its ok to destroy America

Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.
Funny you asked that, after four years of calling all trump supporters Russian
I said yous twas all Pollacks.
You’s be hypocrite
That's not a Slavic people.
It is in the US
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
So what, judges never allowed evidence to be presented. What is it you’re afraid of to validate integrity?

I've asked many times. Do you think our entire judicial system is corrupt? What about the congressional system or the executive? Is there any part of our constitutionally defined government that you trust?
Only the parts that have Trump.
What city did the Democrats burn down? Kenosha. The police brutality and pandering and driving false narratives, 95% of this BLM/Democrats do. I mean, yes, Trump said shit. He gets banned. When Democrats burn down cities for months and push racial diverseness? People vote for them... I can't figure that out.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
sixty court cases
No evidence was presented. They were denied evidentiary hearings. Stop fucking lying.
Freedom of speech is not for private property entities only public-duh. No private company in existence in the USA has had the obligation to give you freedom of speech. USMB cuts the line on freedom of speech very neatly just like other companies have and do.
It’s an unfortunate fact,‭ ‬but the RWNJs have their own convoluted interpretations of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution and whatever Holy Book(s‭) ‬they hold dear.‭ ‬This enables them to justify and condemn using the same text from the document or book chosen.

Each can be twisted and bent to conform to any situation,‭ ‬and the principles can be applied selectively and‭ ‬in ways that are‭ ‬contradictory as needed.‭ ‬For example:‭ ‬a‭ “‬right‭” ‬exists for them on Monday,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬if they find it necessary,‭ ‬that same‭ “‬right‭”‬ has lost its power for you on Thursday.

Remember the big‭ “‬fvck your feelings‭” ‬campaign the RWNJs had against progressives‭? ‬But,‭ ‬they continued to cry like little girls when anyone hurt theirs.

However,‭ ‬their sensitivity is understandable.‭ ‬An insult from a RWNJ aimed at a progressive has no basis in reality,‭ ‬so there can be no reason‭ ‬for the progressive‭ ‬to feel demeaned.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the reverse is not the same.‭ ‬Any insult offered by a progressive,‭ ‬aimed at a RWNJ,‭ ‬is based on the true observations of their constant idiocy,‭ ‬and is said‭ (‬or written‭) ‬in the hope of jolting them into reality.

Freedom of speech is not for private property entities only public-duh. No private company in existence in the USA has had the obligation to give you freedom of speech. USMB cuts the line on freedom of speech very neatly just like other companies have and do.
It’s an unfortunate fact,‭ ‬but the RWNJs have their own convoluted interpretations of the U.S.‭ ‬Constitution and whatever Holy Book(s‭) ‬they hold dear.‭ ‬This enables them to justify and condemn using the same text from the document or book chosen.

Each can be twisted and bent to conform to any situation,‭ ‬and the principles can be applied selectively and‭ ‬in ways that are‭ ‬contradictory as needed.‭ ‬For example:‭ ‬a‭ “‬right‭” ‬exists for them on Monday,‭ ‬but,‭ ‬if they find it necessary,‭ ‬that same‭ “‬right‭”‬ has lost its power for you on Thursday.

Remember the big‭ “‬fvck your feelings‭” ‬campaign the RWNJs had against progressives‭? ‬But,‭ ‬they continued to cry like little girls when anyone hurt theirs.

However,‭ ‬their sensitivity is understandable.‭ ‬An insult from a RWNJ aimed at a progressive has no basis in reality,‭ ‬so there can be no reason‭ ‬for the progressive‭ ‬to feel demeaned.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬the reverse is not the same.‭ ‬Any insult offered by a progressive,‭ ‬aimed at a RWNJ,‭ ‬is based on the true observations of their constant idiocy,‭ ‬and is said‭ (‬or written‭) ‬in the hope of jolting them into reality.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
sixty court cases
No evidence was presented. They were denied evidentiary hearings. Stop fucking lying.
Since Election Day, the Trump campaign has brought a series of lawsuits around the country in an effort to find a path to reelection, but four judges in different states have now weighed in with striking consistency and similar language -- finding there is no sufficient evidence to back the claims Judges want more evidence from Trump campaign as election cases get tossed

and it goes on for fifty six more cases..
Lets here here, Um conservatives are now banned on say twitter and well, just about every where else. The purge is on. Lets fight that.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.

You mean the same people that allowed for it to be cheated in the first place. Why not one offer to a tech expert on Trump's side to actually examine anything? Nobody accommodated them, and no judge ordered it. This is what actually led to the Capital Hill riot--not Trump encouraging them to protest.

A month after Hillary conceded, she demanded a recount in three states. They all obliged. They found nothing. Now if team Trump were allowed the same, found nothing, everybody on the right would have been satisfied that there was no foul play involved. But there is a reason they didn't offer team Trump the same exact accommodations that were offered to Hillary.
Lets here here, Um conservatives are now banned on say twitter and well, just about every where else. The purge is on. Lets fight that.

Are you gonna demand they bake the cake too? I thought private businesses could decide for themselves who their customers could be.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
So what, judges never allowed evidence to be presented. What is it you’re afraid of to validate integrity?
Evidence was given and it went no where.
Nope never given. No ballots were presented.
The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
So what, judges never allowed evidence to be presented. What is it you’re afraid of to validate integrity?
Evidence was given and it went no where.
Nope never given. No ballots were presented.

So Trump's lawyers are incompetent. If they had credible evidence, it was up to them to present it.

The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
not the US Constitution or even the US.

So an election that is disputed and stopping people from challenging is Constitutional? No transparency and censorship is Constitutional? You don't give a shit about the Constitution.
Your verbal diarrhea and stale rhetoric stink.

The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
not the US Constitution or even the US.

So an election that is disputed and stopping people from challenging is Constitutional? No transparency and censorship is Constitutional? You don't give a shit about the Constitution.
Your verbal diarrhea and stale rhetoric stink.

Disputed yes, legal proof - NO
A private entity (non government owned can "censor" whomever they choose - Yes!
You don't know the constitution - that's your problem to begin with.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.
democrat insurrectionists.jpg
" branch of government tried to stop the other branch from doing force."

I thought that was business as usual these days. If you don't like it I suggest we impeach Pelosi. That should make everyone happy except her handlers.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
sixty court cases
No evidence was presented. They were denied evidentiary hearings. Stop fucking lying.
True. Not a single court examined the evidence presented. They read the filings, quailed at the idea that doing their duty and reversing the election results would result in even MORE burning cities and dismissed the cases. Remember, all that plywood being nailed up over windows in NYC, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Milwaukee, Atlanta and Minneapolis was being put up in case Trump WON....not because they feared Conservatives rioting if he LOST.
The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
Are you REALLY this stupid or is it an act? Where are the Obama school transcripts? Where is the information on how he voted in the Illinois legislature? Where are his passport records? Where is his REAL birth certificate? The one he presented has been forensically shown to be a fake. Why do no Columbia graduates remember ever attending classes with a Barack H. Obama OR a Barry Soretoro? Under what name did he travel to Pakistan before being elected into the Illinois Democrat machine? Have you read Michelle's college thesis? It's virtually illiterate. For that matter, where is Obama's? President Trump hasn't released his financial information so how do you happen to know that "he owes millions?" His net worth has declined since his election...the ONLY President in the last 200 years to have to say that.
Since Election Day, the Trump campaign has brought a series of lawsuits around the country in an effort to find a path to reelection, but four judges in different states have now weighed in with striking consistency and similar language -- finding there is no sufficient evidence to back the claims Judges want more evidence from Trump campaign as election cases get tossed

and it goes on for fifty six more cases..
"Striking consistency" is what the left excels in. They are like jack-booted storm troopers funded by anti-American interests. You can let them shove that up your butt if you want I guess. :dunno:

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