Its Official! Cruz Is An Idiot!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Rafael Cruz is a lawyer version of Forrest Gump without the smarts.

1, She sold tech to the middle east AFTER she was told it was ILLEGAL.
Now granted that takes a certain kind of stupid seldom attained by mere mortals but his next move puts him more like on the G-d like level of stupid.

2, He is heading into California with the woman who single handedly out sourced MORE American jobs AND laid off MORE people from silicon valley in the entire history of the industry.

And he expects to WIN delegate rich California because of it. That folks is a pick that would leave his fellow Texan Dr. Phil mumbling and drooling. You do not pick the most hated woman in California right before the California primary and expect to win that state.

These are not shotgun toting pickup driving red necks he is f#cking with. These are some of the most advanced computer operators and programmers in the world. These are people sitting at home with their computers UN-EMPLOYED because of that woman. That truly is G-d like stupid.

Trump was already ahead in California..
Cruz just put a ribbon and bow on that victory.


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