It’s official: Joe has the worlds greatest economy ever

It’s official. Joe has the grandest economy in the history of the world. He has picked up the pieces of Trump’s disaster and added much needed stability to the government and its returning opportunity everywhere. Links are below. Today’s company profits killed it.
  • Highest corporate profits in history
  • Highest stock market in history
  • Most job opportunities in history

The aggregate third-quarter earnings result for S&P 500 companies has beaten analyst estimates by about 14%, according to Credit Suisse. Banks have beaten estimates by the widest margin, bringing the overall earnings beat drastically higher. Still, companies across the board are clearing profit expectations.

The results are enabling a breadth of stocks to rise, with the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Exchange-Traded Fund (RSP) up 0.6%. That fund weights each holding in the index equally and its movements indicate the breadth of stocks that are up or down.


^DJI $35,457.31 (+0.56%) on Yahoo Finance
Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Charts, Data & News - Yahoo Finance
/——-/ Yeah. Dementia Joe is doing a bang up job. Paul Tudor Jones says inflation could be worse than feared, biggest threat to markets and society
Isn’t it amazing how Biden has saved us all and shelves are empty, ships sit off our coast and workers refuse to work but Biden has saved us all!

Also isn’t it Amazing how those crediting Biden forgot that China crashed the World Economy when they went offline because they failed to contain the virus they unleashed onto the World?

Isn’t it funny how so many forget that when Economies like California and Texas went offline it would cause a negative job growth and when they came back online it could cause a positive one?

So thank you California, Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois because they are the true reason for the growth and not Biden!

Now watch the idiots ignore reality!
Inflation is from Trump printing 5 times more money than all presidents in History Combined!!!

Wait, the Job growth is because of Biden but the inflation is because of Trump?

What was Pelosi and McConnell doing during this time?

Also you can give me all the thumbs downs you want but fact is fact you don’t know shit about how the U.S. economy works!
How about we go back to the 1950’s you guys love so much? Just without the racism. 95% of people would be richer if we did.

No, your link really doesn't.
It shows that the balance of wealth has shifted away from the bottom 90% to the top 10%.
Inflation is from Trump printing 5 times more money than all presidents in History Combined!!!
/——-/ Geee, I thought it was Congress who did that? And, why are drmocRATs trying to pass a three trillion dollar spend bill?
Wait, the Job growth is because of Biden but the inflation is because of Trump?

What was Pelosi and McConnell doing during this time?

Also you can give me all the thumbs downs you want but fact is fact you don’t know shit about how the U.S. economy works!
Inflation is demand driven and supply constrained. It’s not a monetary policy issue by Trump or Biden. Nothing either could do except not screw up pandemic reaction and streamline and invest in infrastructure which Trump couldn’t do and Biden hasn’t yet either.
Your claim was 95% of the people were richer in the 50s.
Still waiting for your evidence.
I was clear. If the balance of ownership reflected the 1950’s make up then 95% of people would be richer than they are today cuz they’d own a higher percentage than they do today. It’s math. You do understand math and percentages and how to use them?
a booming economy for the wealthy maybe......which means nothing has changed....
As much as I point out inequity, and I do agree with you, the whole boat has risen. All income tiers are improving but it’s not close to equitable. The top 1% reaps the most benefit.
It’s official. Joe has the grandest economy in the history of the world. He has picked up the pieces of Trump’s disaster and added much needed stability to the government and its returning opportunity everywhere. Links are below. Today’s company profits killed it.
  • Highest corporate profits in history
  • Highest stock market in history
  • Most job opportunities in history

The aggregate third-quarter earnings result for S&P 500 companies has beaten analyst estimates by about 14%, according to Credit Suisse. Banks have beaten estimates by the widest margin, bringing the overall earnings beat drastically higher. Still, companies across the board are clearing profit expectations.

The results are enabling a breadth of stocks to rise, with the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Exchange-Traded Fund (RSP) up 0.6%. That fund weights each holding in the index equally and its movements indicate the breadth of stocks that are up or down.


^DJI $35,457.31 (+0.56%) on Yahoo Finance
Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Charts, Data & News - Yahoo Finance

You Bottom-Third Club members are hilarious.

Wait, the Job growth is because of Biden but the inflation is because of Trump?

What was Pelosi and McConnell doing during this time?

Also you can give me all the thumbs downs you want but fact is fact you don’t know shit about how the U.S. economy works!
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a Job Killing Recession or two while he served. In the last 70+ years there have been 11 recessions. The 10 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!!!
I was clear. If the balance of ownership reflected the 1950’s make up then 95% of people would be richer than they are today cuz they’d own a higher percentage than they do today. It’s math. You do understand math and percentages and how to use them?
Biden spent 40 years voting for this situation.

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