It's Official: The GOP Exacts Revenge! Ousts Muslim Ilhan Omar From Foreign Affairs Committee

You reap what you sow the Democrats knew this would happen when they were the minority party for what they did when they were the majority. This it's only wrong when the other side does it mindset only plays to the blindest of the partisans. The party should be the one to decide who represents them on committees not the Speaker of the moment but Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats decided that was not the case when she was Speaker so this is now where we are.
It's done! It had to be done. She was a threat to national security. Now she needs to be deported.

You are the Nazi who needs to be deported. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said anti-semitic things. Republicans are okay with that. Paul Gosar has associations with a white supremacist and that is okay.
'Extracts Revenge'?

Omar is a heavily documents anti-Semite, her comments thoroughly recorded, and the Democrats repeated defense of Omar's anti-Semitic comments and ties are also well documented.

Despite these facts, the Democrats are tossing out the false narrative that the GOP has removed Omare out of 'revenge' or racism.

Despite being an anti-semite Omar thete are allegations of Omar having engaged in incestuous US Immigration fraud, marrying her brother to acquire citizenship for him, and has reportedly funneled campaign cash to him.

It is not heavily documented. Being skeptical about Israel's policies do not make you anti-semitic. Let's talk about Marjorie Taylor Greene's Jewish space lasers. This was about revenge.
You reap what you sow the Democrats knew this would happen when they were the minority party for what they did when they were the majority. This it's only wrong when the other side does it mindset only plays to the blindest of the partisans. The party should be the one to decide who represents them on committees not the Speaker of the moment but Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats decided that was not the case when she was Speaker so this is now where we are.

It is not okay for members of Congress to threaten other members. If this was in a regular workplace, this would mean termination. That is what Gosar did.
The thread title is kind of misleading though. Yes, nobody as racist, anti-semitic, angry & hateful and derogatory toward various groups as she is has any business on the Foreign Affairs Committee--not sure what Committee she could serve on that she wouldn't be a problem--but recognizing the problem isn't revenge. It's common sense. Just like tossing people as dishonest as Schiff and Swalwell off the Intelligence Committee where they absolutely cannot be trusted with sensitive information of any kind.

That would eliminate nearly every Republican from serving on the committee. The Republican Party is the party of hate. There is no problem with her. This is revenge.
Here is just one example:

And this:
"CNN host Dana Bash, who is Jewish, read a list of grievances against Omar that Republicans presented at their conference last week, which they said warrants her removal. “Included in that list is that you said that Israel hypnotized the world,” Bash said. “You said Israel is an apartheid regime, that politicians with pro-Israel stance — stances were all about the Benjamins, which you very notably apologized for; that you support the BDS movement, which a lot of people think is rooted in antisemitism; compared the U.S. and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban.”

And this:

Her 'apologies' eventually fall on deaf ears when she does it again and again. Nobody like her on either side of the aisle should ever be on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

She has a right to her opinion. The Republican Party is no different than the Taliban. She has a right to her opinion. Her opposing Israel's policies do not make her anti-semitic. Many of Netanyahu's were anti-Muslim. Dana Bash is wrong.
Being against Israel, or even supporting the Palestinian cause, does not make one an anti-Semite. That is just a dog whistle that the Zionist Jews use to counter criticism.

For instance, if I were to point out that Netanyahu has been indicted on corruptions charges and refuses to step aside his supporters would scream, "anti-Semite". If I would to tell you that the Israelis are now locking Palestinians out of their homes without due process they would scream, "anti-Semite". If I would to claim that Netanyahu's ragtag coalition of religious nut cases was attempting to undermine the Israeli court system and fundamentally alter the fragile Jewish democracy, you betcha, they going to scream "anti-Semite".

But now, well I am really going to be asking for it. Part of Netanyahu's coalition includes the Haredim, estimated to be about 12% of the population but the real strict adherents probably account for about 8%. You know those commercials, send money to help the starving people of Israel, yep, that is them. They are starving because they got about 8 kids each and the man claims he is religiously obligated to hang out at the synagogue all day and study the Torah. He can't work a job, he can't help with the kids, he can't do any housework, hell half the time he can't even come home. Too busy studying the Torah.

Tell me, what do you think of a black man, that has eight kids from four different women, doesn't work or support those kids, and hangs out at the barbershop with his bro's day and night? Meanwhile those children and his baby mamas are dependent on the government and charity. THAT'S THE HAREDIM. Studying the Torah my ass.

Now, since they are a critical part of Netanyahu's coalition they want exemption from mandatory military service. They don't work, they don't support their children, and now, well they don't even want to serve the government that gives them everything they have. Yep, a special place in hell is waiting for these yahoos. But before they get there, it is time we eliminated all aid to a country that, not only allows that type of behavior, but openly encourages it.
Her remarks have nothing to do with your rambling post 👍
I love the fact that I'm under your skin.

Jack, as usual, that is only your arrogantly inaccurate, bloviating ego again misleading you with blind vanity that you are EVER under my skin here! You just happen in threads. And I just happen to have a good nose for bullshit from other people like you. If you don't want people commenting on your thoughts then you should give up social media and put it in the box along with your failed garage dreams and go back to whatever else it is that you do badly. Macrame? Chicken-stuffing? Painting the eyes on cheap, roadside-stand tourist pottery?

But you ARE under most everyone's NOSE here! Have you even showered recently? :smoke:

Or maybe that is still just your posts.
That would eliminate nearly every Republican from serving on the committee. The Republican Party is the party of hate. There is no problem with her. This is revenge.
Sometimes busybee01, it's best just to say bless your heart, wish you a great day, and let it go at that.
'Yes, Ilhan Omar Had To Be Punished - And Democrats Know This'

That would eliminate nearly every Republican from serving on the committee. The Republican Party is the party of hate.
now now, the hate and vitriol from 2016-present is unmatched since the 60's and all cuz the meanies on the right defeated a candidate whose qualifications were his/her/they genitalia

There is no problem with her.
no there was/is not, I like her
This is revenge.
what is it revenge for?
It is not heavily documented. Being skeptical about Israel's policies do not make you anti-semitic. Let's talk about Marjorie Taylor Greene's Jewish space lasers. This was about revenge.

Do you mean like being skeptical about policies like Affirmative Action doesn't make you a racist? Kind of like that? Democrats(and the MSM) call Republicans racist on a daily basis due to policy disagreements. Democrats need to practice what they preach.
None of these comments are anti-semitic. In any form or fashion. It's criticizing Israel. And there's nothing wrong with calling the politics out.

Again, the hypocrisy of the left raises its ugly head. Like I said above, Republicans are labled racists on a daily basis due to policy disagreements. Yeah, I know, that is somehow "different" in your mind.

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