It's official, Trump is the only President to be Impeached Twice

Prediction. In 2022 the Dems lose the House (because that is what Nancy does) and the Republicans ramp up the Ukrainian investigation and they impeach Biden (if he is still around). It would work great for the Dems which would be the only reason it wouldn't happen but I doubt the Republicans will be able to resist.
ZERO Chance. None. Zip. Zero.

We are going to start healing and uniting. Enough of this bickering. Biden may be a corpse but he is fairly benign and with Trump gone, Nancy will calm down as well.
Pedo Joe could have been a uniter and leader by telling the party he runs to grow up and move on.

He is neither.

Why in the world would we even need Joe to be a “uniter”? It's not like the guy we have in there now is a divider, is it?
No the one before him, that jack ass divided this country like no one ever has.

Sure he did. He left office with a 60% approval rating and conducted himself with dignity and competence. You freaks couldn't handle the black dude being in charge. That's your division.
Again you bring race, I bring facts. That boy divided this country like no one before. Heck 60% of Americans were afraid of being called a racist is the only reason he had that approval rating.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.
Yup..the next time a Democratic President sends his goons into the Capital to beat people and terrify lawmakers..I hope that the Republicans have the guts to impeach and convict.
niggas not that smart they just burn down business where they live

You prove neither are redneck racist.

And you just showed yourself to a bigoted idiot. Jo surprise there. What's funny is you'll believe any bullshit they shovel down your piehole. No matter how ridiculous it might be.

Because you're dumb as a fence post.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

And he'll be the first President to be exonerated twice as well.

Trump's point about being attacked pointlessly proven again.

Sleepy Joe will be coronated in less than a week. One would think libs would be celebrating what a tremendous time they expect America to have under the sedated one's rule. But instead, Trump continues to rule the News Cycle.

Who is going to exonerate him? Trump Humpers.

If they have a trial and have a vote, Trump will be exonerated by the Senate.

And after he is, him stock will rise as the only President ever twice-exonerated.

Trump is pretty much finished. Look at the list of companies and banks that have turned against him... even the PGA.. Storming the Capitol was a really bad mistake.
ZERO Chance. None. Zip. Zero.

We are going to start healing and uniting. Enough of this bickering. Biden may be a corpse but he is fairly benign and with Trump gone, Nancy will calm down as well.
Republicans will want their pound of flesh, so they'll do their usual trumping up of nothing burgers and impeach Biden for putting his foot up on the Presidential desk or some nonsense.

No chance. ZERO! They may not even win the House in 2022. The Country has move Left. Did you miss that?

Did it?

Pelosi lost House Seats and even though the Democrats won those two Senate Seats that was because of Trump and his gang stupidity, so I believe Democrats will lose big in 2022 and the House Flips which will lead to a hostile Congress against Biden or Harris...
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Does it make you feel better now? :itsok:

It’s so pathetic how desperate you lefties are.

It just goes to prove that on January 21st, the most important and influential person in the world will be Donald J. Trump.

Not as POTUS he won't.
Does he need to be? Dems are awfully frightened of him.

Yea because of the damage he is doing to this country.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.
Yup..the next time a Democratic President sends his goons into the Capital to beat people and terrify lawmakers..I hope that the Republicans have the guts to impeach and convict.
niggas not that smart they just burn down business where they live

You prove neither are redneck racist.

And you just showed yourself to a bigoted idiot. Jo surprise there. What's funny is you'll believe any bullshit they shovel down your piehole. No matter how ridiculous it might be.

Because you're dumb as a fence post.

I take that as a compliment coming from a dumb ass Trump Humper. If Trump told you shit doesn't stink you would believe it.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Mitch McConnell wants Trump impeached and convicted because he's such a threat to the GOP.. Trump probably won't run in 2024, but he could tease and tease and divide the party. Trump is Typhoid Mary except with Proud Boys and other extremists.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Does it make you feel better now? :itsok:

It’s so pathetic how desperate you lefties are.

It just goes to prove that on January 21st, the most important and influential person in the world will be Donald J. Trump.

Not as POTUS he won't.
Does he need to be? Dems are awfully frightened of him.

From the looks of things, the Republican Leaders (sarcasm) seem more afraid of him than the Democrats.
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The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.
Yup..the next time a Democratic President sends his goons into the Capital to beat people and terrify lawmakers..I hope that the Republicans have the guts to impeach and convict.
The problem is, Trump didnt do that, yet you still impeached him. He never told anyone to riot.
I did not impeach anyone...nor would I...did I have the power. He never told anyone to so many words...but the riot was already planned...and he did send the crowd to the Capital..what did he think was going to happen? It was the height of irresponsibility--but I would not impeach..I would not have impeached the first time either.

My way..was to vote him out...and that is what happened. I would give him no energy at opposition...just treat him like a lame-duck two-year old. Ignore the whining and the tantrums..and erase him, once he's out of office. Reduce him to ordinary citizen..and let the law take its course.
Simple as that.
He is going to be a martyr for a ton of people now, and the silencing of conservatives and calling their rhetoric dangerous, getting people fired, etc, is going to enrage the right. Its all fun and games until half the population no longer feels they have a voice, then violence WILL occur. I dont want that shit to happen. I dont want my party to be the embarrassing fucking party that riots all the time, but the left is crossing a dangerous line now and im afraid that people arent going to take it much longer. The left has simply gone too far this time.

The line was crossed big time on Jan 6th. My Oath is to the Nation, not to one single man and certainly not any of that blindly support him. If it takes getting Rump out of ALL Federal Offices forever then that's what we need to do. We came dangerously close to becoming a Banana Republic and it was stopped only by two decrees; The Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). While I no longer am under the UCMJ, I am still under my oath to the Constitution of the United States. Not one man or one small group. And certainly not you.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

And he'll be the first President to be exonerated twice as well.

Trump's point about being attacked pointlessly proven again.

Sleepy Joe will be coronated in less than a week. One would think libs would be celebrating what a tremendous time they expect America to have under the sedated one's rule. But instead, Trump continues to rule the News Cycle.

Who is going to exonerate him? Trump Humpers.

If they have a trial and have a vote, Trump will be exonerated by the Senate.

And after he is, him stock will rise as the only President ever twice-exonerated.

Trump is pretty much finished. Look at the list of companies and banks that have turned against him... even the PGA.. Storming the Capitol was a really bad mistake.

It was his last Hurrah.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.
Thats extremely shameful, for democrats i mean. But hey, now that you have set the precedent, republicans can now return the favor in the future.
Yup..the next time a Democratic President sends his goons into the Capital to beat people and terrify lawmakers..I hope that the Republicans have the guts to impeach and convict.
niggas not that smart they just burn down business where they live

You prove neither are redneck racist.

And you just showed yourself to a bigoted idiot. Jo surprise there. What's funny is you'll believe any bullshit they shovel down your piehole. No matter how ridiculous it might be.

Because you're dumb as a fence post.

I take that as a compliment coming from a dumb ass Trump Humper. If Trump told you shit doesn't stink you would believe it.

It only goes to prove, they are what they eat.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Mitch McConnell wants Trump impeached and convicted because he's such a threat to the GOP.. Trump probably won't run in 2024, but he could tease and tease and divide the party. Trump is Typhoid Mary except with Proud Boys and other extremists.

Which still makes him very dangerous. What's left for supporters are primarily the military extreme right. The only other option, at this point, is to completely remove Rump from general population.
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All those votes from turncoat Republican did was give the asshole Democrats the ability to say it was a "bipartisan" vote. It would have passed without the Republican votes.

That is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Especially knowing all this crap is nothing more than the Democrat filth taking the heat off the fact they stole the election. Dirty Democrat politics and a few weak minded Republicans helped them, as usual.
The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Mitch McConnell wants Trump impeached and convicted because he's such a threat to the GOP.. Trump probably won't run in 2024, but he could tease and tease and divide the party. Trump is Typhoid Mary except with Proud Boys and other extremists.

Which still makes him very dangerous. What's left for supporters are primarily the military extreme right. The only other option, at this point, is to completely remove Rump from general population.

Trump is a symptom of hard right nationalism, autocracy and racism that is spreading worldwide. That's why Trump has embraced Proud Boys, QAnon and other fringe people.
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The vote is 232 to 197 with 10 Republicans voting to impeach. This is worth noting. The actual Senate vote won't happen until after Jan 20th the way Moscow Mitch has it worked out. Mitch is going to address this (according to Mitch) on the 19th. Meaning, it won't be voted on until at least the 20th. With a 50/50 split, if they can get 10 Republican Senators to vote for conviction then that's 60. There is a good chance that Mitch will be one of those that will vote to convict. On that alone, the number of Republicans will be closer to 16. As it stands, there are 6 solid Republican Senators that will vote to convict. That means that they only need 4.

Yah, I know, you rumpsters will all say it's not going to happen but you have been so wrong for so long. Think of this, Rump is now the ONLY President to be Impeached twice. I wonder if he gets not only one asterisk next to his name when listed or does he get two.

There is no cite on this one. This is real time.

Mitch McConnell wants Trump impeached and convicted because he's such a threat to the GOP.. Trump probably won't run in 2024, but he could tease and tease and divide the party. Trump is Typhoid Mary except with Proud Boys and other extremists.

Which still makes him very dangerous. What's left for supporters are primarily the military extreme right. The only other option, at this point, is to completely remove Rump from general population.

Trump is a symptom of hard right nationalism, autocracy and racism that is spreading worldwide. That's why Trump has embraced Proud Boys, QAnon and other fringe people.

And Rump, himself, was raised as a hard core John Birch Society. Hence the "Commie under every bed" routine. The JBS was sent packing by the Goldwater Organization (GOP) in 1964 because they kept trying to get these same issues into the GOP plank. They were finally allowed back in in the middle 80s and have been slowly chipping away. And not one single one will own up to being a JBSer. But if you look at the Rump methods and beliefs, you will see that is exactly where it comes from. The JBS is a strong supporter of Fascism where THEY are in charge and everyone else is subservant to them.
All those votes from turncoat Republican did was give the asshole Democrats the ability to say it was a "bipartisan" vote. It would have passed without the Republican votes.

That is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Especially knowing all this crap is nothing more than the Democrat filth taking the heat off the fact they stole the election. Dirty Democrat politics and a few weak minded Republicans helped them, as usual.

Nobody stole the election.. Trump just lost by 8 million votes. There have been repeated audits and recounts and 60 lawsuits. Trump is just angry in self pity mode and lashing out at everyone.. Trump threw it all away because he's a moron.
Prediction. In 2022 the Dems lose the House (because that is what Nancy does) and the Republicans ramp up the Ukrainian investigation and they impeach Biden (if he is still around). It would work great for the Dems which would be the only reason it wouldn't happen but I doubt the Republicans will be able to resist.
ZERO Chance. None. Zip. Zero.

We are going to start healing and uniting. Enough of this bickering. Biden may be a corpse but he is fairly benign and with Trump gone, Nancy will calm down as well.
Pedo Joe could have been a uniter and leader by telling the party he runs to grow up and move on.

He is neither.

Why in the world would we even need Joe to be a “uniter”? It's not like the guy we have in there now is a divider, is it?
No the one before him, that jack ass divided this country like no one ever has.

Sure he did. He left office with a 60% approval rating and conducted himself with dignity and competence. You freaks couldn't handle the black dude being in charge. That's your division.
Again you bring race, I bring facts. That boy divided this country like no one before. Heck 60% of Americans were afraid of being called a racist is the only reason he had that approval rating.

Really? Do you think Ben Carson or Candace Owens can boast of a 60% approval rating?

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs ...
View attachment 442470
Claim: "CIA Whistleblower Exposes Biden's Alleged Role with the Deaths of SEAL Team."
View attachment 442471
Fact checked by

Fact check: Biden did not leak SEAL Team 6 identities
Aug 18, 2020 · The parents of Aaron Vaughn, a SEAL Team 6 member killed in the attack but not believed to have been on the mission that killed bin Laden, have …
Factcheck. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't care at all, do you?
I care about the lives of our military servicemen and -women. Democrats don't. Run along now, kid.

Who put us in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Bush, with the help of Democrats.

Last I checked Bush is a Republican.
He's not a conservative. Meanwhile, don't you dare criticize the Democrats who voted for the war. You'll burst into flames.

So now he is not a conservative, smfh. Right, so that is like saying that Republicans aren't responsible for the 94 Crime Bill.
Trump has been an independent, democrat, and republican but his true allegiance is now as it always has been to himself. Trump doesn't give a damn about any ideology, economic, political, or religious.

Correct ^ Donnie even donated to Kamala Harris twice. He's entirely transactional. "What's in it for me" along with loyalty, money and power are where it begins and ends.

Think he gives a rat's ass about MAGA-hatters or the Republican Party?

Think again. He saw an opportunity with the bitter, the demographically anxious and the disillusioned on the conservative side. He exploited it, destroying the Republican Party in the process. Entirely predictable from the moment he rode down that golden elevator.

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