It's no wonder that blacks are so messed up.

National companies don't like to waste their money opening stores in black neighborhoods.

Because the first time some thug/rapper/criminal gets himself shot by the police.

Black people will riot, loot the store, and then burn it down. ..... :cool:

As opposed to muslims who only fly airplanes full of people into buildings in the name of some fictitious being.
Lame off topic response. ...... :cuckoo:
Blacks weren't being oppressed in our country? Where are you from?
They were, and like I said, I support the results of his actions. The fact is that what they did was destroy the property of randoms, then scream police brutality when they were stopped. They incriminated the police for enforcing the law. In this case, violence wasn't the answer. This was not a war, and they could have protested without it.
Quote the parts you are referring to from your links. Pretend you can actually speak to your claims.
Just go read them, I'm not going to sift through walls of text for you. You can come criticize my views after you have read through the links I provided.

I knew you hadn't read them, and opted to instead just keep denying the claim I backed up. Willful ignorance doesn't validate your claims.

I have no idea what your views are, or I do but I don't know where you are coming from. You made the point that MLK incited violence, now show us where, I'm not privy to the machinery in your head that turns nonviolent rhetoric into calls for rioting. So, quote it, it's your point to make. What you are probably doing is (for whatever reason) conflating nonviolent protests with violent riots.

What a sack of fail.
Well, for starters, he made speeches in Birmingham, Montgomery, St. Augustine, Cleveland, Chicago, and Albany, after each of which there were riots. During his speeches, he also used "double talk" to sound peaceful, while simultaneously implying that they should commit certain acts.
MLK: "I can't recommend burning down Cleveland. We end up getting killed more than anyone else and our businesses get burned."

When he marched in Chicago, and riots broke out, he said that it brought out the hatred in whites for all to see.


What he was doing was trying to get as much attention as possible, victimizing his 'race', by inciting violence from his people, to get violence from the police, so he can claim it was police brutality. They WELCOMED the fire hoses, and the police coming out to quell them. The way he put it, the people marching were "willing to suffer for their cause".

Where exactly was MLK calling for violence again? I'm just not seeing it and neither are you, you are stretching the truth quite a bit to fit a narrative.

EDIT: Nice source by the way.
The Creativity Movement – White Racial Loyalists


Neat how one of it's founders was convicted for soliciting an undercover FBI agent to murder a federal judge. That judge's mother and husband were murdered. But yeah, go ahead and let people like that convince you MLK advocated for violence. Good one, powder puff.
If you completely ignore that he spoke to gang members, spoke before every riot, and was present for the riots, I can see how you'd come to the conclusion that he had nothing to do with it. It seems like you're squirming for excuses at this point.

Are you going to completely bypass that your source is a right wing white nationalist hate site? And has conspired to murder a federal judge?
MLK used to incite extremely destructive and violent riots, then scream "Police brutality!" when police showed up to stop said riots. I don't view him as a positive role model.

Even jackie kennedy said he was a phoney. The only reason he was embraced way back when was because he advocated non-violence.

It was mainly white liberals that were bamboozled by MLK.
I never said he was perfect. But he was against violence. And that is the reason he was so effective.
Yea but Malcomb X preached doing for themselves rather than trying to get along with whitey. Black people need to start their own grocery stores.
First they need to start their own banks to finacne the loans necessary to build anything including grocery stores. But wait…Gaddafi was going to do that for Africa and look what NATO did to him…with Obama's blessings. Yeah, I said it….
Black credit unions aren't a bad idea.

The reason I think a black owned supermarket like walmart is important is because they would provided something the community needs and jobs.

Right now most food stores in Detroit bare Arab owned, don't hire a lot of blacks and they sell shitty food. Blacks will drive out to the burbs to get food. It's sad really.

With 700,000 residents how can or why would a Walmart fail? If they succeed everywhere else, why can't a supermarket succeed in Detroit? They should be OK with food stamps alone.

So tell me why blacks don't start doing this?I wouldn't wait for black banks. Doesn't seem absolutely necessary
It is interesting that you balk at the prospect of a national Black owned bank chain operating independently of White influence. Finance is the key to prosperity and opens the door for enterprise and success. That goal has been unattainable under the present system where approvals for loans depend on the whims of Whites who are part off the traditional hegemonic status quo
Even jackie kennedy said he was a phoney. The only reason he was embraced way back when was because he advocated non-violence.

It was mainly white liberals that were bamboozled by MLK.
I never said he was perfect. But he was against violence. And that is the reason he was so effective.
Yea but Malcomb X preached doing for themselves rather than trying to get along with whitey. Black people need to start their own grocery stores.
First they need to start their own banks to finacne the loans necessary to build anything including grocery stores. But wait…Gaddafi was going to do that for Africa and look what NATO did to him…with Obama's blessings. Yeah, I said it….
Black credit unions aren't a bad idea.

The reason I think a black owned supermarket like walmart is important is because they would provided something the community needs and jobs.

Right now most food stores in Detroit bare Arab owned, don't hire a lot of blacks and they sell shitty food. Blacks will drive out to the burbs to get food. It's sad really.

With 700,000 residents how can or why would a Walmart fail? If they succeed everywhere else, why can't a supermarket succeed in Detroit? They should be OK with food stamps alone.

So tell me why blacks don't start doing this?I wouldn't wait for black banks. Doesn't seem absolutely necessary
It is interesting that you balk at the prospect of a national Black owned bank chain operating independently of White influence. Finance is the key to prosperity and opens the door for enterprise and success. That goal has been unattainable under the present system where approvals for loans depend on the whims of Whites who are part off the traditional hegemonic status quo
Agreed. I just don't think banking is that important or even necessary. Ultimately you're bartering with the US dollar. I got news for you. The bankers own us all. So don't waste your time. Or are you going to create your own currency?

Banks don't make anything either.

Here's why my way is better. Let's say you have a black Walmart. Walmart has a produce section and sell meat bacon chicken etc. There are lots of black farmers in America, yes?

Walmart sells furniture, yes? Well there are lots of black furniture makers in America. Clothes, etc.

I know blacks are very entrepreneurial. Those would help black business owners
I never said he was perfect. But he was against violence. And that is the reason he was so effective.
Yea but Malcomb X preached doing for themselves rather than trying to get along with whitey. Black people need to start their own grocery stores.
First they need to start their own banks to finacne the loans necessary to build anything including grocery stores. But wait…Gaddafi was going to do that for Africa and look what NATO did to him…with Obama's blessings. Yeah, I said it….
Black credit unions aren't a bad idea.

The reason I think a black owned supermarket like walmart is important is because they would provided something the community needs and jobs.

Right now most food stores in Detroit bare Arab owned, don't hire a lot of blacks and they sell shitty food. Blacks will drive out to the burbs to get food. It's sad really.

With 700,000 residents how can or why would a Walmart fail? If they succeed everywhere else, why can't a supermarket succeed in Detroit? They should be OK with food stamps alone.

So tell me why blacks don't start doing this?I wouldn't wait for black banks. Doesn't seem absolutely necessary
It is interesting that you balk at the prospect of a national Black owned bank chain operating independently of White influence. Finance is the key to prosperity and opens the door for enterprise and success. That goal has been unattainable under the present system where approvals for loans depend on the whims of Whites who are part off the traditional hegemonic status quo
Agreed. I just don't think banking is that important or even necessary. Ultimately you're bartering with the US dollar. I got news for you. The bankers own us all. So don't waste your time. Or are you going to create your own currency?

Banks don't make anything either.

Here's why my way is better. Let's say you have a black Walmart. Walmart has a produce section and sell meat bacon chicken etc. There are lots of black farmers in America, yes?

Walmart sells furniture, yes? Well there are lots of black furniture makers in America. Clothes, etc.

I know blacks are very entrepreneurial. Those would help black business owners
Owning your own financial entity is the MOST important route to some semblance of Black autonomy. That lesson was taught back in the early 20th Century when segregation was the impetus behind Black innovation and enterprise as exemplified in Rosewood Fla, ; the Black Wall street in Tulsa, OK and 15 other successful Black communities. Those successful communities had their own banks back then. Today, if the Black Wall street model could be used as a template for inspiring Black passion towards unification, a national bank committed to supporting Black enterprise should be the first step. AND yes, US currency would be the prime tender for transactions but not the only one.
Martin Luther King was a positive role model for blacks. Blacks made great strides while he was alive. He was a great role model. He was a man of conscience. He did not believe that violence was the answer. Who do blacks have as a role model today? Jessie Jackson? Al Sharpton? Obama? There are a few black leaders that they could turn to. Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson, to name a few. Unfortunately, most blacks would call them traitors to the black race, or Uncle Tom's. The problems they suffer from...poverty, gang violence, drugs and single parent homes are problem that they created themselves. Yet many of them blame whitey. Isn't it about time you people quit your bellyaching and took responsibility for your own lives? No one can lift you out of the hole you're in. Only you can do that. Just saying.

Martin Luther King would have praised Carson, Cain, Walter Williams and many others. The left decided long ago that "real blacks" turn to government to be taken care of. Of course, it was nothing more than a plan to lure them into dependency so they'd keep voting for those who paid their way. They didn't want independent people because you cannot control those who are self-sufficient. When any leave the liberal plantation, they are quickly labeled as puppets, Uncle Toms or traitors. The left hates it when blacks don't eat the crap they are feeding them. There was a thread here, started by a moron, who couldn't figure out who the black Republicans were. That is how the left views minorities. They believe they should all think and act a certain way and when some of those minorities realize who the real racists are, they jump ship. This confuses many on the left, who seem to believe that blacks want nanny government to run their lives.
Sounds like you can't justify his inciting of riots, so you just call me a racist. You can't even really call me a racist, for all you know, I could be black. Being black doesn't mean you condone the actions of everyone who happens to be the same color. As I explained, despite his methods, I do support the eventual results that he assisted with.

I don't really admire any human being in general.

You're not black, stop being ridiculous.

MLK didn't incite riots.

Answer my question, can you name a black civil rights leader that you admire?
Prove that I'm not black~

He did, he even made speeches supporting riots.

I can't name any human being that I admire.

I don't need to prove that you're not black.

MLK did not support violence.

You can't what? :badgrin:
MLK supported all kinds of violence, he incited riots~

Maybe I am black, and maybe I think you're a racist for trying to take away my membership of my own race~

All human beings are horribly flawed, and while some eventually do great things, they also do horrible things, most of which they likely hide. Though, the fact is that you can't stand someone criticizing your hero, because you've been indoctrinated into thinking anyone is great simply because you were told so.

Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]
The fact is that he incited violence so that it would be stopped with violence, getting their movement more recognition. They were intentionally inviting people to stop them for more publicity.

Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Hancock, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Patrick Henry, et al

incited an armed rebellion that became a Revolutionary War.

Then again they were white, so they get a pass.
Hey dumbshit. They went to war against the Crown of England, NOT civilians.

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