It’s official: Joe has the worlds greatest economy ever

HIghest inflation in decades.
Highest fuel prices
HIghest number of illegals crossing the border
HIghest number of covid deaths since he took office.


Trump handed him a booming economy that was temporarily slowed down due to Covid. It was a rocket on the launch pad as soon as you open up the country it would take back off again. The child molester had nothing to do with that.

By all means, can ANY liberal here tell me what Joe has done, and be SPECIFIC, to help the economy? wasn't a booming economy. It was going up steadily. All Trump did was piggyback on the back of what Obama started. Even then he fucked it up with COVID.
No, already posted this with regards to illegals. Link and all. Definitely not the highest crossing your borders.
Still whining about those short-term loans that were repaid at a big profit to the US Treasury?
Yeah, they were repaid. Doesn't make it morally right to take those bonuses when you're the one partially responsible for the meltdown happening in the first place.. I know, you're a Deplorable, I'd be surprised if you knew what the word 'moral' means when it comes to unfettered greed.
Only a moron thinks that the stock prices of 30 mega corporations are a sign of broad-based healthy economy.

Just sayin'.
Well, duh. You say 'so', and yet that was my ONLY point. I know, you're not that bright. That's okay, my expectations of you are very low.

It’s official. Joe has the grandest economy in the history of the world. He has picked up the pieces of Trump’s disaster and added much needed stability to the government and its returning opportunity everywhere. Links are below. Today’s company profits killed it.
  • Highest corporate profits in history
  • Highest stock market in history
  • Most job opportunities in history

The aggregate third-quarter earnings result for S&P 500 companies has beaten analyst estimates by about 14%, according to Credit Suisse. Banks have beaten estimates by the widest margin, bringing the overall earnings beat drastically higher. Still, companies across the board are clearing profit expectations.

The results are enabling a breadth of stocks to rise, with the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Exchange-Traded Fund (RSP) up 0.6%. That fund weights each holding in the index equally and its movements indicate the breadth of stocks that are up or down.


^DJI $35,457.31 (+0.56%) on Yahoo Finance
Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Charts, Data & News - Yahoo Finance
How many trillions $$$ did this cost taxpayers and how much inflation are we going suffer from it? Double prices for everything?
You do realize that the concentration of the wealth has been consolidating into fewer and fewer hands? That’s bad for the economy and bad for the country. How about we go back to the 1950’s you guys love so much? Just without the racism. 95% of people would be richer if we did.
You mean back before everyone was on welfare----and most people supported themselves? Socialism makes the billionaires richer.
Yeah, that's right. So explain to me how Obama bailing out the banks entitled those douche bags who worked for the banks to get their bonuses again? After all, that is what our little debate is all about, right?

The banks repaid the loans. Why are douche bag bonuses an issue?
The banks repaid the loans. Why are douche bag bonuses an issue?
Depends on where your moral compass is I guess.
I think of it like this: A dude burns down your house. He then says he'll help you rebuild it. Not only do you pay him to rebuild, but he tells you that if he brings it on time he DEMANDS a huge bonus.
Me? I'm thinking, "how about not burning my house down in the first place, douche bag?"
Depends on where your moral compass is I guess.
I think of it like this: A dude burns down your house. He then says he'll help you rebuild it. Not only do you pay him to rebuild, but he tells you that if he brings it on time he DEMANDS a huge bonus.
Me? I'm thinking, "how about not burning my house down in the first place, douche bag?"

A dude burns down your house. He then says he'll help you rebuild it.

Which bank burned down your house?

Not only do you pay him to rebuild,

Dude repaid you, plus interest.

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