"It's not theirs, Its mine"

If the FBI has all these 'classified' documents and 'nuclear secrets' they recovered, why hasn't the DOJ / Garland indicted him yet?

Reminds me of Pelosi telling the world Trump was such a great threat to the USvhe needed to be removed from office IMMEDIATELY ... then withholding the Articles of Impeachment from the Senate for WEEKS while she abused her power by attempting to force the Senate to run their according to HER rules.

It’s early in the investigation. Best not to rush such an important case.

Besides, Cannon is working to help Trump in every conceivable way by slowing down and impeding the investigation.
And the DOJ & FBI are working to f* Trump in every conceivable way, as they did when they intentionally participated in the failed Russian Collusion coup attempt despite having conducted their own internal investigation and learning it was all a scam initiated by Hillary.
And the DOJ & FBI are working to f* Trump in every conceivable way, as they did when they intentionally participated in the failed Russian Collusion coup attempt despite having conducted their own internal investigation and learning it was all a scam initiated by Hillary.
Trump fucked himself.

He took documents he wasn’t supposed to.
He didn’t turn them over with the archives asked.
He didn’t turn them over when the DoJ served him a subpoena.
He got raided.
Now he’s complaining because he’s met with the consequences of his own stupid actions.

Trump fucked himself.
Interesting bit of knowledge:

Judge Cannon was a Lawyer in the Trump Organization.
The National Archives notified Donald Trump’s lawyers in May 2021 that some of the presidential records it was missing included correspondence between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and a letter former President Barack Obama left for Trump, according to a previously undisclosed email.

The National Archives and Record Administration made the email, dated May 6, 2021, and several other documents public Monday in response to Freedom of Information Act requests by numerous news organizations. The bulk of requested material was not released.

In his email last year to three Trump attorneys, including Patrick Philbin, archives General Counsel Gary Stern said the agency has "come upon several problems that we need your help in resolving." He said that there are "now certain paper/textual records that we cannot account for" and that officials needed their "immediate assistance to ensure that NARA receives all Presidential records as required by the Presidential Records Act."

"The original correspondence between President Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un were not transferred to us; it is our understanding that in January 2021, just prior to the end of the Administration, the originals were put in a binder for the President, but were never returned to the Office of Records Management for transfer to NARA," Stern told Trump's representatives. "It is essential that these original records be transferred to NARA as soon as possible."

Stern also said, "The letter that President Obama left for President Trump on his first day in office has not been transferred; since that letter was received by President Trump after his term commenced, it is a Presidential record."

Other outlets, citing unnamed sources, reported those specific records when the National Archives said in a statement in February that just weeks earlier it had “arranged for the transport from the Trump Mar-a-Lago property in Florida to the National Archives of 15 boxes that contained Presidential records, following discussions with President Trump’s representatives in 2021.”


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