It's Not Politically Correct To Say That Blacks Get Treated Differently In America

That's because it's an obvious lie.

You're awash in denial hon.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.

Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.

You mean keep posting the truth?

I'll be happy to. That's my mission here.

Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.

Hmmm, no he doesn't.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
Too bad the demographics of racism changed with the country.....

Same as it ever was. ~27-30% of america is still soling itself over a half black president.
You're awash in denial hon.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.

Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.

You mean keep posting the truth?

I'll be happy to. That's my mission here.

Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.

Hmmm, no he doesn't.

Um? Stupid fuck? Get out from under the rock occasionally. Fuckwit.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

Encounters With the Highway Patrol: a Very Short History of Driving While Black
by Jeffrey St. Clair

The issue of racial profiling by police briefly grabbed the attention of the press in June of 1999 when New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman fired the head of the state police after he accused blacks and Hispanics of being more likely to be drug dealers and therefore deserving of heightened police scrutiny. Whitman earned glowing coverage for her swift action.

In fact, Whitman had sedulously ignored the problem for most of her term, insisting that racial profiling was not a practice of the state police. Even after two New Jersey state troopers fired eleven shots into a van carrying four black men on their way to a basketball clinic in 1998, Whitman clung to her contention that the action was not racially motivated. In 1995, a New Jersey state judge threw out charges against fifteen black drivers who, the judge concluded, had been pulled over without cause. During the trial it emerged that on a 26-mile long stretch on the southern part of the New Jersey Turnpike minorities accounted for 46 percent of the drivers stopped, even though they accounted for only 15 percent of suspected speeders."

I don't know, i hear an awful lot of people saying it. So I think it's actually politically correct to say it these days. And btw, i agree with those saying it. Blacks do get treated differently. They are targeted for discrimination for too often.
Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
The only people who disagree are super old and will be gone soon to soon to see their bi-racial grandkids and change their minds
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
Too bad the demographics of racism changed with the country.....

Same as it ever was. ~27-30% of america is still soling itself over a half black president.
If you believe white racism is the only racism, you just might be a racist....
Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.
Hmmm, no he doesn't.
Do some occasional reading and you won't come off sounding so stupid all the time.

Newt Gingrich: 'Normal white Americans ... don't understand being black in America' -
I read constantly all day, moron. Whether we "understand" what it's like to be black, that doesn't change the reality that blacks are treated the same as whites. The empirical evidence shows it.
I don't know, i hear an awful lot of people saying it. So I think it's actually politically correct to say it these days. And btw, i agree with those saying it. Blacks do get treated differently. They are targeted for discrimination for too often.
Prove it.
ROFL! Anyone who believes blacks are treated like criminals by the police whenever they interact with them is simply a delusional moron who believe whatever the party propaganda organs tell them to believe.

Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.

You mean keep posting the truth?

I'll be happy to. That's my mission here.

Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.

Hmmm, no he doesn't.

Um? Stupid fuck? Get out from under the rock occasionally. Fuckwit.

Hmmm . . stupid fuck . . . . disputing your propaganda doesn't make me ignorant. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case. Only the ignorant would swallow your crap.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
why are you so blind we have a cop hater in the WH. And then reverse it back on us rw'rs.
Since when do "us" rw'rs take the law into our own hands like BLM just did in dallas.
"facts" facts defined by whom?
I'm surrounded by TEA party members and Ranchers, I don't see them shooting people, and having free beer night to get their point across.
You're trying to intellectualize and sanitize your position when I think your point is just pile of ####

Cliven Bundy ring a bell? Handled very differently by the authorities that any black guy pointing guns at the authorities would have been.

Fenton, get this through your stupid head. In 2015, 500 whites were shot and killed by police and 250 blacks were shot and killed by police in the United States, statistically proving that more whites are shot and killed by police than blacks, even though a black American is FAR more likely to be a criminal than a white American is.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
why are you so blind we have a cop hater in the WH. And then reverse it back on us rw'rs.
Since when do "us" rw'rs take the law into our own hands like BLM just did in dallas.
"facts" facts defined by whom?
I'm surrounded by TEA party members and Ranchers, I don't see them shooting people, and having free beer night to get their point across.
You're trying to intellectualize and sanitize your position when I think your point is just pile of ####

Cliven Bundy ring a bell? Handled very differently by the authorities that any black guy pointing guns at the authorities would have been.

Fenton, get this through your stupid head. In 2015, 500 whites were shot and killed by police and 250 blacks were shot and killed by police in the United States, statistically proving that more whites are shot and killed by police than blacks, even though a black American is FAR more likely to be a criminal than a white American is.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?
why are you so blind we have a cop hater in the WH. And then reverse it back on us rw'rs.
Since when do "us" rw'rs take the law into our own hands like BLM just did in dallas.
"facts" facts defined by whom?
I'm surrounded by TEA party members and Ranchers, I don't see them shooting people, and having free beer night to get their point across.
You're trying to intellectualize and sanitize your position when I think your point is just pile of ####

Cliven Bundy ring a bell? Handled very differently by the authorities that any black guy pointing guns at the authorities would have been.

Fenton, get this through your stupid head. In 2015, 500 whites were shot and killed by police and 250 blacks were shot and killed by police in the United States, statistically proving that more whites are shot and killed by police than blacks, even though a black American is FAR more likely to be a criminal than a white American is.

I'm sorry, was that supposed to be some kind of justification for something? And please do share all your studies on these crime stats you keep lobbing out.

Primary research studies, not media "reports" of studies or your white supremacist blog sites.

LOL I quoted a British newspaper that had actual stats . Yeah that's some real right wing stuff there.

But how about if I use a PROGRESSIVE website. Would that satisfy your stupidity?

Here’s How Many People Police Killed In 2015

As I sad as a whole MORE whites were killed by police than blacks in this country.

Blacks are of course more likely to be criminals, as proven by the FBI, so they come in more contact with the police so as a percentage they are both more likely to be arrested and more likely to be shot and killed, but whole numbers prove conclusively that whites are also shot and killed by police.
Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.
Hmmm, no he doesn't.
Do some occasional reading and you won't come off sounding so stupid all the time.

Newt Gingrich: 'Normal white Americans ... don't understand being black in America' -
I read constantly all day, moron. Whether we "understand" what it's like to be black, that doesn't change the reality that blacks are treated the same as whites. The empirical evidence shows it.

You've been continuously bitch slapped with empirical evidence and can't even recognize it. Like just now for example.
Perhaps you'll someday catch up to Newt' s level of humanity and enlightenment. But until then, keep up the hate, fear, ignorance and division. It is all you know after all.

You mean keep posting the truth?

I'll be happy to. That's my mission here.

Even Newt Gingrich knows your "truth" is propaganda son.

Hmmm, no he doesn't.

Um? Stupid fuck? Get out from under the rock occasionally. Fuckwit.

Hmmm . . stupid fuck . . . . disputing your propaganda doesn't make me ignorant. In fact, precisely the opposite is the case. Only the ignorant would swallow your crap.

You just got your ass handed to ya bub, keep digging, funny as hell.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

We have a black president, black AG, previous black AG, black head of DHS, black police chiefs, black mayors, black DAs, black lawyers, black athletes, black entertainers. How exactly has race kept these people back?

Does the govt have to be 100% black before you will be satisfied? What exactly do you want?
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

The Republican party is the party of the old white guard. All the white people who can't accept the country has changed and people of color have a voice and have to be given respect. They pine for the days of the 1950's when all was white with the world.
Too bad the demographics of racism changed with the country.....

Same as it ever was. ~27-30% of america is still soling itself over a half black president.
If you believe white racism is the only racism, you just might be a racist....

But of course. Individual racists aren't the issue, fuck em all, all flavors, not worth the bother. The issue is institutional systemic racism inherent in american society and the persistent denial of that reality.

It doesn't go away just because some folk can't handle the conversation.
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

We have a black president, black AG, previous black AG, black head of DHS, black police chiefs, black mayors, black DAs, black lawyers, black athletes, black entertainers. How exactly has race kept these people back?

Does the govt have to be 100% black before you will be satisfied? What exactly do you want?

Yeah because how could there be successful blacks if racism exists :2up:
Clearly by the police whenever they interact with them, and certainly by the justice department in how they are charged and treated.

Yet, self-proclaimed conservatives, rightwingers and Republicans don't want that fact to be discussed, or talked about. They get apoplectic at the mere mention or suggestion of these facts.

Why is that? Why are you so blind to this brand of political correctness, when you CLAIM to hate political correctness so much? Why?

We have a black president, black AG, previous black AG, black head of DHS, black police chiefs, black mayors, black DAs, black lawyers, black athletes, black entertainers. How exactly has race kept these people back?

Does the govt have to be 100% black before you will be satisfied? What exactly do you want?

For this society to live up to its own lofty rhetoric, that's all.

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