It's Not Politically Correct To Say That Blacks Get Treated Differently In America

Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

Discussed? You morons telling us what you want us to believe and demanding we believe it because you say it isn't a discussion.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
why are you so blind we have a cop hater in the WH. And then reverse it back on us rw'rs.
Since when do "us" rw'rs take the law into our own hands like BLM just did in dallas.
"facts" facts defined by whom?
I'm surrounded by TEA party members and Ranchers, I don't see them shooting people, and having free beer night to get their point across.
You're trying to intellectualize and sanitize your position when I think your point is just pile of ####

Cliven Bundy ring a bell? Handled very differently by the authorities that any black guy pointing guns at the authorities would have been.

More excuses.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
why are you so blind we have a cop hater in the WH. And then reverse it back on us rw'rs.
Since when do "us" rw'rs take the law into our own hands like BLM just did in dallas.
"facts" facts defined by whom?
I'm surrounded by TEA party members and Ranchers, I don't see them shooting people, and having free beer night to get their point across.
You're trying to intellectualize and sanitize your position when I think your point is just pile of ####

Cliven Bundy ring a bell? Handled very differently by the authorities that any black guy pointing guns at the authorities would have been.

More excuses.

More denial, the fuel on which America runs.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
That's because it's an obvious lie.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
That's because it's an obvious lie.

You're awash in denial hon.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

Discussed? You morons telling us what you want us to believe and demanding we believe it because you say it isn't a discussion.

If only you could understand the same applies to you.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.
Marc, I have no idea why Clintons are treated like this. Take it up with your party. White privilege? Democrat privilege?
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
That's because it's an obvious lie.

You're awash in denial hon.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

Discussed? You morons telling us what you want us to believe and demanding we believe it because you say it isn't a discussion.

If only you could understand the same applies to you.

If only you could understand that it doesn't.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
The democrat is the party of old white slave masters. All black people who expect the country to change and to have a voice will be harshly pushed down. They pine for the days of the 1800's when all blacks were enslaved by democrats...
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
That's because it's an obvious lie.

You're awash in denial hon.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.

Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
The democrat is the party of old white slave masters. All black people who expect the country to change and to have a voice will be harshly pushed down. They pine for the days of the 1800's when all blacks were enslaved by democrats...

If you're utterly unaware of history that might sound like sense to you. Strom and co left the dem party over civil rights. Aware folk are, well, aware.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

FACTS sir. Please refute these facts.
Police on the beat see actions by people that form stereotypes. That is a fact.
Their arrests for criminal behavior have formed these stereotypes and as a result all blacks are painted with this broad brush.
Most blacks like Most muslims are law abiding. Are anxious to have a peaceful productive life.
Like most Muslims though blacks are not recognizing that by ignoring these realities and I'm going to list them:
The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Who by the way as Obama once said "did I mention Williams is black"???
Black female head of households number is 68 percent

So with out a black male in the household respect for law and order is missing in most cases. As a result respect for a police officer is also missing.
in 2011 an estimated 26.4 million persons age 16 or older indicated that their most recent contact with the police was as a driver pulled over in a traffic stop.
These drivers represented 12% of the nation's 212 million drivers.

A greater percentage of male drivers (12%) than female drivers (8%) were stopped by police.

A higher percentage of black drivers (13%) than white (10%) and Hispanic (10%) drivers were stopped by police during 2011.

Stopped drivers reported speeding as the most common reason for being pulled over . [note they were breaking the law...]

Approximately 80% of drivers pulled over by police in 2011 felt they had been stopped for a legitimate reason.

In 2011, about 68% of black drivers believed police had a legitimate reason for stopping them compared to 84% of white and 74% of Hispanic drivers.
In 2011, about 3% of traffic stops led to a search of the driver, the vehicle, or both.
Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
A lower percentage of white drivers stopped by police in 2011 were searched (2%) than black (6%) or Hispanic (7%) drivers.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops

Anyone figured out though WHY BLACKS/Hispanics stopped and searched??
In 2012 there were 9,390,473 people charged with a criminal offense:
Whites 69.2% Blacks:28.1%
Table 43

BUT...again remember 28% of those charged are black even though blacks make up 12% of the USA population!

So is it any wonder that a stereotype exists that most black drivers that are speeding are breaking the law?

Finally I ask you to just honestly watch this video by Chris Rock that honestly and correctly points out WHY blacks are treated that way.
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

In summary then tell me why this black economics professor came to this conclusion?
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

Discussed? You morons telling us what you want us to believe and demanding we believe it because you say it isn't a discussion.

If only you could understand the same applies to you.

If only you could understand that it doesn't.

That's the crux of your issues at large. One set of rules for your "side", different rules for everyone else.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
That's because it's an obvious lie.

You're awash in denial hon.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.

Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.

You mean keep posting the truth?

I'll be happy to. That's my mission here.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
Too bad the demographics of racism changed with the country.....
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

Discussed? You morons telling us what you want us to believe and demanding we believe it because you say it isn't a discussion.

If only you could understand the same applies to you.

If only you could understand that it doesn't.

That's the crux of your issues at large. One set of rules for your "side", different rules for everyone else.

Which rules are different?
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
That's because it's an obvious lie.

You're awash in denial hon.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.

Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.

You mean keep posting the truth?

I'll be happy to. That's my mission here.

Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.

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