It's No Surprise That CA Is Falling Apart.....Because Most Of Them Support Communism

Another moronic thread of anecdotes that belongs in the rubber room. California is the 5th largest economic engine in the world after the US, China, Germany, and Japan. It has the best University System in the world. And it has the best weather and natural resources in the world. It is the most populous state in the country and it isnt even close. But, sure... must not be working. Morons.
Have you ever tried to live there?
Hellifornia has been falling apart for decades.

I was stuck in Mexifornia during Swataniggers reign of complete indifference to all the problems.

Say what you will about any other state, but NO OTHER STATE is as heinous, despicable, and diseased as Commiefornia!!!!

Although, New Yuck is "neck and neck" with them. Washington and Oregon closing in for third and fourth place.
MN closing fast
Yet people are leaving in droves, crime is so bad that businesses are permanently closing due to rampant theft. Citizens leave their car windows rolled down, and if they are a hatchback - leave the hatchback open to try and stop criminals from busting out their windows just to see if there is something to steal.
San Francisco, once a beautiful city, indeed one of the best in America if not the world - has turned into a quagmire of open human waste on the streets, areas of the city where vagrants and criminals actually outnumber citizens.
Not true.
Do you have more anecdotes. I’ve lived there. My kid wants to live there once he is a doc officially next year. So do 40M others.
I'm really sure your kid wants to live in a place where they have to roll down their windows to keep thugs and ANTIFA from breaking your windows. You have to get a dog and a security system, and put bars on your windows to keep the homeless from breaking in while you're away at work. If your kid's a doc, he's going to have hundreds of illegals filling up waiting rooms getting free health care while US citizens can't even get in to see their doctor.

When did you live there?
CA has changed drastically in the last few years, and it was already pretty bad when I left for the last time during the Bush Adm.
Yep. Nice weather and beaches cannot erase the overcrowding, the horrible traffic, the massive taxes, the ridiculous cost of utilities, the crime and poverty, the rampant homelessness, and the looting going on lately.
You're more liable to be arrested for defending yourself from attack than an attacker is.
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Thanks to the destructive agenda of the Left our government is so broke that it would be impossible to ever fix.

The Leftest have turned our once great Republic into a shithole banana republic.
Thanks to the destructive agenda of the Left our government is so broke that it would be impossible to ever fix.

The Leftest have turned our once great Republic into a shithole banana republic.
Well, there's a quick solution, but that's why they want to take our guns.

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