It's Official: Vast Majority of Liberals Unethically Support Criminal

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Gerald Ford protected Nixon, by pardoning him.

Raygun got away with treason in Iran/Contra.

Ollie North got away with selling cocaine with Noriega.

Colin Powell got away with the same email crimes as Shrillary.

Republican Speaker of the House Hastert got away with being a pedophile.

Shrub Jr. got away with allowing 9/11 to happen, and lying about Iraq having nukes.

The republicans got away with wasting $5 trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroying the U.S. and global economies, causing the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression...which the cons also caused.

Your whine is lower than whale turds.
^ that easyt65

Repubs and their false equivalencies such as comparing an event in a single day causing a handful of casualties to Iraq, :rolleyes-41: Its beyond laughable

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Has Hillary been convicted of any crime yet? Heck, has she been indicted for any crime yet?

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Has Hillary been convicted of any crime yet? Heck, has she been indicted for any crime yet?
(dangle, dangle, dangle.... :p )

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
She used the wrong server, which hundreds of people must have known about and no one stopped her. Big Fucking Deal.
Only the absolutely ignorant, abjectly deluded, or completely criminal element would make that statement. Anyone who cannot, or will not, recognize and acknowledge what a BFD this criminal bitch's actions are should be considered as mentally incompetent and ineligible to vote.
How's that Indictment coming along?

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Has Hillary been convicted of any crime yet? Heck, has she been indicted for any crime yet?
(dangle, dangle, dangle.... :p )
Shall we take that as a "no"?

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Has Hillary been convicted of any crime yet? Heck, has she been indicted for any crime yet?
(dangle, dangle, dangle.... :p )
Shall we take that as a "no"?
(dangle, dangle, dangle....trying' to change the discussion of the thread....dangle, dangle, dangle... :p)

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.

Criminals support criminals... wow.
Yep and you guys a doing a fine job with the criminal Trump.

Where is your proof of Trump being criminal?

Oh wait, he isn't. You are full of shit.
Where's the proof of Hillary being a criminal?

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Has Hillary been convicted of any crime yet? Heck, has she been indicted for any crime yet?
(dangle, dangle, dangle.... :p )
Shall we take that as a "no"?
(dangle, dangle, dangle....trying' to change the discussion of the thread....dangle, dangle, dangle... :p)
The subject isn't this so-called indictment of Hillary Clinton? What IS the subject of the discussion of this thread then?
Isn't it odd when certain RWNJs get all vague when the simple question is asked about when is Hillary going to get indicted?
Only the absolutely ignorant, abjectly deluded, or completely criminal element would make that statement. Anyone who cannot, or will not, recognize and acknowledge what a BFD this criminal bitch's actions are should be considered as mentally incompetent and ineligible to vote.
So sad for you that only your ilk gives a fuck.
Please elaborate, what is my "ilk"?

40 Most Funniest White Trash Pictures And Images
Thank you for clearing up something I had already, pretty much, figured out.
It took you this long to figure out you were white trash?
The car parts in the yard should have been your first clue.
Nope, you certainly confirmed my suspicions about your own character, though. Funny thing, I asked another poster to clarify a comment made about me and you managed to come up with a load of trash. I would rather be "white trash", a redneck, a cracker, or any other appellation creatures like you may apply to me than be considered, for one NY second, to be anything at all like you, and your "ilk".

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Gerald Ford protected Nixon, by pardoning him.

Raygun got away with treason in Iran/Contra.

Ollie North got away with selling cocaine with Noriega.

Colin Powell got away with the same email crimes as Shrillary.

Republican Speaker of the House Hastert got away with being a pedophile.

Shrub Jr. got away with allowing 9/11 to happen, and lying about Iraq having nukes.

The republicans got away with wasting $5 trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroying the U.S. and global economies, causing the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression...which the cons also caused.

Your whine is lower than whale turds.
You apparently were not raised by decent parents, or grandparents, who might have taught you that two wrongs don't make it right.

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.

The same elitist criminality goes on on both side of the aisle.
If she were to be indicted, which I don't think will happen, she would have no choice but to drop out. But, it's Hillary, she probably wouldn't.

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.

Yup, freebies win over national security. Hillary supporters just showed the world what matters most to them.

Not surprising. The same people support Obama breaking immigration laws, bypassing congress, and unilaterally changing laws to his advantage. They don't care how many laws get broke as long as that EBT card is filled, illegal aliens can come and go as they please, and more freebies are on the way. It's a show of complete ignorance on part of the Dem voters.

71% Of Liberals Want Hillary To Remain In The Race EVEN If The FBI Finds She Broke The Law And The DOJ Indicts Her

The complete and utter demise of the Democratic Party continues, all ethics and morals forsaken.

Today's liberal Americans have been beaten down by their criminal, elitist politicians to the point where they have given up fighting them to the point where have embraced the corruption and scandal AND their politicians involved.

The problem is not the criminal, elitist, would-be, self-appointing liberal rulers. It's the fact the Liberal citizens do not mind the criminal acts of their elected official or being ruled by the criminals.
Gerald Ford protected Nixon, by pardoning him.

Raygun got away with treason in Iran/Contra.

Ollie North got away with selling cocaine with Noriega.

Colin Powell got away with the same email crimes as Shrillary.

Republican Speaker of the House Hastert got away with being a pedophile.

Shrub Jr. got away with allowing 9/11 to happen, and lying about Iraq having nukes.

The republicans got away with wasting $5 trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars, and destroying the U.S. and global economies, causing the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression...which the cons also caused.

Your whine is lower than whale turds.
You apparently were not raised by decent parents, or grandparents, who might have taught you that two wrongs don't make it right.
And you were obviously raised by self righteous holier than thous that think their shit don't stink.

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