Its official.....Republicans giving up on trying to repeal Obamacare

They don't think of that.

They want everyone covered or able to get insurance. They obviously don't realize they will be paying higher premiums to cover all those folks with illnesses.

As for single payer?? Bullshit. I don't want Govt in charge of my HC. A Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well. Good Gawd talk about paperwork, red tape and waits. Oh yeah. Lets let the govt run HC for 300 million american.

What a horror show that would be.

The plans STILL don't cover all the costs of health care
of people either within insurance plans or without insurance.

Thus the resources that are used to cover the rest of the costs and the rest of the population ARE STILL RELIED UPON
and will be depleted by the money redirected under these regulations
(along with the millions spent fighting legally and legislatively because the regulations are contested and weren't written or implemented by consent of affected states and taxpayers)

Obama is gambling on either
* the reforms costing less in the longrun so the transition is worth the problems it is causing
* the transition costing so much that it forces control and resources into govt hands faster

And either way it still does not cover all the people, and is pulling
legal and legislative resources AWAY from efforts to cover the problems left out.

So it is still like a private program that only covers part of what certain people agreed to.

Since it does not cover the whole population, the people should retain equal freedom
to set up and fund alternatives that do.

It looks like the liberal politicians leave out this factor. And forget that the
resources used to cover the rest of the population COME FROM the
people and businesses that are being TAXED to pay for the coverage under ACA.

What if you want to fund options such as setting up teaching hospitals and medical
education programs for interns and residents to serve Vets and the public for free or low cost?

Why is that option penalized under ACA with the only acceptable option
"buying insurance" which does not build any hospital programs or pay for any
doctors or nurses to receive training to serve the public?

Who is going to provide all the increased demand for services for insurance to pay for
if the states don't first invest in developing more schools or jobs in medical care to serve the population?

this is where the states should be focused -- building teaching hospitals and funding medical education and facilities.
I see no reason why that should be penalized by forcing money to go to insurance companies that don't provide the actual services.
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What republican ever said they want to take away people's insurance?
Have you ever heard a Republican say he wants to repeal Obamacare?

That has nothing to do with taking away someone's insurance. Ocare, OTOH, has caused millions to lose their health insurance.

Dear NOLA:
What if Supporters of Obamacare were the only ones required to pay the mandates and be under it? And those who do not want to opt it would not be required to buy insurance under it.

Wouldn't that be preserving the option for those who want it?

Wouldn't that preserve everyone's choice of insurance or health care
instead of taking any choices away?
Finally, finally, finally. Instead of always attacking, the GOP is going to put its own solution on the table.


I hope Boehner is serious about this and will follow through. If the GOP has finally come to its senses and grown a set of balls, this would be a fantastic breakthrough.

Solution to what?

45 thousand Americans dying yearly due to the old "health care" system?

Or was that want Conservatives wanted?

Along with the bankruptcies?


Be mindful Sallow

if you make this argument, do you also acknowledge the
argument of the prolife about how many babies die
because of the freedom to choose abortion?

just because it would quote 'save lives'
does NOT make it constitutional to pass legislation that would force a solution

if we argue for FREE CHOICE in terms of choosing abortion or not WITHOUT PENALTY,
surely we should defend FREE CHOICE in terms of buying insurance or not without penalty of law
It's official: Republicans are done trying to kill ObamaCare - The Week

After vowing to kill President Obama's eponymous health-care law for going on four years now, Republicans appear to finally be moving on.

To be sure, the party hasn't dropped its opposition to ObamaCare. But a shift in the way it has framed that opposition indicates that the days of "repeal or bust" are a thing of the past.

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that coming up with an ObamaCare alternative would be "one of the big issues" at the GOP's annual policy conference this month, adding that such a proposal could come up for a vote this year.

"It's important for us as a party, especially in an election year, to tell the people what you're for," he said. "We're for getting rid of ObamaCare and replacing it with a patient-centered health-care system."

The GOP-led House has voted 47 times to repeal ObamaCare. And just last October, the party shut down the federal government in a last-ditch gambit to nix the law, without offering any sound alternative. True, Republicans have thrown out a few legislative options of their own, but those ideas are generally considered unworkable, and none have gained consensus support

Declaring it optional, expanding the exemption or innovations clause to acknowledge the free and equal choice of paying for health care other ways (as long as you don't impose costs on people paying for another system)

would be a faster way to end the contested mandates and regulations
without repealing the whole bill.

Just require the supporting parties to pay the mandates who opt into the ACA regulations.

And open up the exceptions for any other parties to go fund their own health care costs and programs instead of restricting these unconstitutionally to just insurance.

Is this your proposal or one endorsed by the Republican Party

I have yet to see the Republicans get behind a credible proposal....I doubt I will
your thread title is BS. your own article states they still want to get rid of it.

It's official: Republicans are done trying to kill ObamaCare - The Week

After vowing to kill President Obama's eponymous health-care law for going on four years now, Republicans appear to finally be moving on.

To be sure, the party hasn't dropped its opposition to ObamaCare. But a shift in the way it has framed that opposition indicates that the days of "repeal or bust" are a thing of the past.

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that coming up with an ObamaCare alternative would be "one of the big issues" at the GOP's annual policy conference this month, adding that such a proposal could come up for a vote this year.

"It's important for us as a party, especially in an election year, to tell the people what you're for," he said. "We're for getting rid of ObamaCare and replacing it with a patient-centered health-care system."

The GOP-led House has voted 47 times to repeal ObamaCare. And just last October, the party shut down the federal government in a last-ditch gambit to nix the law, without offering any sound alternative. True, Republicans have thrown out a few legislative options of their own, but those ideas are generally considered unworkable, and none have gained consensus support

Declaring it optional, expanding the exemption or innovations clause to acknowledge the free and equal choice of paying for health care other ways (as long as you don't impose costs on people paying for another system)

would be a faster way to end the contested mandates and regulations
without repealing the whole bill.

Just require the supporting parties to pay the mandates who opt into the ACA regulations.

And open up the exceptions for any other parties to go fund their own health care costs and programs instead of restricting these unconstitutionally to just insurance.

Is this your proposal or one endorsed by the Republican Party

I have yet to see the Republicans get behind a credible proposal....I doubt I will

nothing any republican proposes would be credible to you. if they proposed single payer, you would find it not credible and prefer obamacare as immaculate.
Declaring it optional, expanding the exemption or innovations clause to acknowledge the free and equal choice of paying for health care other ways (as long as you don't impose costs on people paying for another system)

would be a faster way to end the contested mandates and regulations
without repealing the whole bill.

Just require the supporting parties to pay the mandates who opt into the ACA regulations.

And open up the exceptions for any other parties to go fund their own health care costs and programs instead of restricting these unconstitutionally to just insurance.

Is this your proposal or one endorsed by the Republican Party

I have yet to see the Republicans get behind a credible proposal....I doubt I will

nothing any republican proposes would be credible to you. if they proposed single payer, you would find it not credible and prefer obamacare as immaculate.

I would just like to see Republicans come up with ANY plan and not get savaged by the TeaTards and rightwing hate radio
No sound alternative?? What a liar you are. Repubs said stick with the pre-obamacare system. It worked just fine.
Even with the pre-existing conditions, the repeal of coverage when you got seriously sick, the rising premiums? Sounds great, doesn't it!

Not great, but it worked pretty well. Most people were pleased with the prior system. That's why obozo lied about how "you can keep your present plan". Without that lie, it would have never passed.

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