It’s official: Joe has the worlds greatest economy ever

Redistribution will kill Capitalism. That is why it is being done.
You do realize that the concentration of the wealth has been consolidating into fewer and fewer hands? That’s bad for the economy and bad for the country. How about we go back to the 1950’s you guys love so much? Just without the racism. 95% of people would be richer if we did.
I'm all for having all of your income redistributed . As little as it might be.
Just keep your grubby hands off of mine.
There is. 99.6% chance I make a lot mor than you and if not we are both doing great then.
It’s official. Joe has the grandest economy in the history of the world. He has picked up the pieces of Trump’s disaster and added much needed stability to the government and its returning opportunity everywhere. Links are below. Today’s company profits killed it.
  • Highest corporate profits in history
  • Highest stock market in history
  • Most job opportunities in history

The aggregate third-quarter earnings result for S&P 500 companies has beaten analyst estimates by about 14%, according to Credit Suisse. Banks have beaten estimates by the widest margin, bringing the overall earnings beat drastically higher. Still, companies across the board are clearing profit expectations.

The results are enabling a breadth of stocks to rise, with the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Exchange-Traded Fund (RSP) up 0.6%. That fund weights each holding in the index equally and its movements indicate the breadth of stocks that are up or down.


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It's wonderful that Biden is emulating GW...The CEO's and stockholders are doing well and the workers are quitting in record numbers.
You're not too bright.
So far not one actual discussion of how transformational this economy is… how many people are getting wealthy…. How much tax revenue is rising! It’s beautiful baby!
It's wonderful that Biden is emulating GW...The CEO's and stockholders are doing well and the workers are quitting in record numbers.
You're not too bright.
Workers are upgrading their pay. You’re the one not too bright. It’s called capitalism and free market. Labor is getting the best price it can. Don’t be stupid.
Biden has people quitting their jobs, not getting new jobs.
Do you ever get embarrassed from lying?
12 months ago we were arguing about minimum wages to $15. Biden got the market there without legislation. Economy is on fire. Wages are high. Profits are high. There are job openings for everyone. Even you.
I’m an executive. MBA, 2 BAs. Like I linked in the article… record profits. Means record executive compensation.
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You're basically saying that what's good for you is good for everyone...a very dumb statement.
12 months ago we were arguing about minimum wages to $15. Biden got the market there without legislation. Economy is on fire. Wages are high. Profits are high. There are job openings for everyone. Even you.
I am doing quite well, thank you.
Wages are not high for 99% of US workers.
Trump = Low GDP Growth
Biden = Booming GDP

after the scum demonRATS put everyone out of work to begin fucking stupid you retarded sheep are
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You're basically saying that what's good for you is good for everyone...a very dumb statement.
I’m saying the economy is great for all levels right now. But I’ll admit it’s still too too heavy. I’m willing to pass more breaks for those at the bottom. What do you propose?

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