It's not guns

The problem is Republicans who refuse to address in good faith the issue of gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as expanding Medicaid in all 50 states to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare.

The problem is Republicans who engage in demagoguery about guns in a partisan effort to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls, such as contriving and propagating lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

And the problem is Republican Second Amendment absolutists who adhere blindly to wrongheaded insurrectionist dogma and the false notion that ‘guns keep us free.’

Republicans are the problem, not guns.
The problem is Republicans who refuse to address in good faith the issue of gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as expanding Medicaid in all 50 states to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare.

The problem is Republicans who engage in demagoguery about guns in a partisan effort to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls, such as contriving and propagating lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

And the problem is Republican Second Amendment absolutists who adhere blindly to wrongheaded insurrectionist dogma and the false notion that ‘guns keep us free.’

Republicans are the problem, not guns.

Democrats don't care about gun crime.
All the gun control measures democrats want will do absolutely nothing to reduce gun crime.

Everyone knows where the most gun crimes take place.
Everyone knows that legally purchased firearms are not being used in most of these gun crimes
Everyone knows that gun charges are the first to be dropped in plea deals
Everyone knows we do not enforce our federal gun laws

The ATF is more interested in regulating little pieces of plastic and harassing law abiding citizens than they are in stopping the illegal gun trade.
The problem is Republicans who refuse to address in good faith the issue of gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as expanding Medicaid in all 50 states to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare.

The problem is Republicans who engage in demagoguery about guns in a partisan effort to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls, such as contriving and propagating lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

And the problem is Republican Second Amendment absolutists who adhere blindly to wrongheaded insurrectionist dogma and the false notion that ‘guns keep us free.’

Republicans are the problem, not guns.

Hey Sport: The Second Amendment in that Bill of Rights you're deceptively waving around in your avatar doesn't say anything about Republicans or free health care. But it does say "Shall not be infringed", and it does say that guns keep us free.

You seriously should think of using a different avatar, bro. It's not nice to lie like that.
The problem is Republicans who refuse to address in good faith the issue of gun crime and violence having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as expanding Medicaid in all 50 states to ensure every American has access to affordable mental healthcare.

The problem is Republicans who engage in demagoguery about guns in a partisan effort to keep the base frightened, angry, and going to the polls, such as contriving and propagating lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

And the problem is Republican Second Amendment absolutists who adhere blindly to wrongheaded insurrectionist dogma and the false notion that ‘guns keep us free.’

Republicans are the problem, not guns.
The problem is most gun control proposals target legal gun owners. Who are not the problem.

Correct. Guns are not the problem, cars are not the problem, knives are not the problem, food poisoning is not the problem etc... It's the person. So what you do is, you regulate the people who can use guns, cars, knives, food prep in takeaways/restaurants etc..

So glad to see a gun nut finely seeing people need regulated with guns, just like with cars, knives, food prep etc ..
Correct. Guns are not the problem, cars are not the problem, knives are not the problem, food poisoning is not the problem etc... It's the person. So what you do is, you regulate the people who can use guns, cars, knives, food prep in takeaways/restaurants etc..

So glad to see a gun nut finely seeing people need regulated with guns, just like with cars, knives, food prep etc ..

Oh that's right I forget you don't think people have rights they only have privileges granted to them by the king.

You have chosen to let your government infantilize you.
Oh that's right I forget you don't think people have rights they only have privileges granted to them by the king.

You have chosen to let your government infantilize you.
You are an utter thick fuck with guns. 'Mouth froth mouth froth' " 2nd amendment".

The 2nd Amendment, erasing common sense since 1776 to give retards a get out card. And you forever play that card.
You are an utter thick fuck with guns. 'Mouth froth mouth froth' " 2nd amendment".

The 2nd Amendment, erasing common sense since 1776 to give retards a get out card. And you forever play that card.
People have rights until they violate the rights of others.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.

And we got rid of your king in 1776 didn't we?

If we had just bent over and took it up the ass like you do there would be no USA today and you'd be speaking fucking German.
Correct. Guns are not the problem, cars are not the problem, knives are not the problem, food poisoning is not the problem etc... It's the person. So what you do is, you regulate the people who can use guns, cars, knives, food prep in takeaways/restaurants etc..

So glad to see a gun nut finely seeing people need regulated with guns, just like with cars, knives, food prep etc ..

We do regulate those people....we lock them up....then the democrata let them out.
You are an utter thick fuck with guns. 'Mouth froth mouth froth' " 2nd amendment".

The 2nd Amendment, erasing common sense since 1776 to give retards a get out card. And you forever play that card.

You Europeans murdered more people in just 6 years than our gun murder rate for our entire 247 year history.....

You have nothing to teach is other than mass murder and genocide
You Europeans murdered more people in just 6 years than our gun murder rate for our entire 247 year history.....

You have nothing to teach is other than mass murder and genocide

Don't even mention the British colonialism that carried out systematic genocide of indigenous people all over the world. Britain's exploitive policies were associated with approximately 100 million murders during the 1881-1920 period alone.

Don't even mention the British colonialism that carried out systematic genocide of indigenous people all over the world. Britain's exploitive policies were associated with approximately 100 million murders during the 1881-1920 period alone.

The British were DOUCHES and most of them still are. They I'll probably about the most hypocritical people on earth. They tried to physically take our country from us twice and probably have had all kinds of intelligence and covert operations to continue trying to do that since 1812, using banking and social and economic manipulation. Unfortunately we were drawn together by a common enemy or two and I think we've really had the wool pulled over our eyes. In my opinion if we could have done so in 1776 we should have wiped fucking Britain off the face of the planet. Now they're kind of coming here to live in gated communities and they certainly are not doing anything to preserve our Republic the way it was intended when we first kicked them out.
The British were DOUCHES and most of them still are. They I'll probably about the most hypocritical people on earth. They tried to physically take our country from us twice and probably have had all kinds of intelligence and covert operations to continue trying to do that since 1812, using banking and social and economic manipulation. Unfortunately we were drawn together by a common enemy or two and I think we've really had the wool pulled over our eyes. In my opinion if we could have done so in 1776 we should have wiped fucking Britain off the face of the planet. Now they're kind of coming here to live in gated communities and they certainly are not doing anything to preserve our Republic the way it was intended when we first kicked them out.

Even worse, when the Brits pulled out, they left half of them behind in Canada, which is just as fucked up as the UK. That whole frozen wasteland to the North of us should have rightfully belonged to us
People have rights until they violate the rights of others.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.

And we got rid of your king in 1776 didn't we?

If we had just bent over and took it up the ass like you do there would be no USA today and you'd be speaking fucking German.
And like I've said a thousand times, for you to get past common sense you just mouth froth, "Rights", because you know fine well your gun argument is a crock of shit.

You got rid of no king, the French saved the British colonies. So you should be speaking Frog, idiot bozo.

And as for wars, America has never won one on their own, they even turn up late and claim they won. Retard
And like I've said a thousand times, for you to get past common sense you just mouth froth, "Rights", because you know fine well your gun argument is a crock of shit.

You got rid of no king, the French saved the British colonies. So you should be speaking Frog, idiot bozo.

And as for wars, America has never won one on their own, they even turn up late and claim they won. Retard
You like being treated like a child by your king. You need someone to tell you what books you can read, you need someone to tell you that you can't own a simple pocket knife, you need someone to tell you not to touch a hot stove because you are a fucking infantilized serf.

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