It's not quite time yet to bring the charges on Trump.

certainly they can investigate...and then present their findings to the GJ. In the federal system, the Grand Jury does the indictment
That's not the same as establishing probable cause. Do not move the goalposts.
That's not the same as establishing probable cause. Do not move the goalposts.
I am not....the grand jury determines PC, and indicts or doesn't.

Certainly law enforcement can investigate, then present their findings...that's sort of the point
Use your own commonsense instead of liberal news.
As I said I don't use liberal news to come to my conclusions. There are recourses on the internet allowing me to access the actual court orders, congressional reports and the like.

It is however funny that you made a claim and expect me to find ways to support it. Guess what my "astute" friend. That isn't how debating let alone common sense works. If you make a claim. It is on you to support it. I'm asking you to do exactly that since it's the entire premise of your argument.
What crime are you expecting him to be charged with?
New York, Georgia, and federally. Georgia is the most fun with tape recordings of his crime. and possibly 10 different charges that could be charged in Georgia. You have to remember That, just like the jan6th investigation, all the witnesses against him will be his own family. His own cabinet , and other Hate party politicians from congress and so many criminals from the past.
I have no doubt this is rhe plan of rhe xiden admin…thank you for admitting they will weaponize the doj against their political rival
You do that when you are dealing with traitors to this great country. The death sentence should be the outcome of anyone found to be a traitor to this country, That means the act itself and anyone at all who supports that act.
yes…my thoughts too…it was treason to speak ill of the national socialist party as well…glad to see your admitting your full embrace of their ideology
Love it when these clowns step right up and are willing to show how stupid they are , The commie routine is proof positive of just that. There has never been a communist country in this world anyway. , and there isn't enough socialist in this country to fill a thimble.
Wow, is this one of the most ironic posts of the year, a leftie admitting to exactly what they've been denying for years, and they're too stupid to even realize it.
Well hero the best you can do is charge your stupidity charge on my ace, because it is my opinion, I don't speak for the party , that is just straight our brain-dead stupidity to suggest that I do.
The DOJ is supposed to be non-political and investigate real crime. Going after political enemies is not what the agency was formed for. No wonder Americans have very little faith in the justice system.
Funny , what a hoot!
I agree. That's why none of the things I listed hinge on political differences. They are actual crimes. Crimes for which Trump will have the protection of the law in order to establish his innocence. Including the fact that it will be the justice departments job to convince a jury to unanimously decide that Trump did indeed commit the aforementioned crimes. And this beyond any reasonable doubt. Something that is a very high bar indeed.
Yes it is and that is exactly how it should be. but all these cases against him are sound and the fact that all the witnesses against this creep are going to be his own family, his closest supporters , his own lawyers, and politicians from his own hate party. Just like the jan6th investigation. I really don't see a jury giving him a out. Unless they happen to get a q anon traitor on the jury. Which I see actually as his only chance to win.
What they have to do is wait till he becomes a leading right wing presidential candidate , or at least a little closer to the election. That is when to drop the ax on this criminal. IT will take a long time to prosecute, but his court case should be in full swing when he is trying to become a candidate.. Doesn't matter, even if he turns out not to be a viable candidate, he can be charged at any time. They still have to wait a bit. This is how to prosecute a traitor to this country. He doesn't even deserve any consideration above just making as hard as possible on him. If he is found not Guilty, it will be done with mirrors, So holding out is a sensible strategy. I've already decided he is guilty and so has much of this country, you can't do otherwise if you literally saw every treasonous act the pig committed on TV , Video and his own words. If you are stupid enough to commit your crimes in plain view of the whole country , then you lose the premise that you are innocent until proven guilty. As long as God gave you a mind to use. You use it.

We'll check back with you in 10 years. LOL
Is the 1,000th “got him now” just around the corner after a long 5 year failure to do so?
We are breathless to see your inbred melodramatic wishes unfold
New York, Georgia, and federally. Georgia is the most fun with tape recordings of his crime. and possibly 10 different charges that could be charged in Georgia. You have to remember That, just like the jan6th investigation, all the witnesses against him will be his own family. His own cabinet , and other Hate party politicians from congress and so many criminals from the past.
Bro, seriously? You HONESTLY believe that Trump is going to prison over the 2020 election? :laugh:
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Yes it is and that is exactly how it should be. but all these cases against him are sound and the fact that all the witnesses against this creep are going to be his own family, his closest supporters , his own lawyers, and politicians from his own hate party. Just like the jan6th investigation. I really don't see a jury giving him a out. Unless they happen to get a q anon traitor on the jury. Which I see actually as his only chance to win.
Look, I don't like this "q anon traitor stuff". To me, the idea that the jury has to agree with your, or for that matter my opinion makes you in my view no better than any of the people I talk to. To put it bluntly, the whole idea that "I'm by definition right, so the other side is by definition wrong" is what got us in this mess to begin with. Hell I don't even think it is as straightforward as you think it is.

The whole idea of respect for the law means you respect it even when the conclusion isn't what you want. It takes zero courage to believe something when the decision is in your favor. It takes an immense amount of courage to accept a decision when it's not in your favor.
The whole point to be the president is that you are now above the law, like in Russia. There will be no prosecutions, no one will go to jail. If it is found that Trump stole government secrets in order to sell or just give away to Russia because Putin is his buddy, the most that will happen is he may not be allowed to run for president a second term.
Because he was president. Giving him all kinds of protections not available to other people. Because he is rich. Affording him lots of possibilities to drag out any court fight. Because it is hard to prove a crime beyond a reasonable doubt, which is true for all people. Especially those that are both rich and president.

And finally, and probably most importantly, because charging a sitting or former president has profound political implications causing pause for a DOJ that is by its nature is very cautious of appearing to be seen as biased.

Having said all that. I believe he will get indicted in the relatively near future despite all these things. Something that should tell those that think he didn't do anything wrong pause.

Just as a thought experiment. Take the name Trump out of it, and just imaging thinking somebody is innocent who has pled the fifth 400 separate times and is fighting tooth and nail every time he is asked to have to testify under oath. Who has his company be convicted of financial crimes. Who has settled for millions keeping other cases out of court. Who has something like a dozen CLOSE associates convicted of crimes. Who has his children while running his foundation be barred from doing so for a decade because of fraud. Just imaging this person be considered as innocent. Me personally I would consider this person a mob boss.

Because he committed no crimes.
The End.

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