near future both the US IG and the US AG will release their reports on their findings on FISA Court Abuses, 'potential' misconduct / mishandling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, and potentially misconduct committed by Mueller's (WEISSMANN & HIS) team.

These will make that 'bolder' even larger and harder to try to push up that hill. Don't be a Sisyphus. Screw the bolder - it's over. Time to walk away from this one.

I feel no weight at all. I'm simply pointing to and laughing at you dopes as I always have.

Rich pickins in this one.

Yes, we know. You're the monkey laughing at itself in the mirror.
No. I'm laughing at you, dope.
you cant indict Trump....

Mueller made it clear that they did not find evidence to declare he committed a crime.

What is it with snowflakes refusing to / not comprehending the existing concept that failing to produce evidence / prove a crime was committed = INNOCENT, as in 'INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty'?!

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