It's not quite time yet to bring the charges on Trump.

Probable cause is determined by a magistrate judge. Redacted Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant Affidavit Released As he did in this document. Just because you believe it's because of some "weaponization." of the DOJ doesn't make it so. The judge certainly didn't think so. Neither come to think of it is it an argument Trump's defense team actually made in court.
PC is found by a grand jury. A search warrant isn’t an indictment…geez
You should work on your translation skills. They are way off base. You asked a question. I answered that question.

As I said. I have no doubt that you would have no problem recognizing criminality with people who have to plead the fifth hundreds of times. Who's personal bookkeeper, his personal lawyer, 2 campaign managers, hatchet man, kids, business. All get themselves convicted of crimes.

Who has an array of lawyers all needing legal representation themselves. Who get fined, disbarred, and literally sent to school, all on cases in which they are representing him.

But for some reason you convince yourself that people suggesting that Trump committed crimes himself is doing so because they hold a personal grudge. I think the most likely explanation for someone who is surrounded by people convicted of committing crimes. Most in service of him personally. Is that he is ordering them to commit criminal acts. Hence the mob boss analogy.
Kinda like Hillary?
Political differences don't qualify as real crime.
I agree. That's why none of the things I listed hinge on political differences. They are actual crimes. Crimes for which Trump will have the protection of the law in order to establish his innocence. Including the fact that it will be the justice departments job to convince a jury to unanimously decide that Trump did indeed commit the aforementioned crimes. And this beyond any reasonable doubt. Something that is a very high bar indeed.
I agree. That's why none of the things I listed hinge on political differences. They are actual crimes. Crimes for which Trump will have the protection of the law in order to establish his innocence. Including the fact that it will be the justice departments job to convince a jury to unanimously decide that Trump did indeed commit the aforementioned crimes. And this beyond any reasonable doubt. Something that is a very high bar indeed.
This is strictly a witch hunt.
PC is found by a grand jury. A search warrant isn’t an indictment…geez
Certainly, news to me. So a police officer can't do any investigation before a grand jury has determined he has probable cause?
Being paid off by China, then letting a spy Ballon fly over our military bases and nuclear power plants. Knowing days before it was on the way.
Oh, goody. Let's make up some crime, about something I know nothing about. Good job.
Being paid off by China, then letting a spy Ballon fly over our military bases and nuclear power plants. Knowing days before it was on the way.

Actually, the payload might have weighed as much as 7,000 pounds. The damage from the debris dropping from 10 miles up over ANY populated areas.... would be another East Palestine
Yes, you know in your heart that I am right about this.
Blaster. You have no idea about my heart or my brain.

I'll say it like this. You have what is told to you by Fox, OAN, Gateway Pundit or wherever you get your information from. I actually read the different court orders; I understand the applicable laws. And I'm most definitely not prone to wish casting. That's why you will find me actually honestly trying to evaluate by what is available in the public realm. (Not the media by the way) What is actionable, what is not, what is hyperbole, what is a crime, what is claimed in court, what is claimed when doing media appearances. All the time trying to determine what is true and what is not. Taking in consideration that I might be wrong.

And then there's you.

So, I'm pretty confident in what I believe, and it's with more justification than what you believe I'm pretty sure.
Blaster. You have no idea about my heart or my brain.

I'll say it like this. You have what is told to you by Fox, OAN, Gateway Pundit or wherever you get your information from. I actually read the different court orders; I understand the applicable laws. And I'm most definitely not prone to wish casting. That's why you will find me actually honestly trying to evaluate by what is available in the public realm. (Not the media by the way) What is actionable, what is not, what is hyperbole, what is a crime, what is claimed in court, what is claimed when doing media appearances. All the time trying to determine what is true and what is not. Taking in consideration that I might be wrong.

And then there's you.

So, I'm pretty confident in what I believe, and it's with more justification than what you believe I'm pretty sure.
I don't get my news from the sources you mentioned and you have no more justification than I have.
I don't get my news from the sources you mentioned and you have no more justification than I have.
What do you use. Facebook? Youtube? I'm willing to play. Please tell me why you think this is a "witch hunt"?
Certainly, news to me. So a police officer can't do any investigation before a grand jury has determined he has probable cause?
certainly they can investigate...and then present their findings to the GJ. In the federal system, the Grand Jury does the indictment
What do you use. Facebook? Youtube? I'm willing to play. Please tell me why you think this is a "witch hunt"?
I'm very astute and listen to all kinds of news coverage, both liberal and conservative.
What they have to do is wait till he becomes a leading right wing presidential candidate , or at least a little closer to the election. That is when to drop the ax on this criminal. IT will take a long time to prosecute, but his court case should be in full swing when he is trying to become a candidate.. Doesn't matter, even if he turns out not to be a viable candidate, he can be charged at any time. They still have to wait a bit. This is how to prosecute a traitor to this country. He doesn't even deserve any consideration above just making as hard as possible on him. If he is found not Guilty, it will be done with mirrors, So holding out is a sensible strategy. I've already decided he is guilty and so has much of this country, you can't do otherwise if you literally saw every treasonous act the pig committed on TV , Video and his own words. If you are stupid enough to commit your crimes in plain view of the whole country , then you lose the premise that you are innocent until proven guilty. As long as God gave you a mind to use. You use it.
Take 2 aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.
Oh, goody. Let's make up some crime, about something I know nothing about. Good job.
What did I make up? Did a Chinese spy Ballon float across the United States? With Biden knowing days about it before it got over us? We all know Biden is paid in full by the Chinese government.

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